Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 159

Chapter 449: The Terrifying Big Snake Pill

Although today's strength can be self-protected, Quan still maintains the mentality of staying away from Da She Wan.After all, you will never think of the ability of Uncle Snake.

Izumi took the three students Xingye Jiancheng to Otonin Village in Tianzhiguo, and Dashemaru had been waiting here for a long time.

"What are you calling for me this time? There is nothing important, but you won't find me." Izumi followed Oshemaru to his base, looking around, wanting to see if Sasuke’s second person is there or not. Good to bully and bully him.

"Don't look at it. Sasuke Uchiha and Yakushi have not returned yet. This time I am looking for you to tell you about the stars." When Oshamaru saw Izumi looking around, I knew Izumi was looking for Sasuke, so he became more curious. , What is the contradiction between Izumi and Sasuke.

"Don't you know that I'm here to take Sasuke away on purpose? Didn't you say that the thing about the star is useless?"

"Of course not. Sasuke should be back this evening. There are other discoveries about the star. This thing contains a strange chakra. It does not belong to our planet."

"Uh, that's it? This thing is a star. It fell from the outside. It must not belong to our planet."

"No, I didn't mean that. The chakras on the stars are very pure, but they are different from the chakras of the ninja. It should belong to another civilization. I suspect that the stars are related to the six immortals."

Hearing Da She Maru mentioned the Six Dao Immortals, Quan suddenly had the idea of ​​Pegasus Starry Sky, that is, if Da She Pill had been alive, would he be able to reincarnate the Six Dao Immortals from the dirty soil by the time of the Fourth Ninja World War?Although this idea is indeed a bit weird, if it is Uncle Snake, it might be really possible.

"what are you planning to do?"

"I reincarnated the substance extracted from the stars using dirty soil, and found that nothing was reincarnated."

"Isn't this nonsense? Above the star..." I suddenly felt that something was amiss when Quanhua said half of his words. What Oshemaru said did not reincarnate anything, rather than being unable to reincarnate. In other words, what remained on the star belonged to something. Biological and this creature is still alive.

"Yes, I extracted strange biological tissue above. This kind of thing is very similar to Akatsuki’s Outer Golem, but it is not the same thing. I suspect that Outer Golem is not a single individual, but a special one. Ethnic group."

Hearing the words of Dashewan, Quan couldn't help sighing the power of Dashewan. Uncle Snake is Uncle Snake, and it really is different.The so-called Outer Golem is Ten Tails, and Ten Tails are transformed by the sacred tree.Datong Muhuiye's purpose in coming to the Ninja World is to plant a sacred tree to create an army against those who pursue her.

Since Datong Mu Huiye brought the sacred tree, that is, Ten Tails, then the so-called sacred tree is probably not one.The star is similar to the ten tails of the Ninja World, but not the power of the ten tails, so the star is probably from the hometown of Mu Huiye in Datong.

Knowing this, Quan was even more depressed. I thought that the Datongmu clan was far away from the Ninja World, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

"What are you looking for me to do?" Quan stopped going to Datong Mu Huiye's affairs. After all, there is still a lot of time before Huiyeji appeared, and it is not too late for her to consider the problem when it is sealed.

Chapter 450 Crazy Thoughts

"I intend to cooperate with you to obtain some samples of the Outer Golems for research. I am very curious about the power of the Outer Golems. I always feel that the Outer Golems hide something."

Hearing Oshamaru's words, Izumi almost didn't fall off the chair.

"I said Oshemaru, if you want to die first, don't pull me up. Who are the people in Akatsuki? Penn of the reincarnation eye, the horns of the immortal duo are flying, and the red yarn scorpion of the art duo And Deidara, plus the ghost shark and itachi, and the paper escape ninja Xiao Nan, do you think too much about stealing from them?"

"So I need your help."

"I refuse. The horns and flying sections of the undead duo will almost completely destroy Yanyin Village. If you dare to move the Golem, I guess all members of the Akatsuki organization will be dispatched. Your Otonin Village can be free. I don't mind giving up. I fight the ghost village but it's not that easy to lose it." After speaking, Quan left without looking back.

Just kidding, stealing an outside golem, this is no different from being killed.

"Go stealing the Golem from the outside world, this seems very interesting, should I send you a task or something? Don't worry, the task is rewarding and generous." Quan was leaving but heard the voice of the system.

"Brother, you are my own brother, can we stop playing like this? You just give me a generous reward, and I don't want to take this task. I'm afraid I will lose my life and enjoy your reward."

