Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 142

The thunder and lightning in the sky instantly fell towards the spring, and under the control of the spring, it was ready to go, and while the spring triggered the thunder and lightning, it had already settled.

"Lei Dun, Thunder Dragon!"

The lightning dragon appeared instantly, and the appearance of the SSS-class ninjutsu showed its unrivaled power.

"Hundred-foot, aren't you called invincible? Let you taste the attack from nature!" Quan said as he directly released Thunder Dragon. The terrifying attack hit Hundred-foot instantly and was entangled with Hundred-foot Lei Dun. Lei clone instantly turned into nothingness.

Chapter 400 Homecoming

The terrifying thunder-dance ninjutsu instantly swallowed a hundred feet. The dazzling light made it impossible for everyone to open their eyes. When the light dissipated, there was nothing left in the range of nearly a kilometer in the direction the spring was facing. Next, even Baizu didn't know if it was dead or broken into pieces.

"Sarah, Shuimen seals the dragon veins!" Seeing Shuimen and Sara have not moved, Quan started to remind them.

Hearing Quan's voice, the two people recovered. Sarah closed the dragon veins, while the water gate completely closed the dragon veins.As the water gate fell, the slightly violent dragon veins finally calmed down completely.

"That was ninjutsu just now?" Hagi Kakashi said in shock. In fact, it was not only him, but even Bo Feng Mizumen was equally shocked by Quan's attack.

From Watergate's point of view, the blow just now couldn't be transferred even if he used Thunder God's art. The power was too terrifying. Not to mention being hit directly, even if it was a little closer, it would be smashed by lightning.

"Isn't ninjutsu what?" Izumi gave Kakashi a blank look, and rubbed Kakashi's hair fiercely by the way. This is what Izumi always wanted to do, but it was obviously not there when I was in Konoha. possible.

Both Izumi and Hinata radiated light, and it was clear that they were about to return to the future.Seeing that this spring directly caught Sara, after all, it was also a key to unlock the seal of the dragon vein.As Quan grabbed Sara, Sara's body also radiated light.

"In order not to change history, I hope that we will all forget each other's things, so let's use each other's forgetting technique."

"You don't have to release it anymore. As long as you forget our existence in the past, it will be fine, but you will have to explain what happened to Loulan at that time." Talking about the spring is the first step to seal off the water gate four. People have memories of Quan, Hinata, and Sara.

The light on the three of them was great, and finally Izumi, Hinata and Sara returned to the future. Originally Izumi was worried that Sara would have age changes because of coming to the future, but it was clear that Izumi was worried.

"This is the future Loulan?" Seeing that the surrounding area has long been deserted, and most of the buildings are buried by yellow sand, Sarah is very lost. The once prosperous country has become such a scene is really embarrassing.

"This is indeed Loulan. According to historical records, Loulan destroyed all the people in a turmoil overnight..." Before he finished speaking, the spring suddenly sounded. I checked the history of Loulan and it clearly recorded it. Loulan's people went to the building overnight, and all of Loulan's people disappeared.

It was originally speculated in history that Loulan's disappearance was due to war, but now I think it might be because Quan took Sara, and the people of Loulan left by themselves since then.

"I didn't expect Loulan to be like this, but there is no other way. Should I unlock the seal of the dragon veins now?" Although she was still very sad, Sarah did not forget the purpose of following Quan to come here.

"I think about it." Although he said that, Quan's so-called thinking is naturally asking the system.

"As long as the power of the dragon veins is unlocked, I can help you absorb it, but even if you absorb the power of the dragon veins, you cannot become stronger at once. Although the power of the dragon veins is strong, it is as harmful to the human body as the stars, so it can only be one Purify a little bit and then transform your body." Before Quan could speak, the voice of the system had already sounded.

Chapter 401 Mission Completed

Hearing the system's words, I was also slightly taken aback. I thought my strength would be improved once, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

"Since this is the case, let's start. What do I need to do?"

"No, but I can strengthen Hinata's body as well. Do you need it? If you need it, you can only temporarily seal the power of the dragon veins to your body. After all, it takes a long time to strengthen your two bodies at the same time."

"Strengthen with Hinata."

"Well, you ask Sara to unlock the seal, then let her mind empty, and I will control your body."

Hearing the system's words, Quan nodded and said, "Sara, just unlock the seal."

After hearing Quan's words, Sara came to the sealed place and began to unlock the seal. As the queen of Loulan, Sara has a special connection with the power of the dragon vein, so it is very easy to unlock the seal. Quan’s seal was lifted by Quan.

When the seal is lifted, the power of the dragon veins is also gushing out, and the system is guiding this huge energy into the body of the spring.The energy of the dragon veins is almost endless, but in front of the system, it is completely inadequate. From this point, it can be seen that the system he has is really too strong.

