The fame of Hayabusa Tsuruta spread, and even reached the ears of Yamashuko Hanzo, the leader of the Land of Rain.

Originally, because of the battle with Konoha, the battle with Shinobu, and the battle with Iwa Shinobu, it can almost be said that the country of rain was almost crippled. A large number of lower Shinobi, middle Shinobi, and even the poor upper Shinobi, who were originally few, died a lot. How bad the situation is in the Land of Rain can naturally be imagined. So later, Yamasoku Hanzo directly shrunk out, and even the ninja did not send to the battlefield, allowing Konoha, Iwa Shinobu and Sand Shinobu to start fighting on the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

Now the battle in the territory of the Land of Rain has been divided. Konoha won, and the Land of Rain is finally no longer a battlefield. Yamashiro Hanzo breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t have to continue shrinking in the turtle. Of course, when encountering Konoha’s ninja, Yamasoku Hanzo still let Yu Shinobu force as much as possible, and Konoha’s ninja let them do whatever they wanted, and ignored it.

But all in all, when others have almost finished fighting in their own countries, Yamasoku Hanzo has emerged again. Then Yamasoku Hanzo in this situation heard the name of Hayabusa Tsuruta.

According to rumors, Tsuruta Hayabusa is powerful, a very powerful man, and shelters a lot of poor people and the like. Yamashi Hanzo didn’t listen to the others, but Tsuruta Hayabusa’s strength was clearly heard. Originally, because of the war, many ninjas died, but now Yamasoku Hanzo is in a time of lack of people, so after hearing about the existence of Tsuruta Hayabusa, he immediately planned to recruit Tsuruta Hayabusa and make Tsuruta Hayabusa his subordinate.

Therefore, Yamasoku Hanzo sent a small team to invite Tsuruta Hayabusa, of course, it is nice to say that the invitation sounds, in fact, Yamasoku Hanzo directly gave an order for Tsuruta Hayabusa to go and become his subordinate.

Tsuruta Hayabusa did not know at this time that Yamashi Hanzo was hitting his attention, he was still continuing to cultivate, regardless of his physical condition, crazy cultivation, even if he now has the strength of Shangnin, even Tsuruta Hayabusa’s strength has long been not comparable to ordinary Shangnin, but he is still using his original method to cultivate.

In the past, the huge stones that Tsuruta Hayabusa resisted constantly became larger and heavier, at first there were stones about the size of a person, and later there were huge stones the size of half a house, and now, Tsuruta Hayabusa even carried huge stones larger than a house and began to practice. Both hands directly grasped the boulder that was larger than the house, burst into drink, and the ten fingers of both hands grabbed a handprint on the boulder, and then resisted it on the back for a long-distance run with weights.

“Shhh! That’s awesome! Although it’s not the first time I see it, I can’t help but be shocked every time I see it! Yahiko, who was hiding on the side, watched Tsuruta Hayabusa’s actions and couldn’t help but marvel.

“yes, it’s like a monster!” Nagato nodded.

Yahiko couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he heard Nagato’s words: “Say that Brother Hayabusa is a monster, and this guy of yours is also a monster Well, no matter what ninjutsu, almost it’s okay, obviously Xiaonan’s ninjutsu that has been repairing for so long is not even comparable to the results of your practice for a few days.” You’re the real weird.”

“Hey, hey…” Nagato laughed and scratched his head. He himself is a person of a family, and the amount of Chakra extracted in his body is much more than that of ordinary people, plus he has a pair of monster-like reincarnation eyes, those simple ninjutsu are simply not too easy in his hands.

As the two spoke, their eyes couldn’t help but fall on Tsuruta Hayabusa’s body, and they continued to show amazed and even envious eyes.

“You two, you’re peeking at Brother Falcon’s cultivation again!” Snapped (snapped) twice, and two small hands slapped on Nagato and Yahiko’s heads, respectively.

“Hehe, who made Big Brother Falcon so powerful! Big Brother Falcon doesn’t teach us how to cultivate, and if we want to improve our strength, we can only steal the master like this. Yahiko scratched his head, laughed, and said to Xiaonan, who had just arrived.

“Forget it! Brother Falcon’s cultivation method is not suitable for us people to practice at all! Xiao Nan shook his head and persuaded.

“What a shame!” Yahiko also knew that Konan’s restorative ability was simply enviable to death.

Tsuruta Hayabusa burst into laughter, and with both arms, he threw the boulder upwards, and the boulder rose into the air, and then began to fall. Under the boulder, Tsuruta Hayabusa opened his arms, and when the boulder landed, Chakra condensed on his body, and even attached to his arms, and with another burst, he caught the boulder abruptly, and then threw it up again.

The huge rocks are like a football, and they are constantly thrown up and down, and they are constantly followed. It’s like a toy.

Nagato, who originally looked at Tsuruta Hayabusa and felt shocked, were even more shocked when they saw this scene.

In fact, for Nagato’s peek, Tsuruta Hayabusa can naturally detect it, although Tsuruta Hayabusa has not systematically learned such as counter-reconnaissance, but Nagato they have not learned either. In addition, Tsuruta Hayabusa’s strength at this time is far stronger than Nagato’s. So it’s not a difficult thing to find them. It’s just that Tsuruta Hayabusa knows that his cultivation is actually very simple and crude, unless it is a special person like him who has superhuman recovery ability, otherwise, no matter how to learn his cultivation method, it will not have any effect, and maybe even hurt himself and train himself to death.


Dropping the boulder on the ground, Tsuruta Hayabusa took a deep breath, and then Chakra focused on his arm, quickly attacked, his fists continued to smash on the boulder, the speed was very fast, and even in Yahiko’s eyes, they could only see an afterimage, and they couldn’t see which Tsuruta Hayabusa’s real arm was. Nagato, who has the eye of reincarnation, can see clearly, but he is limited to the problem of strength, and he can’t keep up with the speed of Tsuruta Hayabusa at all.

Fast! It’s so fast!

Almost instantly, Tsuruta Hayabusa threw hundreds of punches, and each punch hit the boulder caused great damage to the boulder!

ps: The results are not good, two changes a day in the future, when the results are better, or the website arranges recommendations to increase the number of updates. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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