Quan is really served, dare to cheat the system a little bit more, is this a release task?This is simply going to die, and it is still going to die.

"Uh, I'm just joking, you guy really can't make a joke."

"Brother System, let's not make a joke about this kind of thing, okay? I'm afraid you will have a heart attack." Quan Shen Shen suspected that Hei Tu was the first ninja to be mad, and he was the first to be scared to death. .

"Cut, just a joke."

Izumi took Someya Yuki and the three to leave, but didn't want to come near Otonin Village and saw Sasuke and Yakushido coming back together.

"Hey, Erhuo, what did you do?"

Seeing Izumi, the current Sasuke has lost his previous anger. It's not that Sasuke doesn't hate Izumi anymore, but because Sasuke is really afraid of being beaten by Izumi. The last person Sasuke wants to see is Izumi.So when I saw Izumi, Sasuke's expression became very unnatural.

"Go on the mission." Although there was fear in his heart, Sasuke pretended to be arrogant.

"Oh? That's right, come and fight me."

Quan is in a very bad mood now, and he ran all the way here, but he was stunned by Da She Wan. How could Quan be happy?Coupled with being pitted by the system, Izumi is even more unhappy, so Izumi needs someone to vent, and Sasuke just appeared at this time.

About an hour later, Izumi happily took Someya Yuki and the three to leave from the exercise site. In the exercise site, Sasuke was beaten into a pig's head again, and his whole body was injured.The pharmacist's pocket on the side is also extremely helpless. It seems that he has to increase his workload recently.

"Ms. Izumi, that Sasuke Uchiha is in your family?" Someya Yuki suddenly asked.

"Yeah, that second guy is in the same family as me. It should be a few months younger than me. Then you have seen that he is so much weaker than me. If you don’t work hard, you will be almost the same as him. ."

Chapter 451: The Second Young Master's Girl

"Although he is not very strong, he is really handsome."

Hearing Someya Yuki's words, Izumi almost fell. Why did one of his students come out to like Sasuke. Is it possible that because of his little butterfly, Sasuke needs another little fan girl?

"Do you want to keep you?" Quan said helplessly.

"No, although he is handsome, but the strength is too bad, it is simply not useful. If I am with him, I have to protect him. If I find a boyfriend, I must look for Mr. Quan like this, but Mr. Quan I already have Teacher Hinata, otherwise Huaying and I can still fight for it."

Hearing Someya Yuki's words, I really don't know what to say. Are children nowadays so precocious?

"Aren't you precocious? You and Hinata seem to have done everything except the last step?"

The voice of the system rang in Quan's mind, Quan said that he did not explain this, and at the same time decided to blacken the system.

Izumi returned to Ghost Village with Someya Yuki and his entourage. The mission time was a bit long this time, so Izumi gave them a few weeks of vacation to make repairs.

Walking alone on the street, Hinata suddenly decided whether he was used to it.Ever since I met Hinata, Quan seems to be with Hinata every day. Now that Hinata is not around, Quan feels a bit lonely.

"Quan, what are you doing?" Quan, who was in a daze, suddenly heard someone calling him behind him, and when he turned around, he saw Uzumaki Kui.

"Nothing, just wandering here, why are you doing nothing?"

"Not really, if you are fine, I have something I want to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

"Recently, I always feel that something is calling me. I suspect that something is calling me in the altar of the whirlpool clan I was at. Do you have time to go and see with me."

Hearing Kwai's words, Quan just remembered that he seemed to have a task that had not been completed. Thinking of this, Quan had agreed to Kwai's request, so the two agreed to start together the next morning.

The next morning, Izumi and Aoi left the ghost village. Before leaving, Izumi also told Someya Yuki that they would practice their own practice for the time being and wait for him to come back to take them on tasks.

Although Aoi's strength today is only Zhongnin, but the unique sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan is very powerful, and coupled with the power that can call Sanwei Isao, ordinary people are not her opponents at all.

"Quan, Sanwei wants to ask you when will it be its turn to lead the tail beast?"

"Tell Iso's nothing, who kept it disobedient?"

Quan had always used Sanwei as the subject of his experiment before, but at that time, Sanwei was not cooperative in all kinds of ways. Later, when Zhu Lifu, the man from Nanao, came, Quan focused all his attention on Fu. Now, although Fu is not Nanao Shigeming was channeled, but Shigeming could see the outside world, at least Shigeming was not so boring.

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