It is not only Ace who is infected by this battle, but the most special one is Shisui, the little guy who inherited the slow heat of the Uchiha family.

Writing wheel eyes! Awakened!

The moment the water stop writing wheel eye awakened, Tang Hao received a hint that he could draw a lottery.

But Madara’s next wave of attacks will follow!

The awakening of the Uchiha family also attracted his attention, and it even triggered Madara to kill even more.

This Tang Hao, who had enlisted the geniuses of the Yuzhibo family into the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, was completely destroying his future Moon Eye plan.

Without the geniuses of the Uchiha family who are talented enough, it will be difficult to realize their resurrection plan in the first place.

Mu Dun Mu Ren no Shu!

This wooden man’s art, but it is claimed to be the strongest wooden ninjutsu, is a trick used in the first generation of the battle to end the valley.

The extremely powerful Chakra directly summoned a wooden giant out of thin air, and on the giant’s shoulder was a hideous wooden dragon, which was powerful and large enough to match Susanoo where Uchiha was at this time.

The two huge and incomparable existences stared at Tang Hao fiercely at the same time, and the pressure in them was not something that ordinary people could withstand.

Tang Hao looked calm, “Ban, you are really not interesting, fighting this kind of thing, you also have to pay attention to the mood, you give me a little time to rest, so that I can enjoy the fun of fighting, if you are so radical, you will only want me to kill you faster.” ”

“Crazy brat, don’t think that you have a special background, I will be afraid of you!”

Uchiha snorted disdainfully, but his heart was abnormal.

Wearing Susano!

In Yu Zhibo, who was oppressed to the extreme by Tang Hao, he also exhausted his talent and intelligence at this time, and thought of an extremely perverted move.

That is, Susanoo who was originally equipped to the body of the Nine Tails was equipped with the body of the wooden man, so that the wooden man’s art that was restrained by the strange flame, with the protection of Susano, not only gained more powerful power, but also had the ability to resist the flames.

Kind of interesting!

Tang Hao also did not expect that Wei Zheng Susanou could still have this kind of usage, the power of the Sharingan plus the power of Mu Dun was a ghostly idea, I am afraid that only a person with a terrifying mind like Banye could think of this method.

Let’s draw a prize first to see if you can use any gentle methods to deal with the big guy made by Banye, if you really use foreign fire, sword intent or sword intent, you may really accidentally split Banye.

Before Banye didn’t succeed in fooling him to take the soil to help him complete the plan, if he was killed like this, Tang Hao really didn’t know whether one of the big bosses of the future Hokage World could be successfully resurrected, the most important thing was that such a qualified disciple, if he was included in the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, it would simply be the biggest waste of resources.

Waste is shameful, as a leader who takes thrift and thrift as his creed, Tang Hao will never allow this to happen.

Nine Yin really passed…

God of War Catalogue has passed…

Turtle Pie Qigong has passed…

Xuanyuan Sword passed…

Looking at the good rewards passing one after another, Tang Hao showed an extremely heart-wrenching expression.

Madara saw Tang Hao’s heartache expression, and when he was afraid of his pretense Susano, his tense mood suddenly relaxed a little.

“Boy, with your strength, you are fully able to complete the plan with me, now start joining my plan, I can recognize your existence, when you have to kill all these insiders!”

Uchiha looked at Tang Hao decisively, he believed that Tang Hao could make the most correct choice.

Tang Hao moved his neck, “Ban, you really think too highly of yourself.” I didn’t expect that for the sake of so-called world peace, you would even want to destroy Konoha that you created. ”

“Hmph! Didn’t the Thousand Hand Pillar still want to stop me at the beginning, but what was his final end? ”

Uchiha showed a complicated look and said with deep disdain.

Full Soul Ring Evil Eye White Tiger?

Hehe, Madara is really embarrassed, it seems that you are destined to be abused by me today, and you will experience the true meaning of power!

Tang Hao smiled a little brightly, and did not listen to Uchiha’s provocative words at all.

Damn bastards!

With such an attitude, smart as a spot, he naturally knew that Tang Hao did not have the slightest retreat and fear, he just thought of other things when he was fighting with himself.

Boy, you will pay the price of death for your attitude!

Madara was in flames, and the wooden man wrapped in Susano’s armor, his fist was like a point of light, and quickly fell towards Tang Hao’s position.

Tang Hao, who was still studying the Evil Eye White Tiger Martial Soul, easily used Ling Bo to step slightly, at various strange angles, and walked a tightrope to avoid all of Banye’s attacks, but the place where he stood before was already filled with countless more potholes.

“Okay, dinner begins!”

Tang Hao moved his hands and feet, and the evil eye white tiger power he received on his body could finally be fully displayed.

“Seventh Soul Technique White Tiger True Body!”

With a low roar, Tang Hao, who was originally still in human form, suddenly grew countless hairs and turned into a real white tiger, or a huge existence whose body shape was only half a head of the art of the Mighty Costume Wooden Man.

“Brother in charge!”

Xiao Xiyan, who was not shocked, couldn’t help but cover his little mouth at this time. Bar.

“Xiao Xiyan, that guy Tang Hao is fighting for life and death, you must not disturb him to know?”

Tsunade pulled Xiao Xiyan to his side and explained to her in a serious manner.

Xiao Xiyan nodded obediently, “I know Elder Tsunade, I’m just very sad, if the head brother is a fighting tiger, when I grow up, I don’t want to marry the head brother!” ”

The originally tense battle, because of Xiao Xiyan’s words, suddenly became much easier.

Tang Hao was a stumbling, because he was not used to the figure of the white tiger, and also because of Xiao Xiyan’s words, the terrifying giant palm that was almost manipulated by Madara instantly fell to the ground.

“Madara, it’s not that you will transform now, taste the power of my white tiger’s true body.”

In Tang Hao’s tiger mouth, a low and incomparable voice came out.

“Then try it!”

Madara directly injected all the chakra and pupil techniques of his whole body into the technique he controlled, and his whole body watched Tang Hao’s every movement.

Strong attack system, Douluo level existence of the full soul ring martial soul, that is comparable to the potential of gods!

Uchiha intends to take advantage of Tang Hao’s mistake to completely knock him into the abyss, and he will never turn over!

Although the white tiger is large, after all, it is an animal with four feet on the ground, and there is no way to stop Susano’s footsteps in destroying the sky and the earth with certain attack movements! _

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