Naruto's Strongest Master

The strongest dominant chapter 145

New Self and the two faces of the big snake pills.

Especially the new help is shocked.

Although in order to test their discontinuities on the way, under his camouflage, the sound has been very small, and there is no peak at the cold day.

The apeer is exposed to the color.

When new help and big snake pills. After the three people came to the camp, there was a huge sensation.

And when they know that these three are coming to find cold days, it is surprised to be inexplicably.

The new wooden ninja is in questioning this kid, but there is such a large energy, which will make these three adults come.

And the wooden and ninja that has already appreciated the coldness of the cold looks out.

For them, cold days should not stay behind, but the front line.

This time, the big snake pill is full of interest.

I haven't spoke in cold days, the big snake pill has taken the lead: "I didn't expect Coldtian Jun actually have such a wonderful ability. It seems that it is my mistake!"

The board of hand thinks that the big snake will just talk about it. I didn't expect to be really an apology.

Not only do you admit mistakes, but also prize cold days, this invisibly makes people feel good.

"Do you want to worship a teacher, let me teach you?"

The next sentence of the big snake pill made the planner, and he was angry on the spot.

The ahead has not said that the cold sky has already shook his head: "I still have a lot to learn from the prime teacher, and I will not bother the great people of the big snake pill ..."

If you hear cold days, the big snake pill nodded, just did not give up.

Finally, the new help tells the new order cold day, so that he is preparing to lead his class together to go to the front.

After waiting for the cold sky to tell the command to the rope tree, the rope tree jumped.

"Great, we finally go to the front line."

However, in a cold world, let the rope trees disappeared.

"Rope tree, your sister came to visit you!"


Chapter 91, the trump card

The country of rain.

The rock is within the range.

A small team of erots is quietly close to the wooden leaf zone.


There are several ways to pass quickly. After a long time, they stopped.

"Wood leaves should not find us!"

The ninja in a rock is quietly said.

"Very good, as long as this continuous small shares are infiltrated, they can disturb wood, so that we can seize the opportunity, before the next battle, we will determine the role!"

Another rock is proud of it.

"This kind of tactics don't know which is the high-level adult, and Kobi is much harder than before ..."

Several rock was quietly talking about.

"Well, this mission is the other group, our task is to keep silent, until you see the signal in front, from the rear, this time we have to win!"

One of one of the heads said.

When you hear the captain, several rocky elites expose their enthusiastic attention, know that they can be alternative to the darkness of the mound.

This war will definitely have many people to promote the dark.

"I believe that under the soil of the captain, our camouflage is even if the leaves of the leaves, they can't find our flaws, this victory is our rock."

When the elite of several killed, I just finished, I heard a touch of sound from the top of the head.

"Is it?"

Suddenly heard other sounds, several rockle eries suddenly looked up.

At them, they stand in a white child, and I looked at them.

"Daily to a family?"

Seeing the cold sky, the captain of the mound elite shocked.

Why didn't they think that they are so good, or they are discovered, it is coincidence, or the other party really has already discovered.


Seeing outside the cold day, there are many wooden ninja around, and don't think I understand that each other has already found them.

"Is it run?"

Kato is equipped immediately.

In the farther place, there is a day to show a smile in the cold sky. He is true.

The ontology of the cold sky continued to receive information on other shadows, and suddenly opened his eyes to the new help: "The rock village in the east has been solved, but this rock is coming, it seems that there are people who are in batches. The zone, listening to their conversation, should be sneak at the front battlefield to fight ... "

"There is such a thing ..."

The new help will get the other's intelligence, immediately take a map, and look at it calm.

"Can send such a wide range of elite ninja, not to be patrol the ninja, I am afraid this time the mall is not small, but fortunately there is cold day, otherwise we will be caught passive, notify the encirclement of the white tooth let him shoot ... "

I heard the name of the white tooth from the new help, the cold day is shocked, and he is a long time.

Just when I think about it, the new help once again asked: "How many people do you have to hear how many people do they have? And how much can you teach?"

Colden calm chronics: "There is too much information, I need time, but their plan should be a positive attack, behind the way to form a front and back fans, and listen to them, this time they seem to come, very powerful The characters, also replaced the position of the front line ... "


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