Naruto’s Strongest Force

Chapter 466 The Unknown Future

Mount Myoki

Jiraiya came back this time specifically to see the Great Toad Sage.

Because of Natsuki's words, Jiraiya's heart was already shaken.

He has begun to doubt whether what he has done over the years is really right.

And Natsuki also said that Naruto is the child of prophecy.

This made Jiraiya, who had been searching for the son of the prophecy for many years, unable to control himself.

But looking at it now, although Naruto is excellent, he is far from the level of the prophecy child.

The only thing that connected with the Son of Prophecy was Naruto's blue eyes.

"Little Jiraiya, did something happen to Toad Sento who was so anxious to come back this time?"

Shima asked, standing on Jiraiya's shoulder.

Jiraiya used Shima's reverse psychic technique to return to Mount Myoki.

As soon as Jiraiya came back, he told Shima that he needed to see the Great Toad Sage.

Jiraiya shook his head and said:

"There are other people who also know about the Son of Prophecy and claim to have found the Son of Prophecy."

"How is it possible? Does the other party also have the ability to predict?"

Shima didn't believe it.

The reason why Mount Myoboku has been able to stand in the ninja world for many years is because of this prophecy ability.

Jiraiya denied: "I don't know the other party's ability either."

"But I want to ask the Great Toad Immortal if there are any traces of this person in the future."

The Toad Immortal is a frog who specializes in prophecy.

Toad Immortal is about adapting to the future. As long as the outcome is good, any sacrifice in the process is necessary.

For this reason, the Great Toad Immortal's ability is all about predicting the future.

The purpose is to constantly bet on the latest child of destiny.

Ensure the development and growth of Miaomu Mountain.

If this new person has the ability to predict the future, it is a very serious matter for Miaomushan.

It is very likely to affect the life trajectory of the child of prophecy.

In the end, the Son of Prophecy will no longer be the savior.

While Shima was thinking, he followed Jiraiya to the location of the great Toad Sage, Toadmaru.

Its orange body sits on a throne dedicated to it, with the word "immortal" written on it.

The Big Toad Immortal is orange all over, has yellow eyes, and has a string of Buddhist beads around his neck.

There is a lavender cat's eye stone in the middle with the word "oil" written on it.

Wearing a doctor's hat on his head, he looks old and kind.

"Who's coming?"

The Great Toad Immortal opened his huge eyelids and looked down.

Fukasaku, who was waiting next to the big toad sage, quickly told the big toad sage:

"Old Master, it's Jiraiya, Jiraiya is here."


After the Great Toad Immortal hummed, he didn't speak for a long time.

Jiraiya and Fukasaku Shima waited for a long time before they discovered the giant toad sage.

Fell asleep?

"Old lady! Old lady!"

Fukasaku called out many times before the big toad opened his eyelids.

"Who is that person down there?"

It seems that he has completely forgotten what happened before.

"What are you doing! Didn't I just say it was little Jiraiya, you demented old man!"

Shima was still worried about the Son of Prophecy before, but he didn't expect that the giant toad sage's dementia attribute would show up again.

Shima immediately went into a rage.

Fukasaku's forehead is sweating:

"Old woman, how could you say that to the old man? You said he was a demented old man."

"Originally, every time..."

The Great Toad Immortal opened his eyes and said with a smile:

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, husband and wife should live in harmony."

"You two go down first, I'll talk to Jiraiya alone."

Seeing that the great toad sage had regained consciousness, Fukasaku and Shima stopped arguing.

But as they went down, they looked at each other.

They all saw doubts in each other's eyes.

What things need to be avoided even by them?

But they still went on very obediently.

"Big Toad Sage, I met a man who seems to be able to see the future and claims that Naruto is the child of prophecy."

The Great Toad Immortal sometimes speaks for a long time.

So after Jiraiya said that, he kept waiting for the big toad sage to speak.

The Great Toad Sage didn't keep Jiraiya waiting for too long this time.

Instead, he said slowly:

"The future trajectory of that blue-eyed boy was blocked by a pair of blood-red eyes."

"If I don't become your apprentice, I can't save the entire ninja world."

