Naruto’s Strongest Force

Chapter 447 Useless Prophecy

The country of glory.

Yaoyin Village.


Xia Mu stretched out three fingers:

“One, you’ll travel around the world and write books.”

"Two, your apprentice will bring changes to the world."

"Third, you need to be forced to make a major choice. Your choice will lead your apprentice to bring peace to the world or complete destruction."

Jiraiya was shocked: "How did you know?"

Jiraiya then looked at Minato.

Minato shook his head, indicating that he didn't say anything.

Xia Mu retracted his finger:

"Minato didn't tell me that. I just wanted to tell you that these prophecies are bullshit."

"You have been following the prophecy your whole life. I want to ask you, if you stay by Nagato's side, will Nagato's Rinnegan bring changes to the ninja world?"

"If you stay by Minato's side and Minato doesn't die, with Minato's talent, will he be able to bring changes to the ninja world?"

Jiraiya heard this and thought quickly.

It seems that if he does not leave these disciples, these disciples of his can bring changes to the ninja world.

Natsuki continued:

"As long as you fail, you will feel that this is not the child of prophecy and continue to look for the next one."

"If you keep searching like this all your life, you will always find someone who can bring changes to the ninja world."

"If your apprentice cannot bring change to the world, then you will definitely not consider him a son of prophecy."

"Gamamaru can only see a fragment of the future, and he tells you the result."

"You just keep moving closer to this dream in order to achieve this goal."

"So, his words are simply not worth fighting for in life."

"Gamamaru's prophecy is just a political investment for the survival of their Myoboku Mountain."

Jiraiya frowned and thought for a long time:

"But everything Toad Immortal predicted was correct."

Xia Mu shook his head, picked up a pen on the table, and put it in his hand:

"Come on, you predict whether this pen will be good or bad."

Jiraiya's expression flashed, and he knew what Natsuki wanted to express.

Xia Mu pinched his hand, broke the pen into two pieces and threw it into the trash can.

"You are a person who likes to believe in prophecies and destiny."

"Why do you have to be your apprentice to save the world?"

"Can't you work hard and try to save the world yourself?"

"Even if you don't believe in yourself, after traveling around the world for so many years, if you use it to practice, would it be difficult to protect Yahiko from death and Minato from death?"

"Can't the Akatsuki organization with Yahiko and Konoha with Minato bring changes to the ninja world?"

Natsuki's words made Jiraiya start to think deeply.

Natsuki has always scorned fatalism. Gamamaru's ability to predict things is good, but his method of prediction is good.

It directly tied up half of Jiraiya's life.

If it weren't for the prophecy, Jiraiya would never have seen Naruto even once for 12 years.

The entire childhood was filled with darkness, and Naruto was bullied.

Even if Natsuki intervened immediately after traveling through time, Naruto before he was five years old still suffered a lot.

Jiraiya believed in prophecies to such an extent that he automatically made up predictions about everything.

He guessed that there was a high probability that he would die, but he still had to die.

The key is that death is worthless.

Natsuki even suspected that Miaomu Mountain could just abandon Jiraiya because it had Naruto as its new successor.

That's why he watched Jiraiya die.

So when the Rain Ninja Village was explored, Jiraiya was seriously injured, but he was determined to die.

The two toad immortals just gave symbolic advice.

In other words, they don't think Jiraiya is important.

With a new heir, Jiraiya will die as well.

At this time, Fukasaku and Shima were both there, so it was very easy to leave.

Even Jiraiya has no arms and cannot form seals.

You can also ask Shima to cancel the psychic spell and return to Mt. Myoboku, and then directly use the reverse psychic spell to pull Jiraiya over.

But... no.

Jiraiya had to die.

Natsuki was thinking at that time, if Jiraiya was in Konoha, would Pain dare to invade Konoha so unscrupulously.

When Natsuki was young, he was very sad about Jiraiya's death.

But when I swiped it for the second and third time, it felt like I was being fed a piece of chocolate-flavored shit.

Unspeakably disgusting.

There was absolutely no need for Jiraiya to do that, even if he ran away after breaking his hand.

But Jiraiya must automatically figure it out.

That is the time of decision predicted by the Great Toad Immortal, so be sure to confirm it.

Is the confirmation useful?

Xia Mu thought it was useless.

Just assume that Nagato's body is not inside and retreat by yourself.

With such a strong fighting force, he had to die there for a completely useless piece of information.

Jiraiya was obviously given to the CPU by Gamamaru.

Prophecy, shit.

Is it really that useful to tell Yahiko that Hanzo is a trap?

If it was really that useful, wouldn't it be difficult to tell Minato earlier that Obito would invade Konoha?

Alas, no, I can only see fragments, and I can’t explain clearly.

In Natsuki's opinion, the Toad Pills of Mt. Myouki.

He is a frog who does not dare to interfere with the future, but just goes with the future and follows the trend.

He did not dare to change anything at any critical juncture in history.

Although these are all things he said.

They don't care at all how many people die in the middle. As long as he bets correctly, Miaomu Mountain will always be prosperous.

What Natsuki said to Jiraiya made Jiraiya fall into deep thought.

Natsuki's purpose is obvious.

Tell him not to believe in the great toad sage of Mt. Miaomu.

But it was something that Jiraiya had believed in for so many years.

How could it be possible that just one or two sentences were changed.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Natsuki did not answer Jiraiya's question, but said to Minato:

"Minato, your son Naruto is the prophesied savior who will bring change to the ninja world."

"Ah, Natsuki, are you telling the truth!?"

Minato was actually chosen as the successor by Mount Myoboku before, but he died too suddenly.

So the toad didn't have a deep impact on him.

Minato knew about the prophesied child, but Natsuki was convinced that Naruto was it, which still surprised and delighted Minato.

Natsuki slapped Minato back on the sofa:

"You are so happy. The meaning of being a savior is to go through countless sufferings and dangers."

"You are not dead now. You don't want to protect Naruto from the wind and rain, but you also push Naruto out to be the savior."

"Do you believe that Kushina can tear you alive."

Minato reacted to Natsuki's words. He scratched his head and said awkwardly:

"I'm sorry Xia Mu, I didn't react right away."

Jiraiya heard Natsuki say that Naruto was the savior and began to think.

When Natsuki saw Jiraiya's appearance, he didn't care what Jiraiya thought:

"Jiraiya, if I intervene, Naruto will not be able to become the savior."

Jiraiya frowned and said, "Why?"

Because in Jiraiya's understanding, Natsuki's actions now should also be a part of the future.

Natsuki gave Jiraiya a meaningful smile:

"You can go back and ask the Great Toad Immortal if he has seen me in the future."

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