Naruto’s Strongest Force

Chapter 1033 Want to live forever

Orochimaru Laboratory.

"The reason why Natsuki was resurrected using Kimimaro's body."

"It's because Xia Mu himself has been ensnared by blood, and his lifespan is almost infinite. He will neither grow old nor die."

"Of all the people, only Kimimaro is the most likely to reach this state the fastest."

"Only a body that has reached the same realm can carry Xiamu's soul."

"But you have a lot of Natsuki's cells and his blood."

"This requirement can be lowered a lot, which will allow you to carry Xiamu's soul when you are not caught by the blood successor."

Kimimaro asked anxiously: "How long will it take for Lord Orochimaru and Lord Natsuki to be resurrected?"

Orochimaru is a scientific researcher, and this kind of data is calculated directly:

"You usually consume a lot of yourself. This situation will only happen in fifty years."

"Fifty years!?" Kimimaro and Shiro were both shocked that it would take so long.

"Is there any way to shorten the time, Orochimaru-sama?"

Of course Kimimaro and Shiro wanted to see Natsuki earlier.

Orochimaru smiled confidently: "Don't worry, now we just need to improve Kimimaro's strength."

"The faster Kimimaro improves his strength, the sooner Natsuki can be resurrected."

As he spoke, he took out the immortal core left behind after Natsuki's death.

"This is what Natsuki left behind. It was transplanted into Kimimaro's body first. According to my calculations, this one should be very suitable for Kimimaro."

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

Kimimaro naturally followed the good example and went to lie down on the medical bed obediently.

Bai Ze is a little distracted.

Natsuki-sama will neither grow old nor die, so how long can I stay with him?

"Bah..." Here Orochimaru tried to put the round sage core into the center of Kimimaro's forehead.

Under Orochimaru's monitoring, the Sage Core and Kimimaro were connected without any rejection.

A large amount of natural energy was spontaneously sucked into Kimimaro's body.

Kimimaro has never tried the automatic absorption of natural energy.

He quickly transformed it into magical chakra.

Immortal magic Chakara was also quickly stored into the core of the Immortal.

The core of the immortal began to rotate slowly.

It didn't take long for the Immortal Core to automatically produce Immortal Chakra.

Kimimaro's body itself was a large energy consumer, and now he was connected to an infinite energy tube.

The cells in his body seemed to be cheering and jumping for joy.

Now it is also beginning to continuously update and evolve upward.

After seeing that Kimimaro was in good condition, Orochimaru quickly counted his time.

"Well... the time has been shortened by twenty years. According to the current situation, it will still take thirty years."

Although the time was shortened enough, Kimimaro and Shiro still felt that the time was too long.

At this time, Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique to send Itachi, Sasuke, and Naruto all over.

"...Can we continue to shorten the time?"

When they came over, they happened to hear Kimimaro asking.

Orochimaru shook his head slightly: "Now you can only shorten it if you find the energy you can swallow."

"But before that, I need to prepare your backup body."

Kimimaro also frowned and thought, he really couldn't wait thirty years.

"Lord Orochimaru, what happened to Master's resurrection? Can we help?"

Naruto asked as soon as he arrived:

Natsuki had no intention of hiding it from Naruto and others. At this time, Orochimaru was also collecting Kimimaro's body.

While casually explaining how Natsuki will be resurrected.

Sasuke and Naruto were both shocked. Just let them be reborn. After all, this is how Otsutsuki Kaguya came to be.

But Natsuki’s resurrection will take thirty years!

Naruto and Sasuke have just turned 16. If they wait another thirty years, they will be forty-six years old.

This is after merging Natsuki's sage core into Kimimaro's body and losing twenty years.

"So long? Aren't we all old?" Naruto was unhappy when he heard this.

The same goes for Sasuke, who has been involved with Natsuki for most of his life, and now it is suddenly said that Natsuki will be absent for thirty years.

I can't accept it in my heart.

Human desires are like this. Naruto and Sasuke just wanted to resurrect Natsuki.

Now that I know that Natsuki will be resurrected, I want to shorten it a little more.

What Naruto said made Shiro listen.

He looked down at his dress.

If another thirty years pass, will I look bad?

Might Natsuki-sama not like it?

I haven't expressed my feelings to Sir Natsuki yet. Will Sir Natsuki like me like this?

Just when Bai was thinking wildly.

Orochimaru said: "It is impossible for Natsuki to be resurrected in a short time. I have been thinking of a way recently."

"But Sasuke and Naruto, you two. Natsuki has high hopes."

"Obito hasn't been found yet, the Shell Organization hasn't been eliminated, there are still enemies on the moon, and even Otsutsuki will continue to attack the ninja world at any time."

"You don't need to worry about Xia Mu's resurrection. Just do what you should do."

Naruto and Sasuke also calmed down at this time: "I understand, Lord Orochimaru."

Orochimaru rarely said so much, but Nazu and Naru also had great potential.

In order to prevent the two of them from bothering him before Natsuki's resurrection, Orochimaru also gave him a beating.

Orochimaru took out an injection and gave it to Itachi: "Natsuki should have told you."

Itachi responded: "Senior has explained it."

Orochimaru waved his hand and chased people away:

"I have thought of a solution regarding Xia Mu's resurrection and will inform you."

"I still have a lot of things to do here. Naruto's side will be left to you, Minato. Let's take them all down first."

Minato responded: "Okay, Orochimaru-sama, I will take them away first."

With that said, Minato used the flying thunder god technique to take several people away.

Then Orochimaru said to Shiro and Kimimaro: "You should go practice first. I will tell you when I find a way."

Kimimaro glanced at Shiro and called out to Orochimaru: "Lord Orochimaru, please wait a moment."

Orochimaru turned around. These two children had a good relationship with Natsuki and had known him for many years.

It was rare for him to be patient: "What's wrong?"

Kimimaro pushed Shiro slightly, and Shiro finally plucked up the courage to raise his head and asked, "Lord Orochimaru..."

"Is there any way to live as long as Sir Natsuki?"

Hearing this question, Orochimaru became interested.

"You want to live forever!? Yes, yes!"

In the past, Orochimaru began to do various research because of his pursuit of immortality. Later, Orochimaru became fascinated by various truths in science.

Now Orochimaru is an immortal and has a lot of time to study science and delve into the truth.

Now that he heard that Shiro was also interested in this, his eyes shone with light.

"Why do you want to live forever?"

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