Naruto’s Strongest Force

Chapter 718 Punish Hinata for being lazy

The land of snow.

There were no more attacks on subsequent voyages.

After a period of sailing, Xiamu and others landed safely.

After what happened before, the entire crew was very respectful and polite to Xia Mu and others.

After all, Natsuki's personal strength is amazing, and even Naruto, a teenager, has amazing fighting ability.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was also in high spirits after seeing that Xia Mu and others had such fighting power.

In the past, she was always worried that she would not be able to defeat Feng Hua Ragao, and that she would undoubtedly die if she came back.

But the fact is that Xia Mu, the team leader, basically didn't take any action.

Several apprentices dismissed Feng Hua Nu Tao's snow ninja.

And there was such a big disaster that the entire iceberg sank into the sea.

Everyone on the crew was safe and sound, but some equipment fell into the sea.

This voyage was very long, and many things were hard to buy in the Land of Snow, so the director bought a lot of spare items.

Even if some equipment is dropped, it will not delay subsequent plot filming.

After the group landed ashore, they had to take a car.

The Country of Snow has a large area, which is completely deserted.

After all, it's too cold here, reminding Natsuki of Siberia in the past.

A group of people and more than ten vehicles formed a convoy and drove toward the third Taifu's base.

As a former minister of the former dynasty, the third wife naturally had companions and a large number of soldiers.

After Feng Hua Furu Tao usurped the throne, he imposed exorbitant taxes and spent a lot of money in vain in search of the legendary treasure.

The treasure was not found, and a lot of money from the treasury was spent on researching chakra armor.

The people are miserable.

The people of the Land of Snow have been suffering from the bitter wind and angry waves for a long time.

They also pay attention to the fact that each division has a reputation. After Fenghua Xiaoxue returns, they can justifiably revolt.

However, the storm brought too much psychological shadow to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

As a result, Yu Fenghua Xiaoxue never dared to come back.

But now that he has come back and brought so many strong reinforcements, it is also an unexpected surprise for the third wife.

The route was long and the road conditions were not very good, so Natsuki didn't waste time.

Instead, he was practicing the art of spiritual transformation with his eyes closed.

On Natsuki's third try, his soul was able to come out of his body.

This feeling was magical, floating in the carriage, and he could clearly see himself sitting there cross-legged.

And as a soul body, nothing can stop him.

He was floating in the air, almost as if he had used the Super Light Heavy Rock Jutsu.

Then he walked through the car and came outside.

It was snowing all the time in the sky, and Natsuki could neither feel the cold nor catch the snowflakes.

Natsuki got into Shiro and Kimimaro's carriage after experiencing it for a while.

Kimimaro and Shiro are both calm people, and they both seize the time to absorb the natural energy.

Natsuki invaded Bai's body and soon reached the level of consciousness.

Bai's own image soon appeared in his consciousness.

"Master Natsuki, why are you in my body?"

Xia Mu smiled when he heard this and said: "This is the art of spiritualization, this is my soul."

Bai heard the name of this technique and was a little surprised:

"Can this technique enter other people's bodies?"

Xia Mu smiled and said: "You can also control other people's bodies."

There was some curiosity on Bai's face: "Natsumu-sama, let's try my body."

Xia Mu thought for a moment, and his soul came to the center of his consciousness.

Controlling Bai, he opened his eyes and waved his arms and legs.

There were no obstacles at all, and it seemed that Shiro trusted him wholeheartedly.

"Practice well, I'll go back first."

Saying that, Natsuki broke away from Bai's body and walked out of the vehicle.

Shiro blinked and regained control of his body.

The group of people passed through a cave and stopped.

This is a curved cliff with ice underneath. The whole scene is very suitable for taking pictures.

As soon as Natsuki got out of the car, Matsuke ran to him and whispered:

"Natsuki-sama, we will add some shots here, do you think?"

Field Assistant came to ask Natsuki, one was because Natsuki had saved them before, and the other was to see if there was any danger nearby.

They are just ordinary people. After seeing the destructive power of the ninja disaster level, they all take it seriously.