"Under the cover of these eyes, the future of the ninja world is in chaos. It may thrive or destroy."

The Great Toad Sage looked at Jiraiya, and his blood-red eyes instantly came into Jiraiya's mind.

Jiraiya had fought against Natsuki back then, and he still remembered the pattern of Natsuki's Sharingan.

It's these eyes.

What Xia Mu said was actually true!

"Big Toad Immortal, did you see these eyes in the future scene?"

The big toad's eyelids were slightly swollen.

After waiting for a long time, Jiraiya thought that the giant toad sage had fallen asleep again.

The big toad fairy slowly spoke:

"He blocked the fate of many people and he should not be here."

For the Great Toad Sage, Natsuki is something completely independent of the future.

As long as he exists, he can continue to change the fate of other people in the future.

But the Great Toad Immortal couldn't do anything against Natsuki.

Big Toad also considered what attitude to use to face Xia Mu.

But whenever he has any unfavorable thoughts towards Xiamu, his perception will give the Great Toad Immortal a crazy warning.

A feeling of extreme danger will suddenly surge into the heart of the Great Toad Immortal.

It seems that if he does this, it will bring disaster to Miaomu Mountain.

The Great Toad Immortal had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​becoming an enemy of Natsuki.

The unknown future of Miaomu Mountain and its destroyed future.

How to choose between these two, he still has a clear idea.

Regarding Jiraiya, he could only tell the truth now.

"Once upon a time, only the Child of Destiny could save the entire ninja world."

"But now, someone has brought the ninja world to the unknown future."

The big toad seemed very tired after saying this.

His whole eyes drooped, and then he snored evenly.

This time the Great Toad Immortal really fell asleep.

Jiraiya thought.

The words of the Great Toad Immortal were very clear.

Uchiha Natsuki is a special being.

He changed the destiny of many people.

Unless Naruto can become his apprentice, the ninja world cannot be saved.

With Natsuki's intervention, the future of the ninja world is unknown.

Jiraiya was a little confused. It would be best if he could find a way to save the ninja world.

But the current situation is that Naruto hates him very much, and it would be nice to have a few words with him.

Don't even think about taking on a disciple.

And the most critical thing is Xia Mu's attitude.

Natsuki has made it clear that he will definitely prevent Naruto from becoming the savior.

Unlike Jiraiya who was alone.

Not only is Natsuki strong in combat, he is now the leader of a country, with a huge amount of power behind him.

It's definitely not going to work hard.

It seems that we can only talk to Natsuki again.

Konoha Village.

Because there is a large-scale Chunin Exam to be held.

So the whole village became busy.

When a large-scale Chunin Exam is held, the Kage from allied villages will be required to come and watch the competition.

When the shadow from the alliance village came over, there would be many people accompanying him.

Some of these people came here specifically to discuss business and trade.

This Chunin Exam is more like a communication gathering.

The genin are working hard to take the exam to become a chunin.

Yingdu sat together and discussed important matters.

The people below exchange information and enhance communication.

As long as it is not during wartime, allied villages will usually send people to participate.

Some ninja villages have no way to hold the chuunin exams due to their small land area and financial difficulties.

Being able to hold such a large-scale Chunin Exam is itself a sign of strength.

The village has tripled the area of ​​Theater No. 44, the Forest of Death.

There is not even a qualified Wooden ninja in Konoha right now.

The method used is to dig out a big tree in the forest not far away, plant it here, and let Tianzang promote its growth.

These trees can be allowed to survive immediately in the expanded death forest.

Recently, Tianzang has been busy hitting the back of his head with his feet, and he looks like he is about to collapse every day.

But he was the only one in Konoha who knew how to use wood escape, so he could only grit his teeth and fight hard.

So that there will be enough space for the Chunin Examination.

As the nearest ally, Sunagakure, Kazekage Rasa has already given Konoha a positive answer.

Sunagakure's people will come to participate in the competition, as well as Amegakure Village, Kusanagi Village, and Taki Ninja Village.

The other ones are Yaoyin Village, headed by Natsuki, and Oto Ninja Village.

Others, including some unknown small villages, also came to join in the fun.

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