Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 190

"Big Brother Itachi, Brother Shisui, I know you are all concerned about Konoha, but if Konoha continues like this, I will completely destroy Konoha next time." Quan does not like to fight Shishui and Itachi as enemies, but Izumi didn't want to hurt Hinata even more. Konoha's high-level officials chose to be patient again and again against Izumi. If it weren't for Itachi and Shisui, he would have done it all morning.

"Quan, you shouldn't be too radical. Brother Zhishui and Itachi are also able to distinguish right from wrong. You are not allowed to go crazy. Now that the Hyuga clan has reached the country of ghosts, what accidents can happen?" Quanmei saw Quan and Itachi and Shishui There was something wrong with the atmosphere, so he said quickly.

"Yes, it's Sister Quanmei who has a lot of them." When Quanmei was interrupted like this, whether it was Quan or Itachi or Zhishui, it didn't feel like before.

Chapter 541 The Attitude of Zhishui and Itachi

"Quiz, this time it is indeed Konoha's fault, but it is Konoha's elder group, not Konoha itself. If there is another time, you will do it against the elder group. Not only will Itachi and I not oppose it but will support you. "Shishui said.

Shisui really loves Konoha, and his love for Kono has even surpassed his own life, but this does not mean that Shisui is right from wrong. If it is really Konoha, Shisui will not help Konoha.

Quan was a little surprised when he heard Zhishui's words, and looked at Zhishui and Itachi with a look of surprise. Seeing that they both meant this, he shook his head helplessly.

"Well, Quan, you have also seen that Brother Zhishui and Itachi support you, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, what Sister Quanmei said is, but when can I have multiple nephews? You and Brother Itachi have been together for a while." Facing Quan's diversions, Quanmei instantly became blushing, with deep meaning. Seeing Itachi, obviously something must have happened to these two people.

After clarifying the affairs of the Hyuga clan, Izumi couldn't wait to return to the Hyuga's house, after all, Hinata was still in a coma.Although the system has repeatedly ensured that Hinata will not have any problems, Hinata has not regained consciousness after all, so Izumi is still not at ease.

The fact that the Hyuga clan left Konoha caused an uproar in the Ninja World, and the country of ghosts once again became the focus. However, as the core of the whole thing, Konoha and the country of ghosts did not move. , As if silenced.

For a month, Quan almost never left Hinata's room. He only left for a short period of time every day when he was eating. The rest of the time was always by Hinata's side.

Huahuo originally planned to take care of her sister. After all, it is more convenient for the girl to wipe the body every day.However, Izumi rejected Huahuo's kindness. In Izumi's own words, he and Hinata are already engaged, what else can be avoided?

What's more, because of various accidents before, Izumi and Hinata have already seen each other's body. What if this is just to wipe Hinata's body?However, the fireworks are still a big choice for people and little ghosts to stay. The beautiful name is that they are worried that Quan will do strange things to Hinata.

Of course Izumi wouldn't do strange things, but carefully wiped Hinata's body every day.The fireworks on the side were very envious of Quan's gentle treatment of her sister, and she secretly decided to find a man who could treat her with such gentleness in the future.

One month passed quickly, and Hinata woke up as expected.However, although waking up, Hinata was still slightly weak due to the previous injuries and the coma this month, and her body was also a little inconvenient, so Hina was forced to stay in the room for a month by the spring.

In two months, Hinata became healthy from a coma, and the engagement of Izumi and Hinata was also put on the agenda. In addition to the people from the country of ghosts and snow, Izumi also invited my love Luo et al.

Hinata Kazuzumi was finally successfully engaged, and Gaara brought a better news this time, that he and Ji are ready to marry, and I was very happy to hear that Gaara said that he would definitely Will be there in person.

The 542nd chapter of Kongren strikes

In this way, it was the past two months. My Gaara got married. The surrounding villages of Shinobu came to congratulate me, but no one from the five villages showed up, just gave some gifts.As agreed, Izumi took Hinata to go in person.

At the time of Gaara’s wedding, Penn Liudao captured Liuwei, but for some special reasons he did not immediately seal it.At this point, the five-tailed beasts, one-tailed Shouhe, two-tailed cat, four-tailed Monkey King, five-tailed Muwang, and six-tailed rhino, were acquired by Akatsuki.

However, what makes Payne and Taido extremely depressed is that Mio Isohiro and Nanao Shigeaki didn't know where they went as if they had disappeared.As a result, Akatsuki’s plan did not continue. In an instant, a year has passed since the Hyuga clan left Konoha. On this day, Konoha, Shayin Village, and Wuyin Village were simultaneously attacked by a ninja named Soraren.

"Quan-jun, this time, is it the ghost of Shennong? But, these empty days are too strong, right?" Because of Quan, Hinata also knew the so-called plot. At the time, I immediately understood what happened but Hinata was puzzled that Soraren's combat power was too strong.

"It's indeed a bit too powerful. All of the Ninjas have the strength of the elite, and some even have the strengths of the Shangren. This kind of strength alone may not be able to resist by any Ninja village."

Quan looked at the battle report this time and was very confused. He thought that this time things didn't need him to intervene, but he didn't want to evolve into this way. If it wasn't for Gaara Qiuquan who hadn't paid attention to the matter of Kongren.

"Quan, do you think that Shennong has mastered the power of Zero Tail?" Hinata said with some worry.

