Naruto’s Strongest Force

Chapter 1060 The moon will fall

Little did he know that Natsuki, who had become a pervert in Tsunade's heart, was now brought to Shion by Minato Flying Thunder God.

"The Fourth Hokage-sama, Natsuki-sama!"

Shion rarely wears miko costumes now, and her clothes are very modern.

After having her own career, Zi Yuan became much more confident and looked like an adult.

On the contrary, Ashoka dressed more elegantly and stood quietly beside him.

Xia Mu didn't say much, "Tell me about the predicted future."

"I saw the moon falling from the sky, and countless fragments turned into meteorites and smashed into the ground."

"Konoha alone is severely damaged."

"Naruto and Sasuke are both fighting Otsutsuki, whom they have never seen before..."

Shion began to tell Natsuki the predicted future scene in detail.

Natsuki is now very lucky to have brought Shion to Konoha.

Even if there is a temporary conflict, I will definitely be fine, but it will not be good if everyone is in trouble.

That bastard Otsutsuki Hagoromo is indeed dead.

It just so happened that it was time to fulfill the agreement with Obito.

Moreover, Golden Grape actually invaded more than ten years in advance.

Just in time, let’s cook them together!

Because Shion said that there are many Uchiha clan wearing chakra collectors.

Natsuki directly confirmed that the date would be tomorrow.

Although I am a little pressed for time, it is better to know the information than to know nothing.

"Have other villages been notified?" Xia Mu asked.

Minato nodded: "We have been notified through a dedicated line, and now every village is making preparations."

"Kumogakure's air fortress has already begun flying towards the sea."

"Iwagakure's defenses are the best, and they have now been sent to major cities in the Land of Earth for reinforcement."

"I've also informed Itachi that he's also setting up defenses at Yaoyin now."

"The three hundred Uchiha clan members you need are also ready."

"But is only three hundred enough?"

"Madara spent tens of thousands of chakras."

Natsuki shook his head slightly: "That's enough. What I need is just an introduction, not chakra."

The wedge given by his system has enough energy. What is needed now is to shape the current body into the shape of an Uchiha.

So 300 people is a lot.

"Okay." Natsuki always has a plan, and Minato doesn't ask too many questions.

Then he reported: "Konoha is well prepared. Supplies and medicines are being allocated. Evacuation can be carried out at any time."

As the most powerful village in the entire ninja world, Konoha Village can be said to react very quickly.

But correspondingly, there are more civilians and the burden is heavier.

Arrangements must be made for all the old, weak, sick and disabled to evacuate.

It is somewhat difficult.

And those civilian cities, when such a world-destroying natural disaster comes, can only find a place to take refuge on their own.

Of course, the sooner the news is sent out about these things, the better.

For a ninja, a day is more than enough time.

For civilians, one day is a bit tight to find shelter and prepare for disasters.

Fortunately, telephones have been built between the six major countries. If there is such an important matter, a phone call can pass.

All the news is known.

Xiao Ninja Village, which is close to the six major countries, received the news not too late.

Because the national highways of the six major countries will pass through their countries, they also have emergency contact stations.

The Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Light, which are completely on the sea, are relatively more stressed.

Because a large number of meteorites fall, they are bound to cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

The water is likely to spread over it.

Fortunately, Yaoyin was relatively wealthy, and after the Fourth War, he was building corresponding shelters.

Not only Yaoyin Village, but also other civilian villages in the Kingdom of Yao, every one of them has been built.

Now food and medicine are constantly being transported.

There are dedicated people to arrange these things, so Xia Mu doesn't need to worry about it.

Natsuki only needs to think about tomorrow's battle.

After discussing some details with Minato.

Natsuki planned to place the reincarnation location in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind.

Since you want to play, of course you need to find a good venue.

After all, the terrain of the Kingdom of Wind is harsh and you can attack it casually. There is not even a hair on the ground anyway.

Minato called Gaara and told him about it.

Of course Gaara agreed wholeheartedly, after all, there were too many barren lands like the Country of Wind.

He also offered that Sunagakure could help, but Minato declined.

It is difficult for ordinary ninjas to intervene in a battle of this level.

Although Luo Sha was resurrected, Sunagakure's high-end combat power had not changed qualitatively.

After the reincarnation place is decided.

Minato also took Natsuki and flew to Kumogakure's flying fortress.

Raikage, Kirabi, Darui, Todai, Azabui, Samui and other senior officials were all there.

"Minato, you're here. You...!?" Raikage greeted Minato familiarly.

Now the relationship between the six major countries is as close as one family, and they have all joined the Celestial Being Organization, so naturally they are very familiar with each other.

Raikage immediately saw Natsuki standing next to Minato and was shocked.

Although the news of Natsuki's resurrection was not deliberately concealed, there was no news from Kumogakure.

\\"Hey, Raikage, long time no see.\\"

Natsuki raised his hand and greeted Raikage.

The entire ninja world is studying the sudden appearance of Natsuki.

The way he spoke and the tone of his voice were known to most people, and those present were acquaintances.

Lei Ying was immediately startled: "You..."

Lei Ying's big eyes widened, as if he was greatly frightened: "You! Are you really Xia Mu!?"

Seeing Raikage's surprised expression also made Natsuki laugh:

"Hahahahaha, I love seeing your surprised expression the most."

Raikage: "..."

He was quite speechless. How did Xia Mu become a powerful person with a character like this? God only knows.

"You're actually not dead." Raikage said roughly after suppressing his emotions.

"That's great~♪You actually survived, you guy!♬~"

Kirabi also answered, after all, Xia Mu had saved his life, and he was very happy to see Xia Mu now.

Xia Mu shrugged: "My body has been destroyed. I am only using this body temporarily now. I don't have much strength left."

In the past, Kumogakure was extremely ambitious and wanted to dominate the ninja world.

Ever since Otsutsuki's information was exposed, Kumogakure had put away these thoughts.

After all, tomorrow and Otsutsuki invade, I don’t know which one will arrive first.

No, Kumogakure had just recovered a little when Otsutsuki came again.

And it will arrive tomorrow. Not only will Otsutsuki arrive, but the moon will also fall.

"What a shame. The ninja world would be much safer if you were alive."

Raikage sighed a little, but Natsuki had died once before to eliminate Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the price was too high.

Xia Mu waved his hands indifferently: "It's okay, I will be resurrected tomorrow."

Raikage: "???"

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