The power of the dragon veins is indeed very powerful, even the system took an hour to seal all the power of the dragon veins into Quan's body.At this time, the power of the dragon veins was sealed in Quan's body like the tail beast was sealed in the body of Human Zhuli. Sarah on the side was shocked to see such a scene.

As the Queen of Loulan, Sarah has a connection with the dragon veins, so she also knows how powerful the dragon veins are. It is hard for her to understand that Quan has absorbed all this energy.

"What are your plans?" Quan asked after regaining control of the body.

"Me?" Sarah was also stunned when she heard Quan's question. At first, she promised Quan that she came to this era and unlocked her seal just to repay her favor. After all, Quan saved her and Quan liberated her enslaved people. After completing the mission, Sara didn't know where to go. The ancient city of Loulan had disappeared, leaving only a piece of yellow sand.

"If you don't have a place to go, come to my Shinobu Village. Although you can't be a queen, you can live without worrying about food and clothing. I will send people to investigate some news about Loulan. If there are refugees from Loulan, I will contain them."

"Okay." Sara nodded, and she could only accept such an offer if she had nowhere to go.

Izumi led Hinata and Sara to the country of ghosts, and at this time the voice of the system also sounded.

"Ding, the system prompts, the main task (1) is completed, defeat Baizu."

"Ding, the system prompts, the main task (2) is completed, and the dragon vein power is obtained."

"Ding, the system prompts, the main mission (3) is completed, bring back the Queen of Loulan Sara."

"Ding, the system prompts that the calculation of the main task begins."

"Ding, the system prompts, get S-level task mark X1 points of 100,000, get Yan Dun, white eyes strengthening X1, body strengthening X5."

Hearing about the rewards from the main line, Quan was not too surprised. In fact, the biggest gain this time was the power of the dragon veins. Other rewards were also a surprise to Quan.

"Ding, the system prompts that the side quest is completed, and Sara, Queen of Loulan, survives and is favored by Queen Sara."

Chapter 402 Awkward Preparation

When Quan heard such a task prompt, she subconsciously looked to Sara and found that she also happened to look at herself, so Quan could only smile awkwardly.I really don't know what to say about this branch reward spring.

Izumi and Hinata took Sara directly towards the land of ghosts. Because of the existence of an ordinary person like Sara, the speed of the group was not very fast. It took half a month to return to the land of ghosts.

Sara is arranged by Quan in the ghost country, but not in the ghost village. After all, Sara is not a ninja to stay in the ghost village.According to Quan's meaning, Ziyuan designated a settlement for the people of Loulan within the territory of the ghost country. If you can find the refugees who fight Loulan in the future, this is Loulan's site.

"Izumi-kun, what do you want me to do?" Three days after returning to the country of ghosts, Izumi called Hinata into his room.

"Uh, the system is up to you." Quan opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say it.

"The dragon vein power obtained in Loulan can strengthen your body, but the first strengthening requires a comprehensive transformation of your body. Simply put, your body adapts to the power of the dragon vein."

"Thank you Izumi." When I heard the system, Hinata also understood that this must be Izumi's idea. How could Hinata be unwilling to let her and Izumi become stronger together?

"Hey, the system shouldn't just avoid the importance and light it? The most important thing is not clear." Quan very depressed complained, but no matter how Quan complained about the system, he didn't say anything, obviously he didn't intend to continue explaining for Quan.

"Quan-jun, is there anything else important?" Seeing Quan's depressed look, Hinata asked suspiciously.

"This time the transformation requires that we seem to be unable to wear clothes, so you, Hinata, this is really not what I meant." Quan Yi said helplessly, although he suspected that the system did this on purpose, he did not. Dare to make fun of myself and Hinata's safety.

"Quizun..." Hinata blushed instantly when he heard Quan's words, and there was a tendency to crash.

As a result, the whole room was completely silent, and I could only hear the heartbeats of Quan and Hinata.For a long time, Quangang wanted to say something, but he didn't want Hinata to speak first.

"Izumi-kun, I can." Hinata said with difficulty, and his eyes became watery because of excessive shyness. Although it is not the first time I have encountered similar things, this kind of thing is for Hinata. It's still too shameful.

"Hinata, I... that, I, let's strengthen the body." With that, Izumi turned around and prepared to take off his clothes. What surprised Izumi was that this time Hinata still chose to take off his clothes. Go to clothes.

Seeing that Hinata was blushing and Quan didn't say anything, the embarrassment and bewilderment disappeared suddenly.Soon Quan's clothes were taken off by Hinata, and Hinata also folded Quan's clothes and put them aside.

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