“Boy, I’m going to kill… Finish… You! ”

The crane in the cloud was blinded, and Akai’s kick kicked him fiercely. The root is directly under him. The body kicked out a dripping trace of blood.

Looking at the girl beside him who was torn in rags, the half-hidden graceful figure, Yunzhong Crane now saw no reaction, the only thing he could feel was the intense pain under him!

In vain, my crane in the clouds is said to be a hungry ghost, am I so wasted?!

Yun Zhonghe’s mind was constantly changing, and under the intense pain, all his thoughts turned into hatred, and if it weren’t for that kid, things wouldn’t have become like this at all.

It is the honor of those women to be pampered by his Uncle Crane in the Clouds, and why should this wild boy who appeared out of nowhere want to destroy the good deeds of his Uncle Crane in the Clouds.

“Hmph! You bullied that sister, I will never let go of a man who bullies women like you, I want to defeat you, this is my way of youth! ”

Akai stared at the crane in the cloud seriously.

This little brother. Brother, it’s really like a hero!

Shennong Gang’s beautiful girl looked at Akai’s eyes a little foolish.

Which girl is not pregnant with spring, especially when she is almost in danger, someone can show up in time to save herself from danger.

Although Akai is a little younger in terms of age, his body, which has become taller and stronger due to long-term physical practice, conceals his actual age well.

Otherwise, such a young child would show such strength, and this guy in the clouds, where would dare to be so arrogant, would definitely guess that there were other masters hidden near Akai.

“The Way of Youth? I only know that you only have one way now, and that is the way to death! ”

Yunzhong Crane endured the pain, and slammed a few times on the acupuncture points on his abdomen, directly picked up the iron claw staff on the side, and used the snake crane eight strikes to attack Akai’s head!

“Shhh! This person’s moves seem to be more like snakes than the physical skills of Lord Orochimaru, and there seems to be an animal shadow that is completely different from snakes! ”

Qimu Maoshuo saw that the strength of the crane in the cloud was good from the beginning of the snake crane eight fighting.

The subtlety of the move is secondly, the strength of the crane in the cloud, which has never been seen before in the water mirror technique.

The people of the Immeasurable Sword Sect occupied by Xiao Xiyan’s master and apprentice were really 108,000 li worse than Yunzhong Crane’s strength, and they were not a grade opponent at all.

“This is the mystery of martial arts, force is not the pinnacle of strength. Peak. Sometimes, skills can also bring greater help to strength, if any of you have this move in the hands of this guy who is even more excessive than himself, in the same level of hand-to-hand combat, it is an invincible existence, and it is difficult to die! ”

Tang Hao squinted his eyes and said.

At this time, everyone discovered how powerful the martial arts they looked down on was.

Perhaps the person Akai met is not the strongest, and in the secret realm of the mountain, there will definitely be stronger opponents.

I really want to enter the secret realm and fight other people!

The disciples of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect who had no mediocrity had long been stimulated by this battle after battle.

If it weren’t for Tang Hao’s presence, maybe they would all put on a fight on the spot and start working directly one-on-one!

The subtlety of the snake crane eight dozen made Akai break out in a cold sweat, and all his dodging was a flaw in the eyes of the crane in the clouds!

Rage to anger! The snake crane eight dozen is still orderly, every move attacks to Akai’s defensive place, the eyes of the crane in the cloud is a poisonous snake, every time can find the weak point of Akai.

Without much time, Akai’s body already had countless more scratches.

Seeing such a embarrassed Akai, Mater Dai didn’t mean to help at all, but was just concentrating on collecting the medicinal herbs planted by the Shennong Gang.

Contribute points!

That’s a contribution!

Seeing that martial arts is so powerful, Mater Dai is already ready to go further and further on the road of martial arts, but there are not enough contribution points, there is absolutely no way to obtain more advanced martial arts, so it can only be at this time, all the contribution points that can be obtained are pocketed.

As for Akai?

The raptor’s tail swing was not used, the Kami turtle was not summoned, and his strength was not even half exerted.

That murderous guy is only worthy of Akai to practice!

“This kid’s physical strength?”

In the torment of pain, the crane in the cloud, the physical exertion is increasing, the moves are not as standardized as before, and many moves have different amplitudes of deformation after being cast.

It’s now, the Raptors swing their tails!

Akai’s eyes lit up, and he used the golden bell hood and iron cloth shirt to forcibly carry the attack of the crane in the cloud for so long, just waiting for this opportunity.

Now that the opportunity has come, how can it be easy to miss it!

With a horizontal leg and a fierce dragon swinging its tail with the attribute of the must, in the state of the loose spirit of the crane in the clouds, he directly kicked him out and hit a wooden house fiercely.

“Explain all your martial arts and spare you from death!”

Ninjutsu can be exchanged for contribution points, and martial arts that are not available in the Tibetan scripture pavilion will definitely be able to exchange contribution points!

Akai was rarely smart once, and he began to use his own brain to draw inferences.


Yunzhong Crane violently spat out a mouthful of blood.

I didn’t expect him to be so windy. It is simply a shame that a wicked person who is a sloppy evil person will one day be defeated by an ugly boy with thick eyebrows.

The most critical thing is the lower body part. bit, I can no longer feel intense pain, as if I have completely lost consciousness.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yunzhong Crane stared at Akai with a resentful face.

As if he hadn’t seen his eyes, Akai casually took out a kunai and put it against the neck of the crane in the cloud, and the sharp kunai directly cut a bloody mark on the neck of the crane in the cloud.

“Don’t think I’m joking, I’ll kill you!”

Akai’s brain is not very bright, but he has also experienced the blood of the short book street, and there is no hesitation at all in this kind of thing.

For such an evil person as Yunzhong He, for him, there is only one result of killing decisively.

“I said!”

For the sake of his own little life, Yunzhong Crane is still ready to bend and ask for perfection, and when he escapes the clutches of this kid, he will be the boss, the old . Second, the third shouted over to take revenge!

It took a quarter of an hour, Akai used the sealing scroll to record all the light skill Cloud Crane Gong and the melee move snake crane eight dozen that Yunzhong Crane said, and by the way, confiscated his iron claw staff, which was contented to kick Yunzhong Crane, signaling him to hurry up! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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