Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 157

Seeing this spring, I won't continue to delve into it.However, in fact Quan really misunderstood Quan Mei and Itachi.The reason why Quanmei was like this was completely because the two hadn't seen each other for many years, and more importantly, it was the first time Itachi took the initiative to stabilize Quanmei, so Quanmei was like this.

Quan and Quanmei returned to Guiyin Village, and Quan followed Quanmei to her room.

"Quan, what else do you have?" Quan Mei was a little confused when she saw Quan followed her into her room.

"Big Brother Itachi will leave the Akatsuki organization soon, I plan to let him hide here." Quan said straightforwardly.

"What? Itachi wants to stay here!" When I heard Quan's words, Quanmei was very surprised. I haven't seen it in seven years. It is obviously not enough to stay together for an hour. Quanmei has too many things to talk to Itachi. There was obviously no time just now.

"Yes, Brother Itachi has already promised me to leave the Akatsuki organization after handling the matter at hand. I told Sister Quanmei about this matter, I hope you will definitely watch Brother Itachi."

"Look at Itachi? What do you mean?" Quanmei was a little confused when she heard Quan's words. She didn't quite understand what Quan meant.

"Itachi's eyes are a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Brother Itachi wants to train Sasuke's second product to also develop a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. But the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has a drawback, that is, with continuous use, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye will gradually Losing the light, the end result is becoming a blind man."

"How could this be?" Quanmi was also very surprised when she heard Quan's words. She didn't know anything about the kaleidoscope, but she knew that Itachi's eyes were the eyes of the kaleidoscope.

Chapter 443 Give birth to a few small young fields

"If you want to obtain a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that will not lose its light, you must upgrade the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye to an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the only way to get the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is to transplant the eyes of your loved ones. Itachi to Sasuke's I think you have seen the feelings, so I am worried that Itachi will turn his eyes to Sasuke."

At this time Quanmei finally understood why Quan wanted her to watch Itachi, so Quanmei said, "Quan, don't worry, I will definitely watch Itachi."

"Well, this matter will get rid of Sister Quanmei. If you don't want Itachi to become blind, then take good care of Brother Itachi. It is best to stick to him for 24 hours. By the way, it is also good to give birth to a few small Itachi. "At the end, Quan also joked with Quanmei.

Quanmei blushed instantly when she heard Quan's words. She really liked Itachi and hoped to be able to marry Itachi, otherwise she would not have been waiting for Itachi for seven years.There are also many people in Guiyin Village who have pursued Quanmei, but they have all been rejected by her thousands of miles away, because Quanmei is the only one in her heart.

"Quan, you will make a joke with your sister, why don't you have a few small young fields with Hina Tian." Because of the joy of Itachi's coming back, Quan Mei also began to fight back.

"I said Sister Izumi, I'm fifteen years old now, and Hinata is only fourteen. You told us to have a baby, are you really sure?" In fact, even if Hinata is old enough, he doesn't plan to do that. After all, the current Ninja world is turbulent, and it is not the time to discuss the succession of the family.

Hearing Quan's words, Quan Mei was also a little embarrassed. She just tried to fight back, and coupled with Quan's appearance as a young man, she suddenly forgot about it.Saying this fact at the age of Izumi and Hinata is a bit of a bad idea to teach children.

"Just as if I didn't say anything, Izumi, you can't really do what Hinata does. She is still young. If you dare to do anything, you can't be spared."

Seeing Quanmei's appearance, Quan was really speechless, but the matter was over, and Quan stayed here, turning around and leaving Quanmei's room.

When he returned to his room, Hinata ran over, and Quan also told Hinata about Itachi.Knowing that Itachi is about to return to Hinata is also happy for Izumi.

"Quan-kun, I plan to continue going out to perform tasks next. What about you? What are your plans?" Hinata was worried that Quan would no longer let her perform tasks alone, so he first stated his plan.

"Me? Of course I continued to bring the little ghosts from Someya Yuki. They were also unlucky when it came to them. It was such a thing for the first time to follow me on a mission. It was really unlucky."

"All right, Izumi-kun, come on." Hina Tian was very happy to see Quan did not mean to stop her. After Izumi chatted for a while, he turned and left Quan's room. Just after leaving the room, Hinata met her early. Quanmei, so the two left together.

With Hinata's departure, Izumi also began to write down the things leading Yuki Someya. These three little guys are all good talents. If they are given some time, they are definitely ninjas who can stand alone.

Izumi was preparing in his room, but Izumi and Hinata started to talk about what Izumi and Hinata had said before, so the lovely Hinata successfully crashed again.

Chapter 444: A Turbulent Land Country

Early the next morning, Izumi came to the first practice field early, and the three of Yuki Someya, who had been notified soon, also arrived together.The previous mission was interrupted due to an attack by the ninja of Iwagaku Village, but the employer did not hold him accountable for the loss of the goods. On the contrary, I thank Izumi and Yuki Someya for saving his life.

"Yes, I came very early. The previous task was not completed. Now we will complete the task again." After the three of them reacted, Quan walked towards the entrance of Guiyin Village.

After experiencing the things before, the three of Yuki Someya also understood the power of Izumi, so the three of them also made up their minds to follow Izumi. After all, it is definitely a good thing for a ninja to have a strong teacher.

