Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 151

"Izumi Uchiha, I will definitely thwart you."

"Well, you will be frustrated, but you can't now. What do you think of my idea of ​​using black soil as a sacrifice and reincarnating from dirty soil?" Quan suddenly thought of a bad taste, and said.

"Earth escape, dive in the earth!"

"Soil escape, aggravate the rock art!"

The two ninjutsu was displayed in an instant, and the black soil that was still under the control of the spring sank directly into the ground, and then appeared next to Ohnoki. Obviously this was his masterpiece.

"Good ninjutsu combination, but I have a lot of hostages."

"What do you want to do!" Seeing Izumi's smile on his face, Onoki felt bad in an instant.

"Do you see the lightning outside? The four rays of lightning are already in place. The next ninjutsu is called Leimeng Leiren. I think the intelligence system of Yanyin Village must have heard of this ninjutsu? Its power can be. Directly destroy the entire Yanyin Village, so now everyone in the entire Yanyin Village is my hostage!"

Hearing that the ninjutsu outside was Lei Meng Lei Ren, Oh Yemu was also shocked. He still had some understanding of this ninjutsu, and because of this, he was scared.

"What do you want to do! Don't you want to kill everyone?" Ohno Muwan didn't expect Quan to be so cruel, and once Leimenglei fell, the entire Yanyin Village would be wiped out.

"Didn’t I tell you? Now the entire Yanyin Village is my hostage. Since you are a hostage, I need your earth shadow to rescue me. As long as you show enough sincerity to impress me, I don’t mind letting it go. Other people." Quan said calmly.

Chapter 426: Taking Yanyin Village as a Threat

Hearing Quan's words, Ohnoki was extremely angry, Leimeng Lei Ren, this ninjutsu, he believed that he could stop it with his own strength, but the price was all his Chakra.However, once Ohnoki fell, who else in Yanyin Village could stop the second generation Dokagemo who had dusty escape?

"Did you think about it? What price do you want to pay in exchange for the lives of everyone in Yanyin Village? Let me tell you that Chakra, the ninja reincarnated from the dirty earth, is infinite, and you may be able to stop the thundering people once, but I don’t know. Can you stop it ten times a hundred times?"

In the original book, why Gaara lost to Deidara? Isn't it because of the need to protect the sandy hidden village?Without the drag of Shayin Village, Gaara would never lose to Deidara.The current situation is exactly the same as the situation faced by Gaara. Should I sacrifice myself to protect the village or abandon it?

"What do you want?" Onoki finally chose to compromise. He couldn't watch Yanyin Village ruined in his hands. Just as Gaara loved Sandyin Village, Onoki loved Yanyin Village very much.

"You seem to have misunderstood. Oh Yemu, now is what price you want to pay for the hostage in my hand. If your bargaining chips cannot satisfy me, then I can only think that you have given up the hostage in my hand. Mind direct destruction."

"If you let the others go, I'm willing to catch them. I am the one who ordered the attack on the ghost village ninja. If you want revenge, you can find me." Onoki chose to sacrifice himself, but the price is obviously not satisfactory.

"Ohnogi, do you mean that I can't kill you without relying on these hostages? How confident are you in your own strength? I have the second generation Dokage here, and two S-rank rebels. Do you think you can run?"

"The defensive barrier you released is indeed very strong, but if I want to go, I can leave with the dust. Izumi Uchiha, once I leave, you will face endless assassinations. You may be able to block my assassinations, but The people around you don't seem to be OK. Although Hinata Hinata is strong, it is at most touching the threshold of Shinobu. Do you think she can escape my assassination?"

Hearing Ono Kina threatening him with Hinata, Quan's face showed an extremely sulky smile.I saw Izumi ignored Ohnogi at all, but walked to a wounded Iwanin.

"Ninfa, reincarnating from the dirty soil!"

With the living people as sacrifices, the dead are resurrected, and the dead loess will come back to life.

"O Yemu, you can go now, but well, the others are not so lucky." Before the voice fell, the yellow soil was under the control of the spring, and it rushed directly to the black soil, and began to desecrate the black soil without any hesitation.

"Stop it!" Seeing such a scene, Oh Nogi could still calm down.

"You can leave, I won't even stop you, but from today onwards, the black soil will become an interesting toy. Don't worry, I won't let her die. I want her to be the plaything of the entire Ninja World, of course if She dies accidentally, then I will resurrect her with the foul soil, and she will be the plaything of the entire Ninja World for countless years."

"You devil!"

"Listen to the people in Yanyin Village. As long as Ohnoki leaves, all of you will die. However, I am a kind hearted person. As long as you are willing to play with the black soil, I can let you go." Quan completely ignored Ohnoki's curse. Gu Zi said.

Chapter 427: Onoki killed in battle

"Stop, I promise you whatever you want, put the black soil, and the people of Yanyin Village." Onoki saw his granddaughter's clothes being disheveled by the yellow soil and couldn't bear it anymore, and said in tears.

