Yes, they haven't lost yet!

  That is the tailed beast jade!

  What if Monet couldn't handle it and died?

  With the last hope, Oh Yemu looked at the four tails and the five tails, but after he saw the lines in the eyes of the tail beasts...

  "Quick... run!"

  With all his strength, Onogi dragged Chiyo to flee frantically, and the surrounding ninjas didn't know. So, what happened to the high-spirited Master Tuikage?

  are you crazy?

  Even if Qianshou Monet is powerful, it shouldn't be difficult for two tailed beasts to stop him, right?

  But just when they were puzzled, the fourth and fifth tails, which were condensed with the tailed beast jade, turned around and aimed at their camp!

  "Tailed beast betrayed?"

  The bewildered ninjas didn't have time to react, and the next second the tailed beast jade was condensed and smashed directly at them.

  The violent explosion made the ground start to tremble, and two mushroom clouds of different sizes gradually rose. What a magnificent view!

  So far, Yanyin Village is completely over.

  After the explosion, the two controlled tailed beasts charged against the Yanyin Village position.

  In desperation, the ninjas of Yanyin Village remembered their own shadows, watching from a distance, Ohnogi was dragging Chiyo to the border of the land of the land and fleeing wildly.

  The two tailed beasts and Monet's complete body, Susanoo, launched a huge massacre. Monet, who was eager to be promoted to the eye of reincarnation, stood at the forefront mercilessly, and the chakra lightsaber swept a large area. Harvesting life, that invincible posture perfectly restores Madara Uchiha's heroic appearance when he rushed to the battlefield.

  Monet doesn't think he is a murderous person. He is not very good to his own people, but he never gives a chance to his enemies. awful.

  The slaughter lasted for a short while, and Yanyin Village was crushed to the ground.

  Finally, unable to maintain Susanoo and the shoulder-mounted wooden dragon, Monet's figure slowly fell to the ground.

  Looking at Uchiha Ganglie, who was beside him with a confused look, that is, Uchiha Fuyue's father, Monet waved to him.

  "Are you confused?"

  Monet asked lightly.


  After swallowing, Big Brother Ganglie seemed to be wondering whether this fellow wanted to kill or keep him secret.

  "Don't worry, I didn't take these eyes from your Uchiha, nor the mirror's eyes, and my surname is not Uchiha, I am a pure family of Qianshou."

  "Put away your worries, what I said before still works, Uchiha is still Konoha's Uchiha."

  In fact, when Monet revealed the kaleidoscope 170, he had already figured out how to deal with the next doubts, including the second master, including Qianshou and Uchiha who were surprised over there.


  "Do you mean that because your bloodline is too noble, and then you have returned to your ancestors, even the bloodline of the six-path immortal you said is more pure?"

  In the camp, the ninjas were stunned one after another. They just came out of Qianshou Monet's mouth and they didn't know something at all, what six-path immortal, what Otsutsuki Kaguya, and Indra Asura, they said a word. did not understand.

  But there was one sentence they understood.

  Even Qianshou Monet is too awesome, and when he reaches a certain level, he is more ruthless than their ancestor Ashura's father, and he can also be considered to be the reincarnation of a six-path immortal in disguise.

  Well, this is Qianshou Monet's rude rhetoric. As for whether you believe it or not, I will explain it this time. Anyway, I'm just right!

  The Six Paths Immortals reincarnated?I'm sorry, I'm Six Path Immortal's father!

  The man who wants to take Yuyi's bloody blood.



  Ask for flowers.

Chapter [-] Just try it! (sixth more)

  Anyway, explain to explain, no one understands.

  Monet was a little bit pained, and in the end he was too lazy to explain it. It's enough to talk to the second master. Anyway, whether it is Uchiha or Qianshou, he is in charge. He is Hokage, does anyone dare to speak ill of him behind his back?

  He has done enough things for Konoha. After Monet came to power, the changes in Konoha Village were obvious to all. He trained ninjas to improve their armaments, divided management and developed vigorously. After he came to power, Konoha Village was even stronger than the first and second generations. during the tenure.

  Leading Konoha to win the battle and dominate the ninja world, just this one, does he need to explain the problem of eyes?

  To borrow the words of Sarubi and Danzo, everything I do is for Konoha!

  After succinctly writing a letter on the paper and asking his subordinates to return to the village to give it to the second master, Monet stood up.

  Iwahidemura thinks it's enough to send them back to the border?

  Sorry, they think too much.

  In fact, there is one thing Monet has never understood.

  That is in the original book, from the first ninja war to the third ninja war, even if a certain village has an absolute advantage, it will never hit the other ninja village all the way, just like negotiating, I will beat you Now, you give me the money, that's it.

