Naruto's Strongest Master

The strongest dominant chapter 88

The cold day and the water gate look at the eyes and turned around.

At the same time, in the air shadow office.

Just as the first examiner, the judge, took the test paper of Xin'ini:

"Naruto adults, according to your arrangement has eliminated the whirlpool, Xin Nai ..."

"Well, I have worked hard."

"Naruto adult, even if we don't know like this, you can't get the first thing with Yu Xin'i ..."

When I heard the hand, I looked at the window and said:

"Though, but it is still good, and it is the ability to collect intelligence ...

If you really follow the original solution, the two companions of Ni Xin said may help her have passed, the first level can't eliminate her, the second level and the third level is more difficult ... "

"No way……"

Some of the wells on the wells that do not believe in the look.

The three generations have seen the well on the well, saying faintly: "Don't smash the companion of Xin Ni, they can not be simple, especially the classmates called Coldtian ..."

Said here, the three generations have seen an eye on the table.

The above is a medical class proposed in the cold sky.

The location of the second exam in the death forest.

All qualified tolerance is set here.

The examiner as the second assessment is standing there, waiting for them.

"Before conducting the second exam, I need to explain a few ..."

"The second assessment is not the same as the first kind of child, you have to prepare, and if you enter the death forest, you will be responsible for your life, in other words, you may die, you also participate in it ... "

If you hear the examiner, everyone silently silently, but their self-confidence in his eyes undoubtedly told him an answer.

No one exits.

"Good! It is worthy of the ninja of the wood!"

The examiner said, from the side of the two reels: "The second question is the three books of the world ..."

I heard this test, and the heart is happy, this test is the same as the original, maybe there is a strategy that can be referred to.

At this time.

The examiner found some group members to be dissatisfied, ordered: "The team members are dissatisfied, and now they will hurry up the team ..."

Judges have just finished saying that they have begun to choose their teammates immediately by the first phase of elimination.

There is no one who is willing to team with him.

One thousand years.

A guy who is only texture, who is with him, who is unlucky, this is the psychology of everyone.

"Metai, are you willing to team up with us?"

I heard the invitation of the cold day, Mahati first stunned, some can't believe, then nodded.

"No problem at all……"

Metai is delighted.

Seeing the cold day, I chose to wear a group, everyone exposed the look that I couldn't believe.

I even looked at the look of regrets, I knew that I took the initiative, and I may be able to join the cold day.

These don't know, in fact, the cold day is in the moment of team, it has decided to choose a person.

Seeing the cold day, I chose Mahati, and Yu Zhibo Xuanhuo failed: "It will also choose garbage in this kind of garbage ..."

"Oh?" The cold sky showed a laughing look.

"It seems that you have just been said to be a lesson, but it's okay to say others?"

Cold sky is unrestricted.


This thing is the most humiliating thing in Yuxibo's heart.

It is more embarrassed by the cold day and makes him more embarrassing.

"Don't let me see them in the death forest, otherwise I will definitely do it ..."

Said here, Yu Zhibo is a resentment to the cloud that three people.

Just, they gave it to the cold day.

He must not let these three people.

"Are it quiet!"

The examiner looked loudly: "Now all the squades choose a captain to pick a reel from me ..."

Then point to the highest white tower in the death forest:

"You can enter the death forest. I will take any means in the inside. After six times, I must take two volumes to the white tower after six times, otherwise even if the task fails.

Here is the book in the sky, there is only 4 volumes, and all remaining all the winds ... "

I heard here, cold weather and others don't consciously frown.

The test of the examiner is here to tell them that the last qualified person will not exceed four squad.

More: "If someone gets two volumes or even three volumes of the book, there may be fewer people."

Lei Li first stood up and received it.

Everyone has let the opening, and only the lights take the lead in opening the reel and is a local operation.

"When you pray for me, you will get the book of the sky, you may say that I will spare you!"

Lei Li exposed a mad look, but all the woody ninja he glanceed couldn't help but low.

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