Natsuki looked at Hinata, who opened her eyes knowingly and began to look into the distance.

Soon after, Hinata rolled her eyes and said, "Natsuki-sama, there is a modified train approaching in the distance.

"The train is not only equipped with many weapons, but also has more than a thousand soldiers. The three snow ninjas who escaped before are also there."

"They are not going very fast. They will arrive here in about half an hour."

"The storm is on the train."

This Feng Hua Ragao obviously didn't know what he was facing, so he brought all his elites.

"Let's tell those people where the best observation point is."

"Let them hide this time."

"Yes!" Hinata ran to Director Okamura at this time and told Director Okamura that the enemy would come and how many would come.

Where are the best shooting spots?

Because this time the opponents were fully armed and had vehicle-mounted concealed weapons.

Therefore, except for a few cameras protected by Xia Mu and others, all other crew members had to take shelter.

I heard that it was only half an hour, and everyone on the crew was looking around for somewhere to hide.

But it is surrounded by white snow, with cliffs on one side and cliffs on the other, and there is only a road in the middle.

There is really no place to hide.

Everyone who saw the crew was like headless flies.

"Stop messing around and move away from the cliff."

Xia Mu's voice made a group of people who had no idea find the backbone.

They all left the cliff. Although they didn't know what Xia Mu wanted to do, they knew that it was best to be obedient in this place.

Xia Mu gave instructions.

Bai came to the cliff and formed a seal on his hand.

Ice Escape, the art of the Great Glacier!

In this icy and snowy environment, Bai's Ice Escape was greatly strengthened.

A thick layer of ice appeared on the edge of the cliff, stretching for two hundred meters.

The middle lane immediately became much narrower, and part of the road was blocked by solid ice.

There is a gap more than one meter wide in the middle of the ice.

But from the outside, it was impossible to tell that there was anyone inside the ice wall.

The entire crew was a little surprised. Although they had seen it once, it was still shocking to see it again.

"Okay, we already have a hiding place. I'll open a window for you to take close-up shots later."

Xia Mu said carelessly.

He remembered that the turbulent military train arrived here. There were several carriages, and when they were opened, there were dense kunai launchers.

Here, San Taifu's men charged against Feng Hua Raging Wave, but were shot into sieves by kunai launchers.

This time the third wife did not bring anyone here at all.

The military train launching kunai was a big scene.

Natsuki called Naruto over.

"Naruto, in a moment you will divide into twenty shadow clones, transform into the samurai on Santaifu's side, and rush down from the mountain peak."

Naruto said with a grimace: "Master, I can only divide 10 out now."

Xia Mu Bang hit Naruto on the head: "With your chakra, it is easy to separate twenty or thirty chakras."

"You have never had the side effects of shadow clones, because the side effects of shadow clones make you too uncomfortable."

"So you subconsciously divide less."

"Don't be lazy. Use shadow clones for me now. If you don't get thirty clones, I won't give Hinata food tonight."

Naruto was instantly startled: "No, no, no, master, I will give you thirty right now...Hey, master, wasn't it twenty just now?"

Xia Mu raised his eyes: "You are forty now, do you still ask?"

Naruto shrank his neck in fear: "No more questions, I'll get ready right away."

Naruto clasped his hands together: "Multiple, Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

With continuous banging sounds, seven or eight Narutos appeared in the field.

Natsuki clasped his hands and looked at Naruto, his eyes narrowed slightly, making Naruto instantly feel a sense of danger.

Naruto thought about Hinata being punished for him that night.

He clasped his hands together again: "Multiple, Shadow Clone Technique!"

Bang bang bang! Continuous sound of smoke.

More than fifty shadow clones appeared here.

Xia Mu nodded slightly, that's what he said.

Naruto thought of the pain of having his shadow clone destroyed, and warned:

"Everyone, be careful this time! When danger occurs, you must cancel the shadow clone in advance, otherwise I will feel very uncomfortable."

Naruto agreed readily:

"Oh! Don't worry! We've already written it down!"

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