Kind of funny little ghost!

The white-haired ninja, and Danzo both looked back at the red-haired teenager, when they were outside, they really didn’t notice this teenager, and only now they noticed, but unfortunately now everyone can no longer use Chakra, so it is difficult for them to know how strong this teenager will be when he is outside!

However, for the identity of the red-haired boy, both of them have speculation.

Being able to use the silk thread to easily trip so many people without knowing it, except for the puppeteer of Shinobu, there is really no one who can do this, and the huge package behind that young man must be his puppet.

Kind of interesting!

“Ah! What are these moves! ”

Toad Guang, who was the first to enter the trial in Copper Man Alley, shouted the moment the copper man moved.


It hurts so much!

Grandmaster Dacheng’s national art hit his strong flesh, as if it could penetrate the defense of the flesh and directly attack his internal organs, that feeling made him very uncomfortable, and he didn’t want to experience it again!


If you don’t want to be hit, you have to dodge all the attacks.

Don’t look at Toad’s huge size, he has a unique talent for dodging, avoiding many copper people who almost attacked him, so that the body that was far away from the organ part was attacked by those copper people.

This kind of selective beating did have a lot of effects, those places without organs were attacked, and there would still be severe pain inside the body, but it was not as painful as before, and Toad Guang felt that he could barely hold on.

If you don’t join the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, you can’t go back to Miaomu Mountain, otherwise you will lose the face of their toad clan!

Completely different from Toad Guang, Tuan Zang perfectly dodged the first wave of the copper man’s attack by virtue of his years of cultivation and his heart, which had been extremely wary of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect before.

As for the white-haired ninja, it was even simpler, taking out a short knife, and every time he swung the short knife, he could accurately attack the short knife on the copper man’s line that would definitely attack him.

Guoshu is the art of killing, not a martial art used to perform.

The national art of each move is the most beautiful and simple killing move on the battlefield, and the person who can see through all these killing moves must have extremely professional killing experience.

In other words, the life contaminated under that short knife is absolutely beyond everyone’s imagination.

It turned out to be him!

Tuan Zang’s eyes shrank sharply, even if it was Ape Flying Sun that guy who came to participate in the entry test of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, he was not surprised at all, but if this guy came to participate, it was really strange!


With that person’s feelings for Konoha, he would definitely not have an extra layer of identity as a disciple of the so-called Ten Thousand Realms Sect.

There must be quirks in it!

Distracted, Tuan Zang’s body was smashed by the fists of three copper men, and the huge power that came from it almost didn’t make a cry out of pain, and the feeling of internal organs as if they were hit was simply more uncomfortable than being beaten violently!

The red-haired boy’s relaxed expression became solemn after seeing the white-haired ninja’s knife technique, and there seemed to be an indescribable emotion hidden in it.

Join the Ten Thousand Realms Sect first, and make a decision on other things after joining the Ten Thousand Realms Sect!

The red-haired boy quickly converged his emotions, revealing a calm that did not fit his age, and the transparent silk threads hidden in his clothes continued to flow out of his sleeves, and under the control of that pair of slender fingers, they continued to change at a very fast speed, and finally formed a fist-like silk thread.

So a lump of silk threads, if you want to control and condense together, it takes a pair of extremely delicate hands to do it.

Don’t look at the small size of the fist, the amount of silk thread required in it is really amazing, to maintain that form at any time, the general sand ninja puppeteer, even if it is a puppet master with the upper ninja level, can not easily do this.

Judging from the red-haired boy’s indifferent expression, his talent in the puppeteer has surpassed everyone.

“Kind of interesting.”

Tang Hao, who was drinking tea, couldn’t help but put the tea bowl down, and rarely praised everyone in the pass, especially the teenager who used strange methods to avoid the real test of Copper Man Alley.

The test of Copper Man Alley obviously wanted to test physical skills, as well as willpower in the state of being attacked by the Copper Man, but I didn’t expect that the teenager was good, and directly used the characteristics of the puppeteer profession to turn the silk thread into a fist or foot, or other strange things, in order to be able to do everything possible to deform the action of the copper man’s attack, or let the copper man have no chance to launch the next attack on him when the attack is offset by these things.

It is worthy of being the future genius puppeteer and the future red sand scorpion!

That’s right, that red-haired boy is the genius who betrayed the Sand Hidden Village – Scorpion!

Tang Hao also did not expect that Scorpion, a brat with a relatively eccentric personality, would actually have the urge to join the Ten Thousand Realms Sect.

As for the other people, he didn’t care very much, he really cared a little about the scorpion, in fact, in the battle for a tail, the scorpion really released water, and his attainment in puppets was indeed the pinnacle.

Think about it, from the big snake pill to the scorpion, plus the horned capital that was destroyed by the Ten Thousand Realms Sect with three hearts.

The people in the “Xiao” plan seemed to be shattered by the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, and they didn’t know if Banye, who was not dead for the time being, would directly rush over and solve all the people he recruited on his side with the eye of reincarnation.

Scorpion boy, I hope you can join our Ten Thousand Realms Sect, I think you will definitely not want to join the “ambitious” Xiao Organization at that time.

“Why, looking at your appearance, seems to be happy?”

Tsunade looked at Tang Hao with a curious expression.

Tang Hao smiled, “Of course, I have to be happy, after the recruitment of the outer disciples this time, I am ready to open the secret realm.” ”


Including Ace, they are full of curiosity about the secret realm of the sect.

According to Tang Hao, they can harvest things that are unimaginable in the secret realm.

“By the way, all ninjas in Konoha have an increase of ten seconds in the time of both tests.” Tang Hao smiled brightly, “Don’t look at me like this, there is no other reason, I am in a good mood now, so I will reward you with a little privilege.” ”


Who wants this damn privilege too.

“Remember to go back and thank your three generations of adults, if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have been so lucky to get the privilege.”

Tang Hao did not forget to add a sentence with a dark belly.

Three generations of adults? What exactly did the three generations of adults do to this devil?

For a moment, a vague news with a haze stained the hearts of Konoha’s ninjas. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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