Naruto's Strongest Master

The strongest dominant chapter 679

As for Saso Yiiro and thousands of hands, both are completely shocked.

"This, I am afraid it is the horizontal level."

Sago asked the Lons around him.


It is more excited than the Szui's surprise.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Is this the inheritance of the cold day, the seventh sense?"

Li Zi guess did not have a mistake, after the seventh sense, the first discovery is that it is more accurate to the body's master.

Everyone is in mastering the body, it is actually a perception, usual people only have five senses, some people can hide in the sixth time, even when dangerous is facing long-term play.

But they are all conscious, and after entering the seventh sense, the subjects that have been free to use this kind of instinctive response.

And this is not the seventh sense.

For the realm of the seventh sense, there is no complete masterpiece now, even if this is already, the strength has taken a big step.

Although Chakra in the body did not grow much, strength has surpassed it ...

Chapter 68 Super Electric Weapons

"How do you have any tricks?"

Soon, under the day, the gods and gossip were bombed under the air, all of the warriors around were all climbed.

"Oh, maybe we can understand deeply ..."

Just step forward at this time.

"Forgot to introduce yourself, my name is Zuoi Yiro, maybe this name is nothing, but I still have an identity, that is, the secret of the dark department, the shadow of the village, you should know what exist, don't want to suffer , Take us to your base ... "

"Oh, the original is really very powerful, first sent a waste to confuse us, and then the real kill is you, just to make us breathable, powerful, really powerful, I want to be small Wulang is also available, you have no two like the phantom in the purpose of sacrificing people's unscrupulous means. Thanks to you, there is a maintenance of the order, hehe! "

Aoi's face said.

"You all know this mysterious organization, I am really more and more curious about your four!"

Zuoi squinted his eyes and stared at the wipe.

Obviously, it is not intended to let the Aoi run away.

"Hey, even if you defeated these warriors, do you really think that our four fierce can be based on these waste?"

For the threat of Szuo, there is no fear at the Aoi.

"Oh, it seems that you still have a card!"

Zuoi looked at this side in the past, obviously wanted to observe the white eyes to the day.


When the day, when the day, the Aoi also moved.

Don't look at the surface of the Aoi's surface, but act, the speed is not slow, even in terms of surgery, the warrior they defeated is even more powerful.

"Sure enough, it is not easy!"

The day and the look at the look.

When the Aoi quickly rushed into the wine house, the day, the day, suddenly rushed to him.

"Be careful!"

Then next moment, the Sakui felt that a dead breath was shrouded yourself.

This makes him understand what is absolutely dangerous.

"Back to the days!"

I am not waiting for a Zuoi to see it.

"Haha, this wine house is the fortress of the old lady, you don't know where our four fierce bases is, just in the underground, there is a book."


Countless bullets hit it back to the sky, but this is still not finished, the bullet is still going on.

"Hey, it is great, this is the back of the sky, but I see how many bullets you can resist!"

"Actually, the terrible super electrical weapon machine, even guns ..."

Zuoi Liro, which has been avoided.

This weapon can continue to shoot as long as there is a bullet, but the disadvantage is that it is unable to move, can only be fixed in a place.

This weapon is generally only four major countries, and some small forces are not qualified, which is not allowed to buy and sell throughout the world, and even only four major countries are eligible.

"A small four-fusement actually has this weapon that can fight ninja, it is definitely not a simple force ..."

Zuoi Yiiro immediately analyzed, the village is still wrong for the judgment of the four fuse.

It is not as simple as a dangerous organization.

Not only that, in this way, wait until the day to the quasi-inport, Chakra emptiness, after the end of the day, we must face the electrical bullet, danger is a step in the day to the sickness ...

Chapter 69


When it was in a danger, the super weapon inside was suddenly stopped.


Stand stop back.

The two of Szui and Lizi are also shocked. I don't understand whether it is a conspiracy, or the bullet of Aoi is used up.

At this time, a cold voice came from inside.

"come in……"

", is the sound of Snow ..."

Two people in Zuoki and Lizi were shocked.

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