Although the caravan boss had already given in, Yumu felt that ten million was not too much.

But this time it was related to the issue of maritime trade, and Yumu could not give in:

"Our Kumogakure's conditions remain unchanged. We can only leave here after paying half of the goods."

Yao Ye's tone seemed helpless, but actually he was excited:

"That means there's nothing to talk about?"

Yukito shook his head:

"There is no way, who asked your fleet to come here at this time."

"If we could still talk about it at other times, today we don't have to talk about it."

Yao Ye put one hand on the handle of the knife, and the smile on his lips was harder than that of AK: "I really don't want to fight you."

Yuki is so angry. The expression on your face, is that what you want to say? Are you trying to steal my line?

He said that he would not fight Yao Ye this time, but things were forced to this point and the two had to fight again.

Yukito snorted:

"Every time I meet you, I feel like beating you to death!"

Then he turned over and jumped down.

Neither of them chose to fight on the boat. No matter which side of the boat was damaged, the mission was not worth the gain.

Yao Ye is 1.88 meters tall, weighs 100 kilograms, and is extremely strong.

The action of jumping into the sea is not so graceful, like a weight hitting the water directly.

splashing a lot of water,

The two collided quickly.

Yao Ye's knife and Yumu Ren's claws collided directly.

The two bounced apart for a moment, and then collided fiercely.

While fighting, the two sides moved in unison and did not fight near the ship.

There were two Uchiha tribesmen on board the merchant ship, but they knew that they were here just for fun.

Where there is Yao Ye, it is impossible for them to take their turn in the battle.

Kumogakure also ran to the side of the boat to watch the two fight.

This is not the first time they have fought against each other. In the past two years, whenever Yumu Ren comes out, he will encounter Yao Ye most of the time.

They are very familiar with each other.

Even if he couldn't touch Yumu Ren, Yao Ye would still have to pull in other Kumogakure and fight him several times.

Yao Ye is strong enough and likes to fight. In fact, Kumo Hidden doesn't dislike him very much.

It's just that on Kumogakure's side, ordinary ninjas are slightly worse than Yao Ye.

Only the wooden man can hold it firmly.

Yao Ye and Yu Mu Ren exchanged blows and each retreated.

Yao Ye twisted his neck: "The warm-up is almost over."

Then blue lightning arcs began to overflow from Yao Ye's body.

Yumu Ren didn't care much, he put his hands on the sea, and his rice-brown hair exploded.

The blue cat demon pattern chakra appeared on the surface of the body.

The two collided quickly, and Yumu Ren, who transformed into a half-tailed beast, was incredibly fast.

The claws on his hands and feet were as strong as diamonds, and every time they collided with Yao Ye's weapons, sparks would burst out.

Yao Ye used the Thunder Chakra stimulation method to make himself faster.

And he opened his Sharingan, perfectly cooperating with every high-speed movement he made.

In this case, ordinary ninjutsu is a waste of time.

But the ninjutsu that Yao Ye is proficient in all revolves around his fighting style.

Yao Ye's physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people, but it is still far behind Yumu Ren, especially in terms of agility.

As a result, his weapons were easily parried by Yumu Ren.

Yao Ye has already used Lei Tang and attached Lei Chakra to his weapon.

When Yumu Ren parries, the splashing lightning can paralyze Yumu Ren.

But Yukito's tailed beast coat has very strong resistance.

The paralysis effect of Thunder Wrap on Yukito is not very good.

Yukito is also a representative figure in high-speed combat, because of the attributes of the two-tailed brigade.

This makes the Yumu people's bodies very soft, light and extremely fast.

He can always poke holes in Yao Ye at random angles.

Yao Ye was much slower than before, so he could only use the Thunder Escape Chakra mode called Raizao.

Yao Ye's thunder escape stimulation method has just been developed, and the effect is not very good.

It can only increase movement and speed.

The two of them hit each other fast, causing waves and splashing in the sea.

Yao Ye's sword was blocked, he threw away the blade, swung down to his lower body and grabbed Yumu Ren's legs.

Yumuren raised his knees and turned his feet, using the claws under his feet to block the knife.

His hands dug four holes in Yao Ye's shoulders.

Yao Ye tightened his muscles, jammed Yumu Ren's claws, and slashed directly at Yumu Ren's waist with his long knife.

The claws of Yumu Ren's feet kicked on the knife, and he made a highly flexible arching posture to avoid the knife.

Neither party wanted to stop there.

Yao Ye used all his strength to fight.

Yao Ye improved very quickly. Two years ago, after Yao Ye transformed into a half-tailed beast from a wooden man, he still couldn't do a few moves.

Yao Ye can now fight Yumu Ren half-tailed beast, and the fight is evenly matched.

At their level, this speed of improvement is simply unbelievable.

Yukito can only sigh that the Uchiha clan is really talented.

With just such a flash of amazing skill, Yao Ye seized the opportunity.


A ball of lightning exploded from Yao Ye's knife, and Yumu Ren's eyes turned white.

There was a bang in my ears!

Her whole body couldn't even maintain balance and became sore and weak.

The moment Yao Ye Dao crossed over, Yumu Ren exploded violently.

Chakra exploded instantly, and the wooden man transformed directly from a human body into the image of a flaming cat demon.

The burning flames burst into Yao Ye's body.

Yao Ye groaned and flew backwards. In mid-air, Yao Ye raised his left hand and pointed.

Thunder escape, thunder gun!

A bolt of lightning flashed and hit the cat demon transformed from the wooden man directly on the leg.

The cat demon roared angrily, and a fireball burst out.

Yao Ye had just finished using the thunder gun and had no time to defend himself.

He could only hold the knife across his chest.


The fireball exploded and burned directly on Yao Ye's body.

Yao Ye groaned in pain, and while a large amount of lightning exploded from his body, he dived under the water.

The flame just went out.

Yao Ye sprang out of the water again.

A cat's paw, with a fierce wind sound, had already hit his chest.


With a crisp sound, Yao Ye flew backwards.

It flew directly towards the merchant ship and hit the side iron sheet of the cargo ship.

The hull of the ship shook, and there was a slight dent in the iron sheet.

Yao Ye's vision went dark, and he felt severe pain all over his body, and then he began to sink with a gurgling sound.

The two Uchiha tribesmen on the merchant ship quickly jumped off.

Lifted Yao Ye out of the water.

The two got Yao Ye onto the deck of the ship. Yao Ye had two more broken ribs and more than ten holes in his body.

There were a few more burns this time.

The two tribesmen have become accustomed to it. One person treats external injuries, and the other takes out medicine to treat internal injuries and feeds it to Yao Ye.

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