Naruto’s Strongest Force

Chapter 1027 Battle for the Body

Otsutsuki Kaguya's voice sounded in Natsuki's heart:

"Your eye skills are too great a threat to the Ai family. As long as we get rid of you, no one else can be a match for the Ai family."

"There is so much chakra in your body, all of it should belong to the Ai family."

Xia Mu sneered: "Really?"

"Stop resisting, your body is destined to belong to the Ai family."

At this time, even if Natsuki deliberately blocked the absorption of chakra.

Chakra was still flowing continuously, pouring into Natsuki's body.

By this time, Minato and others had also returned from Thunder God.

Itachi and Yaoye both looked at Natsuki with sad expressions, and Kimimaro was the most depressed.

Xia Mu shook her head gently at him, indicating that it was okay.

"Minato, bring Orochimaru back."

"I got it, Natsuki."

Minato immediately flew to Raijin to pick them up, and brought Orochimaru back within seconds.

After Natsuki continued to give instructions, he shrugged at Orochimaru: "I was treated as a container."

Orochimaru turned his tongue and saw the chakra flowing into Natsuki's body.

His face remained calm, as if he didn't feel sad at all, and he casually returned:

"Isn't it nice to be an Otsutsuki?"

But he walked next to Kimimaro.

Natsuki smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if I am Otsutsuki, but I don't want to be Kaguya."

Natsuki had fought with Ishiki once in Konoha before, and there were people nearby.

Ishiki praised Natsuki's body, which was very suitable for use as a container. Both Orochimaru and Minato knew it.

Orochimaru had discussed with Natsuki what the plan would be if such a thing happened.

Xia Mu is a very dishonest person, and his casual remarks are all immoral and smoky things.

Anyway, none of them require him to sacrifice himself.

Orochimaru didn't know exactly how many cards Natsuki had.

He immediately thought of what Natsuki said about Wei.

When he saw the black diamond-shaped tattoo on Kimimaro's hand.

I felt relieved in my heart.

Then something became funny.

I decided not to worry about Xia Mu last time, but I didn't expect that I couldn't help but worry about him this time.

After Orochimaru saw the diamond-shaped mark on Kimimaro's hand, Natsuki also blinked at him.

Orochimaru understood instantly that Natsuki was preparing to "die" again.

But now Natsuki is possessed by Kaguya and it is difficult to speak.

Phew... Minato has already brought all the people over with his flying thunder god.

All of these people are people to whom Xia Mu owes debts, and Xia Mu is ready to pay off his debts first before dying.

At this time, more and more chakra poured into Natsuki's body.

There are more and more black lines on his body, his eyes have turned into white eyes, and the patterns are increasing.

"Become one with the Ai family, Xia Mu. After you die, the Ai family will manage this nursery well."

Natsuki sneered: "Dream, as long as I use my chakra fast enough, you won't be able to be resurrected at all."

"Scorpion, bring your parents to Orochimaru."

"And Tsunade, you go get the Rope Tree and White Fang, and Lin's."

Xie's face had a look of disbelief, and he immediately took out the scroll from his body.

This was what he had brought with him.

Tsunade didn't know what Natsuki's situation was now, but she understood the words.

She also took out the storage scroll. The body of the rope tree was ready before the start of the fourth ninja war.

She was worried about something unexpected happening during the war, so she took it with her.

But the bodies of White Fang and Lin were not there, and Minato who was next to him immediately flew Thunder God back to get them.

Xia Mu was not idle here either. He formed a seal with his left hand and stretched out his right hand.

The white spot on his upper body suddenly swelled.

Then a humanoid was spat out.

It was Uchiha Madara.

Now Uchiha Madara is no longer as high-spirited as before.

Lying on the ground, he was already in a state of near-death, and even the power in his eyes had been drained.

Hashirama and Tobirama both came to him with complicated expressions.

Spitting out Uchiha Madara was just the beginning, and then came the continuous spitting.

The tailed beasts were spat out one by one, and the chakra that had increased sharply on Natsuki's body was gradually decreasing.

Kaguya Otsutsuki snorted coldly in Natsuki's consciousness.

"Stupid! It's just a waste of Aijia's time."

Then more chakra was poured into Natsuki's body.

Natsuki's behavior was like drinking poison to quench his thirst. After all, as long as he was on this planet, chakra would be poured into his body continuously.

His transformation into Kaguya Otsutsuki is irreversible!

Minato was very quick and went back to bring White Fang's body with him, as well as Kakashi who was seriously injured.

Kakashi is now wrapped like a rice dumpling, and most of his body is cooked.

That is to say, there were many medicines prepared for this ninja battle, otherwise Kakashi would still be in a coma.

Even if he manages to come over now, his body is completely unsteady.

After learning that Xia Mu was going to resurrect Lin and his father, he had to crawl over even if he had to crawl.

Minato was even considerate enough to bring the White Zetsu sacrifice.

Everything was ready-made. Orochimaru saw that Natsuki was in bad condition and the seal was good, so he slapped it on the ground with his palm.

"The art of reincarnation from dirty soil!"

Several prepared sacrifices did not even hum.

It has been wrapped in the talisman paper that has been reincarnated in the dirty soil.

Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumoge, Senju Prince Nogeki, Scorpion's parents, Nohara Rin, were all reincarnated by the dirty soil.

Several people opened their eyes, still a little confused.

Others had already been exposed to their relatives earlier, and at least they knew what was going on.

But Lin was confused.

The last time she released herself from the filthy land reincarnation, she has always been in the pure land.

This happened several years ago, and until now, Kakashi has not reincarnated Lin Ruitu.

Lin was very confused and looked at Kakashi who was barely standing in front of her:

"Kakashi, why am I reincarnated by dirt again?"

"If there was a chance to be reborn, would you be willing to be resurrected?"

Minato called him specifically. Of course Kakashi knew what was important and immediately asked Lin:

Although Kakashi is covered in bandages, he is still handsome, and he even feels more broken when he is covered in injuries.

Kakashi without a mask would be so handsome that he would make people faint, especially Lin, a little fan girl.

Lin was a little confused, first a little surprised, and then a little surprised when she saw Kakashi looking at her with burning eyes.

Nohara Lin was a little shy and hesitant: "I..."

Xia Mu's voice came: "As long as there is hesitation, there is attachment."

A "巳" seal has been formed in his hand.

"Heretic, the natural art of reincarnation!"

A huge amount of chakra emerged from Natsuki's body, and then mixed with the power of the samsara eye, it came down directly.

The first person to be resurrected was Nohara Lin.

Because Nohara Rin is the weakest among the group.

Although she became a three-tailed Jinchuuriki before she died, she was simply a vessel.

Under the infusion of a large amount of pupil power and life force, Nohara Lin's body quickly emitted smoke.

The heart beats loudly, the blood flows, and the skin quickly regains its luster.

Nohara Rin herself is a medical ninja, and she is still a little shocked and incredulous.

She put her hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat.

How could the secret technique of resurrection get her turn?

But when she finally came back to life, she jumped up happily and immediately hugged Kakashi.

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