"I don't know. This time you and I will check the situation. Others stay in the ghost village. The Akatsuki organization has been too quiet recently, which makes me feel a little uneasy." Quan announced the decision, and the others Also nodded.

The country of ghosts is a country of fire from Kornin, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by Kornin, but Akatsuki still has to worry about it.

Izumi and Hinata are going to Shayin Village together. When Huahuo learned the news, he naturally wanted to go together, so Quan had to take the fireworks with him under the begging of the fireworks.

"Brother-in-law, your flying thunder god technique is really convenient, and you went to Shayin Village all at once." Seeing Quan, she brought herself and Hinata to Shayin Village in a blink of an eye. The fireworks were very envious, but she learned. For a long time, there was no way to learn the technique of Flying Thunder God, so it could only be envy, and there was no way.

"Go to Shayin Village by yourself, and your sister and I will find Gaara."

Izumi and Hinata came directly to the Fukage Building, because Sun Shinobi knew Izumi and Hinata, so they came to Fukage's office very smoothly without being blocked, and I was surprised when they entered the office. It wasn't because of other things, but because the sacrifice on the side turned out to have a big belly.

"Um, I said I love Luo, is there such a shortage of people in your Shayin village? Your own wife has such a big belly and asked her to come here to help. If you are born here, you don't want to die." Quan You is a little puzzled Said, after all, the appearance of the sacrifice seems to have been pregnant for a long time.

The 543rd chapter is attacked

"Actually, it's okay. I can still work, and I'm not that fast." Ji blushed, with a happy smile on his face, and his hand stroked his abdomen unconsciously.

"Jiji was pregnant with twins this time, so I was a little bloated. Why would I not care about my wife? But I didn't expect you to come in person this time." Gaara asked Guiyin Village for help, but I didn't expect Quan and Hina. Tian will come in person.

"It turned out to be like this." Quan originally thought that Ji was about to give birth, so he said that. He didn't expect Ji to be pregnant twins.

"Anyway, there is nothing in Guiyin Village. I have some leisure time with Hinata, so I came. Besides, it was not only me, but also the fireworks. I let her play in the village. What happened this time? Looking at the information you sent, the opponent's strength is very strong, can't even your Shayin Village be able to resist it?"

Today's Shayin Village is very powerful. On the one hand, it has a large amount of resources. On the other hand, it is also because of the Chakra armor of the Snow Country. With this thing, Shinnin also has a high battlefield survival rate, so Shayin The new generation of the village has gradually grown up.

"Most of the opponent's strength is among the elites, and they can fly freely in the sky. Our ninjas are in a passive state of being beaten. Thank you for speaking of them. There is no such chakra armor sand hidden village. I am afraid that one time I will lose a lot."

Although some information was already known from the intelligence, Quan did not expect that it would be the reality of Sora Shinobi that made Quan a little confused.

"Have you found the other side's base? These ninjas cannot fly unlimitedly. Their base must be nearby. They attacked three Ninja villages at the same time. Sora Ninja is really bold."

At this moment, an alarm sounded outside. Obviously, this was the attack on Shayin Village. Quan and Hinata rushed out before too much time. Gaara also followed suit. Seeing this, I decided to do my best. Power.

"Stay here."


"This is Fengying's order." Gaara rushed out directly. In order to prevent the sacrifice from sneaking out, Gaara used sand to seal the entrance.

Seeing such a scene, Ji had no choice but to sit down honestly. After all, she couldn't break Gaara's defense.Although it is equivalent to being confined, Ji's heart is warm. Gaara looks a bit cold on the surface, but cares about her in every possible way.

Quan and Hinata came to Shayin Village, and at this time the fireworks came from nowhere.In the distant sky, a large group of Soraren was approaching quickly. At this time, all the ninjas in Shayin Village jumped on the roof and prepared to attack, and all ordinary people walked towards the refuge in an orderly manner.

"You managed Shayin Village well, and you didn't panic when you encountered this kind of thing."

"As long as I am in Shayin Village, I won't be hit." As he said, a large amount of sand appeared, and it turned out to cover the whole Shayin Village. Seeing such a scene, I understand why before Entering Shayin Village did not see any traces of being destroyed.

"Where is the festival? Didn't she go for refuge?" Hinata was a little worried before seeing the festival appear.

"She's in my office, there will be nothing wrong with my sand."

Upon hearing this, Hinata nodded.

Chapter 544 Powerful Ninjutsu

Quan, Gaara and others came to the heights, and at this time, Kongren also reached the edge of Shayin Village.

"Huo Dun, Impatiens!"

After many years of displaying the impatiens, even Quan himself was shocked. All the fireballs are half a meter in size, and the number is more than one hundred. For such a terrifying impatiens, I’m afraid there is only Quan. Can be released.

The impatiens, which resembled an air defense missile, attacked directly at Kongren, and Kongren who was about to launch an attack did not expect such an attack.Although Kongren was able to fly freely in the air, Quan's attack density was too high, so the poor Kongren all hit the fireball by himself.

"You are a bit perverted, right?" Gaara looked embarrassed, and Sora Shino made her head scorched, but when she reached Quan, it seemed that she couldn't even block Quan's ninjutsu.

"Can I say, this is the first time I have seen such impatiens?" Quan was also a little helpless, after all, now he rarely uses low-level ninjutsu.

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