Converging with the employer, the group headed directly towards Yanyin Village.This time the employer was actually doing trade. Although it was indeed delayed a lot of time before, because Yanyin Village was attacked by springs, it made Yanyin Village a waste of time, so it needed a lot of materials, and the merchants The goods have undoubtedly become popular goods.

The group soon left the country of ghosts, because the country of ghosts is not very big, and with Shion’s diligence, there is no turmoil in the country of ghosts, so the journey is very easy, and the group soon It was entering the territory of the land of the earth, and what happened after entering the land of the earth made Quan a little surprised.

"Ms. Izumi, how many times has this been? Every time a robber appeared, we all fled immediately when we saw us. We didn't even have a chance to shoot." Looking at the rogues who were running away, Someya Yuki was very depressed. Every time When they were ready to take action, all the thieves would walk away.

"You Ji, don't you understand this? Teacher Quan and Teacher Hinata destroyed Yanyin Village. These thieves usually don't even dare to provoke Yanyin Village. How could they get into Guiyin Village? They are afraid of encountering a powerful The ghost village ninja killed them all.” Huaying Tajima on the side said.

"Not all right, the thieves themselves are afraid of ninjas, and Oniyuki Village, like Konoha, practiced ninja under the leadership of ninja. Although you guys wear masks, you can still tell your age from your body shape. The thief may not be afraid of ninja , But there is absolutely no fighting strength for Shangren, so it is normal to escape."

Although I said that, I was a bit surprised. After all, are there too many thieves in the land of the earth. They started from entering the land of the land of earth, but in one day, they have been attacked seven times. Although the opponents all turned around and ran away, it also explained the chaos in the land of the earth.

"It's so boring, such a C-level mission is so boring, if only a few bandits come to fight with us." Someya Yuki said helplessly.

When the employer on the side heard Someya Yuki's words, he wiped out his cold sweat. He didn't want to encounter any robbers and thieves. After all, these goods were his life and wealth. If he was robbed, he would be impoverished.

"Master Ninja, I think it's better to be safer. After all, isn't it safer to be able to fight less?" The employer cautiously said. In this world, even the ninja is one level higher than ordinary people, so even the employer , He didn't dare to despise Someya Yuuki and the others.

Chapter 445: Attack of the Ninja

Maybe it was Someya Yuki's expectation that played a role. Izumi suddenly sensed that a ninja was approaching here. Seeing this, Izumi said, "Youki, Kazemi, and Huaying are careful, there are ninjas coming here."

Hearing Quan's words, the three of them were immediately ready to fight. After a while, the ninja that Quan had sensed appeared in front of everyone.However, these ninjas are not exiled ninjas, but Iwanin villages.

"Ninja from Ghost Village? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, can't you see that we are performing an escort mission?" Someya Yuki said in dissatisfaction. He thought it would be an enemy, but I did not expect it would be Iwanin.

"Go back! Our country of soil does not welcome the ninjas of Ghost Village!"

Hearing this, Quan was a little surprised. After all, Yanyin Village is now in danger. At this time, if you don't behave with your tail caught, you still dare to provoke the ninjas in Guiyin Village. Isn't this just looking for death?

"You Ji, Feng Jian, and Hua Ying solve them, and I will be responsible for things." Since the other party wants to do things, Quan is naturally willing to cooperate, but I don’t know that the other party knows that the three of You Ji and the others will lead the team. What an expression.

"Huo Dun, Impatiens!"

Someya Yuki immediately launched an attack upon hearing Izumi's words, so a large number of fireballs directly attacked Iwanin.Iwa Shinobu didn't expect Someya Yuki would attack directly, but he wanted to use ninjutsu to resist immediately.

"Illusion, Naraku's vision!"

At the moment when Iwa Shinobu was about to use the earth escape to resist Someya Yuki's attack, Tajima Huaying directly used the illusion.Although there is no increase in the writing round eyes, the talent of Tajima Huaying's illusion is still very good, so the three Iwanin was immediately affected by the illusion.

The three rock ninjutsu are all Zhongnin, and immediately after being affected by the illusion, the illusion was cancelled directly, but because of the moment of hesitation, the three of them all lost the opportunity to release the ninjutsu, so the only choice for the three of them The way to deal with it was to avoid, but Uehara Kazeken had already taken action when the three of them were hit by the illusion.

"Shui Dun, Shui Yu takes the original."

This is the water escape ninjutsu performed by Uehara Kazumi, and it is impossible for the three Iwanin to act with their feet stuck by Kazami's ninjutsu, so all the three Iwashin was hit by Yuki's fire escape impatiens.Although it was only a C-level ninjutsu, the taste of being burned by flames was not so good.

"Soil escape, earth and rock flow!"

One of Iwa Shinobi resisted the pain and attacked the three Yuukis, and the three Yuukis had already prepared for Iwanin's counterattack, so the three of them performed ninjutsu in the first place.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Wind escape, breakthrough!"

The fusion of wind and fire appeared, but this time it was not from Izumi's attack, but from Someya Yuki and Tajima Huaying.

Although they are all only C-level ninjutsu, there is no problem with fighting against the landslides that are also C-level ninjutsu.The earth-rock flow of Iwanin was destroyed in an instant, and the three Iwanin attacked unabated.

"Tu Escape, Earth and Land Return!"

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