Naruto's Strongest Master

The strongest master of the fire, Chapter 53

"Hey! I heard it!"

Yuxibo's fire is dissatisfied, and it waves behind him.

"Haha, I didn't expect them to remind the companion with the sound of imitation animals. Why didn't we think ..."

"Don't talk more, this reminder is suitable for ordinary people, Ninja is very easy to doubt, keep up with them!"

There are more than a dozen dark personnel in the forest, and each of them is tracking one of the students to assess his performance.

Yuxi Bunxuan and others will quickly find their position in the cold day.

"According to the plan, once I rescued the hostage, I will send you a signal. You will open action. He will help you clean the thief in the safe place later."

When I heard cold days, Yu Zhibo Xuanhu revealed a ridicule, said: "This is not necessary, after you save the hostage, we have already destroyed the thief."

Seeing Yuxi Boxuan's impatient, cold day, drink: "Yu Zhibo Xuanhu, I will remind you once, I am the captain of this task, I remember my words is the order, otherwise, I can now You have removed from this task, so that you have no results to end this assessment, I said how to do it! "

"Well ... I understand."

Yuxibo is pressed against the momentum of cold days.

Cold Day and Yuxibo Xuanzhu bring people separately.

With the hands of the cold days and the water, it will soon solve the guard.

Yu Ni Nai rushed in the identity of the hostage and arranged them to leave.

"Okay, now you can send them to Xi Zhibo Xuanhu!"

I nodded coldly.

The first step is complete!


Two bright lights suddenly rose in the cottage, which made the thief were horrified.

Earlier, Yisibo Xuanhu saw the signal of cold days, jumping up and drink: "Let these people regret to meet Yisi Bo, fire!"

The flushing fireball rushed to the cottage, including six students in Xuanbo Xuanhuo quickly killed in the night.


"Not good is the ninja!"

This is a tragic sound from the night sky.

"We also help, after all, the thief has seven or eighty people ..."

The cold sky said to the wave winds around me.

"it is good!"

I nodded in a smell.

"I also need to go!"

Jian Sini also joked at this time.


The refusal of cold weather is not hesitant.

Seeing the anger of Xin Ni, saying that he said: "We must have one person to protect humanity ..."

After saying that the cold day gave the water door, two people immediately escaped.


Only there is no time to referessing, there is a spleen.

On the road.

The water door is not asked: "Why don't you let Yu Niji join, I think this assessment should have the purpose of letting us see blood ... This should have a big help on the battlefield to the battlefield? "

These, the cold weather, I thought about it, and I said: "There is too much in the back of Xin Ni, some things are still our solution ..."

Cold days is inexplicable, let the water don't confuse, and there is no explanation in cold days.

The two quickly join the battlefield.

Although the thief is numerous, but it is ordinary people, in front of them, they are not opponents.

A battle of the battle ...

Soon Yis Zhibo Xuanhu is a wave of conjunction with cold days.

"I said, don't use you, you can solve it!"

Yuxi Bunhua said proudly, his body accounted for the blood of the thief.

I only looked at the cold day, I asked: "I can find an omission?"

"Of course, there will be no!"

Yishibo's fire immediately replied, and there was a woman on his face.

"As long as it is a task, our Yishabo family has never been lost, and you don't know if you just haven't worry!"

Cold days did not take care of Yuxi Bunxuan, said to the wave of the waves around him: "Let's go with Yinnihui ..."

In the cold sky, even if there is escaping, the mountain is also arranged in the three-person group, which is the reason why he is relieved, not Yuxibo's mystery.

Just clenching the battlefield in the cold sky and Yishabo Xuanhu, intended to be in the battlefield, suddenly appeared in the battlefield, a woman suddenly didn't know where to run out ...

The woman saw that they were shocked, then ran to the hostage, while running on the sideline: "Help!"

Chapter 33

Seeing the unexpected woman, Yu Zhibo Xuanhu is ridiculed: "It seems that your mission has an omission!"

The cold sky and the water doors have a wrinkle, and they have not taken him.

Especially cold days are more doubts. I didn't see a woman when I just cleaned the battlefield.

And it doesn't appear early, no late, is present at this time ...

Yinnai, the woman's clothes that I ran, broke down, obviously have traces that were torn, and the spot was an angry.

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