"Oh? Are you not leaving? Don't worry, if you leave, I won't pull you." Quan looked indifferent, not caring whether Ohnoki would stay.

"I won't run away, I'll give you whatever you want!" As he said, Onoki fell from the sky and knelt down in front of Quan.

"Really? I don't believe what you said. That's good. You can cut yourself off as a sincerity."

Hearing Quan's words, Onoki hesitated for a while, picking up the Shinobi that fell on the ground and cutting off his left arm, the blood instantly stained the ground.Three generations of Tukage and Libra Ohnoki, who had experienced two battles in the Ninja world, completely surrendered in front of Izumi.

"Let's talk about it, what do you want to get." Holding back the pain, Onoki asked.

"Give me the information about Chen Dun, I know you will definitely keep this thing with you," Quan said.

Hearing Izumi's words, Ohnogi took out a scroll from his ninja bag and threw it to Izumi.Quan opened the scroll carefully, making sure that there was no problem. This was the only way to put the scroll into the system.

"It seems that you are very cooperative, so let's hand over your heart next." After saying that, Izumi looked at the corner of the side and motioned for him to take Ohnoki's heart.

"Wait, can my death be exchanged for Yanyin Village?"

"Although your life is indeed very valuable, is it not so good if you want to change so many people alone? It's better to be like this. You give me the wealth of Yanyin Village. You know our Guiyin Village is very poor. What's lacking is money, and those who let Yanyin Village have this wealth let it go."

Quan is now holding Jiaodu 900 million. Although Quan does have so much money in his hands, once it is handed over to Jiaodu, the financial problems of the ghost village will also arise.Therefore, it is also very good to be able to get some wealth from Yanyin Village.

"I'll give it to you, and I will give it to you who leave Yanyin Village." Oh Yemu also understands that the current Yanyin Village is completely finished, and all the high-level officials die, and the remaining combat power seems to be unable to support Yanyin Village. If Without the wealth of Yanyin Village, Yanyin Village will decline even more, but what if you don't hand it over?

"I can guarantee that after you hand over all the wealth of Yanyin Village, I will only kill you, and I won't be embarrassed by the others." Quan nodded and said.

With Izumi's promise, Ohnoki also handed over the wealth of Yanyin Village, and Kakuto also seized Ohnoki's heart.In this way, the three generations of Tuying in Yanyin Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, completely died, and at the same time it was an announcement of the decline of Yanyin Village.

Quan gave the one billion promised to Jiaodu to Jiaodu. Seeing this, Jiaodu was preparing to leave with Fei Duan. After all, the mission this time has been completed and it makes no sense to stay here.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Jiao was about to leave, Quan stopped him directly.

"What else?"

"Although I promised Ohnoki not to do anything to him, but I won't care about your shots. There should be a lot of bounty in Yanyin Village, right? These people can be considered as interest for your trip."

The 428th chapter gets Lei Meng Lei Ren

Hearing Quan's words, the surrounding Yannin were all shamelessly scolding Quan, but they didn't dare to speak. After all, beside Quan, there were second-generation soil shadows who reincarnated from the dirty soil, and the Yannin were not Wu's opponents.

"It's indeed a good proposal." Talking about the corner is the important task for him to earn rewards.

Quan and Hinata came outside of Yanyin Village. Pekan, Xingdou, Freezing Rain, and Chengma also returned to Quan’s face under Quan’s control. Although Leimengren was not used this time, Quan was There is another gain, that is, he learned Lei Meng Lei Ren.

"Leimeng Lei Ren, we have handed it over to you, can you agree to let us return to the Pure Land?" Pegen said.

"Of course it can." As he said, Quan directly relieved the filthy reincarnation of Pei Gen, Xing Dou, Freezing Rain, and Cheng Ma.As the souls of the four people were liberated, Iwa Shinobu who became a sacrifice inside was also exposed.

"Izumi-kun, are you too cruel this time? Although Yanyin Village launched an attack on us, are you a bit too much." The kind-hearted Hinata felt that Izumi had done a little too much, and threatened again and again. Hinata didn't quite understand it.

"I don’t think it is too much to deal with the enemy by any means. Onomu dare to use you to threaten me to pay the price of death. I let him go today, and tomorrow there may be others who want to attack you . This time you were not injured, but what about next time?"

"Quan Jun..."

"Hinata, I know you are very kind, but don’t use your kindness on the enemy. The enemy is that the enemy has nothing to be pitiful for. Of course, I also promise you that as long as it is not our enemy, I will never use anything despicable. Means. Only when facing the enemy will I become a demon."

Hearing Quan's words, Hinata also suddenly woke up, this time the whole thing was provoked by Iwanin, and Quan was just going to retaliate, not to oppress Yanyin Village.

"I understand Quan Jun."

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