"Then get out, you are not my opponent."

  Waving his hands dejectedly, Monet felt disappointed.


  Uchiha-ryu was about to step down, but he was stunned after just two steps. Why should I listen to him?

  "You're playing with me! I'm going to kill you!"

  Uchiha boy shouted angrily.

  Constitution +1!

  The game officially begins!

  Uchiha-ryu, who was provoked by the success, pulled out three shuriken and swishly shot at Senju Monet.

  "I thought you had any patience."

  Monet glanced at Uchiha-ryu with pity. To say that the shuriken technique is really good in Uchiha's hands, there is nothing to say about the angle and accuracy of the no-way.

  But in general, ordinary shurikens are not very useful in high-end games!

  Especially in front of the speed attribute and its perverted Monet!

  This battle is to give Qianshou a face, so Monet didn't plan to keep it in his heart, and even if it wasn't for his Mudun that wasn't mature enough, he really wanted to come to Yifashujie to come and play.


  Angrily stepping on the floor, Monet's figure turned into a cannonball and disappeared instantly.


  How can it be?

  Uchiha Ryu was startled and panicked.

  "Where are you looking?"

  The next second, Monet's voice sounded behind him.

  Turning his head in horror, a small fist slowly grew bigger in the picture until it hit his face.


  The force exploded, the substantial impact rubbed violently in the air, and shallow ripples spread between the fist and the face.

  There was not even room for this boy to scream. The left face of the boy who was hit was instantly squeezed into a big pie, and blood mixed with teeth and meat scraps spurted out, announcing that this Uchiha's role in the drama was over.


  One hit kill!

  The originally noisy field was silent.

  The dude who was not favored told Uchiha with his fist that your uncle is still your uncle, and Qianshou is still that Qianshou.

  The glory of the thousand hands of the past will finally shine on this child!

  "It's amazing! Is my cousin using the teleportation technique?"

  The worry on Tsunade's small face disappeared, replaced by inextricable adoration.

  "No, pure physical strength combined with speed."

  Maybe others didn't take it lightly, but Senju Tobirama, known as the ninja speed, knew exactly what was going on.

  With pure physical explosive power and dexterous body to avoid the shuriken, he accelerated again in the blind spot of Uchiha-ryu's vision and successfully came behind the opponent to launch an attack.

  The thinking is extremely clear, and the moves are also very practical, and I am satisfied with Monet's performance Qianshou Tobirama.

  It's just... When did this little bastard practice such a sturdy physical technique?

  The eyes of the second generation are full of doubts. Ever since Monet was born, he has kept it in his mouth for fear of taking meticulous care, and has never forced the child to practice.

  But in addition to the surprise to himself Mu Dun, he actually has such a powerful physical potential!

  Staring at his grandson who was pretending to be posing on the field, Qianshou Tobirama shook his head with a wry smile. It seemed that his strategy of letting go of this boy was correct. No one was supervising and restraining him, and he grew faster.

  Unlike outsiders who seem to be pretending, Monet is thinking about other issues.

  His various attribute values ​​are above [-], and his physique attribute is above [-], but when he just started, he suddenly found that the coordination of his body is slightly insufficient.

  Sometimes the strength is too high and the speed is too fast, and it is difficult to control your body.

  Well, take some time to get used to it!

  Monet thought to himself, it would be embarrassing not to have an attribute value but not be able to exert the power it deserves.

  "Is Uchiha no one?"

  "You actually sent a waste to fight with me?"

  "Young master's time is very precious, all of you who didn't open your eyes all stepped back and said that they can't be my opponent!"

  After analyzing the situation, Monet was eager to find an opponent to practice, and began to frantically spray at the surrounding Uchihas.

  Constitution +1!

  Speed ​​+1!

  Spirit +1!

  Above the ring, Monet with a thousand hands stepped on Uchiha's head to pretend to be a force, and fiercely imprinted it in the eyes of Uchiha Fuyue who had just opened his eyes in the distance...

  New book for tickets and flowers! .

Chapter [-] Glory is added, why not die! (third more)


  "Simply lawless!"

  "Just beating a student at a ninja school, and even uttering wild words!"

  "I'm peeing yellow, I'll wake him up!"


  In Uchiha's lair, facing Qianshou Monet who openly challenged them, the Uchiha clan people have reached the level of despair.

  Especially the patriarch Uchiha, Fuyue's father, at this time his complexion was ashen as if he had just eaten a mouthful of fresh dog shit.


  With red eyes, he could not wait to play in person, just after scolding the Uchiha Patriarch, he suddenly felt cold all over, and a murderous look instantly locked on him.

  Following that gaze, Senju Tobirama's zombie-like face startled him.

  Angrily snorted, Uchiha's patriarch was extremely dissatisfied, your grandson scolds others, but you glared at me as soon as I opened my mouth?

  Paralyzed, do you all protect the calf like this?

  After slowing down and determined to teach Monet, who was still clamoring, a lesson, the Uchiha Patriarch stood up and spoke slowly.

  "Hehe, as expected of the young master of the Qianshou family, he really hides it! I don't know who I learned from this skill of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

  "Why are you scolding people, old guy?"

  Monet sneered, "Everyone is a civilized person. My second grandfather always taught me to convince people with virtue, but normally, if a dog bites me, I will kill the dog."

  "Dangtang Qianshou doesn't have to make the illusion that you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. If you call the young master a pig, one day I will beat you into a pig's head!"

  "You don't need to use words to stimulate the young master. If you have any ability, let him know what he is doing, and then he will follow!"

  "For the glory of a thousand hands, did the young master ever fear anyone? Why did he take a step back?!"

  Uchiha Ryu, who had fainted to death on the ground with one kick, kicked out, and Monet's young body clenched his fists straight.

  "With glory, why not die!!"

  "I am Monet with a thousand hands, who dares to fight against me!"



  It was even more shocking than Monet's defeat of Uchiha just now.

  Who would have thought that it was a five-year-old child who said such a thing?

  A child who knows the honor of the family is so enlightened!

  Glory is added, why not die!

  Did you always think so?

  Qianshou Tobirama clenched his fists fiercely, and the small figure on the ring and the big brother in his mind gradually overlapped...

  Although Monet and Big Brother have completely different personalities, the fiery heart is so similar!

  "I can finally see you at ease."

  "Big brother, with a thousand hands in his hands, it will be even more brilliant!"

  Qianshou Tobirama took a deep breath and slowly stood up from his seat, walked to the center of the arena and grabbed Monet and put it on his shoulder.

  "gone back."

  "Huh? Second grandpa, I haven't finished pretending!"

  Monet is in a hurry, he is in a state, it is best to let the other party come up with a real ninja, wouldn't it be beautiful to defeat the opponent and attack Uchiha's morale?

  "You are still too young."

  Qianshou Tobirama shook his head and ignored Monet.

  "What do you mean, Hokage-sama?"

  Patriarch Uchiha asked with a frown.

  "That's it for today, what? You want to stop me?"

  The second generation said coldly, no one knows better than him that Uchiha, the clan of bullshit love, is the root of evil!

  When he saw the murderous look in this kid's eyes, he knew what his plan was. If he continued to challenge, he might not know what kind of tricks they would make. Monet's talent had nothing to say, but he was still far from dealing with real ninjas.

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