  He doesn't make sense.

  Wouldn't it be better for you to call their village and get the money yourself?

  Otherwise, you have to negotiate how much you will pay, and you have to play those intrigues and tricks. Isn't that sick?

  And his Thousand Hands Monet's method was much more direct. After the Chakra in the body recovered a little, he directly ordered the entire army to gather and rush into the border of the land of the land.

  The allied forces of Konoha slaughtered nearly [-] ninjas in Yanyin Village. After such a huge loss, Ohnogi completely lost the ability to resist. If he doesn't bully them now, when will he wait?

  "Lord Patriarch, if you go in again, it will be the land of the land. We really want to enter."?"

  This kind of rhythm of war that breaks the rules makes the Senju Salted Fish who came along with him a little puzzled. It stands to reason that we should wait for the ninjas of Iwayin Village to negotiate, and then the two sides negotiate directly to obtain benefits?

  "Can someone else give it, and grab it from yourself, can it be a feeling?"

  Monet glanced at the salted fish and said lightly, the four tails and five tails in front were still controlled by him to move forward as bulldozers, this great momentum was given up?

  What do you think.

  Grab it yourself!

  Qianshou Xianyu suddenly realized, yes, waiting for others to grab it and robbing him is completely two effects!Just in terms of momentum, he has already crushed the opponent!

  The mighty team set out, the two tailed beasts in front directly opened the way, and all the checkpoints and towns along the road were destroyed.

  It's not that Monet doesn't like the so-called big names, do they have any use other than the nominal masters of the country?Ninja Village is the real face of a country.

  This is the case with Konoha. The first and second generations were in the upper positions, and the daimyo had no right to oppose it. On the contrary, when the third generation of Sarutobi Hidori was in the upper position, he complied with the daimyo. From then on, it was stipulated that the position of Hokage must be recognized by the daimyo.

  What bullshit!

  The so-called national name and Shinobi Village are by no means the superiors and subordinates that Sarutobi has misunderstood, but your country pays the protection fee, and our Shinobi Village protects your power to manage civilians. It's that simple.

  And Shinobu Village took that money and began to grow and develop. Year after year, after Qianshou Monet came to the throne, the daimyo once sent someone here. Just the arrogance of the messenger made Monet unhappy. So very sad, the messenger received the lunch, and Monet also sent Anbu to find the daimyo and tell him not to be ashamed.

  If you give the money, you will give it happily. If you don't give it, it will kill you. The bullshit Hokage must obey the orders of the daimyo. Whoever has the biggest fist in this world is the father.

  All the way forward, none of the ninjas in Yanyin Village along the way were spared. This unprecedented attack left Ohnogi without any defense at all, and there were very few ninjas who stood firm at the checkpoint.

  In two days, the three thousand ninja coalition forces and two tailed beasts finally arrived outside Yanyin Village. They glanced at the ninjas around them. Although they looked tired, the excitement in their eyes was very obvious.

  "¨々Thousands Monet! What are you going to do?!"

  Onogi, who had just escaped back to the village, led the remaining [-] ninjas in Yanyin Village and Anbu was waiting, but the two tailed beasts alone could not solve it. Bounce back, it's a fight without suspense!

  "Although you won this war, but you want to destroy my Yanyin Village, then you can try!"

  At this moment, Oh Yemu took a deep breath, it is by no means easy for him to be a top actor, he must stand up.

  Influenced by the second generation of soil shadows from childhood to adulthood, Ohnogi's stone will is very tenacious, and each shadow will stand up for his own village.

  "I have sent a message to Sand Ninja Village, but I haven't gotten a response. I don't know what happened."

  Chiyo, who was being chased all the way, was a little worried. It stands to reason that Iwa Ninja was attacked, and Sand Ninja would definitely not sit back and ignore it, but so far there is still no response...


  Monet didn't talk nonsense, and gave the two tailed beasts a look, and the four-tailed and five-tailed tailed beast jade slowly condensed.

  I like to pretend, right? Let me try it!

  Just try it!


  Sixth more.

Chapter [-] Grab food, rob money, and rob women! (first update)

  When the huge tailed beast jade bombarded the buildings on both sides of Yanyin Village and caused a burst of explosions, Oh Yemu's heart was broken, he could not wait to slap himself, why did I have to pretend that there is no nutrition for it?

  "Are you heartless? Are you still angering Qianshou Monet?"

  Chiyo didn't care about his old man's face, and gave him a slap in the face.

  "Think about it with your head. He obviously didn't attack directly, so he gave you a chance to negotiate. Do you have to push yourself into the fire pit?"

  "I can tell you Oh Yemu, if you die, the old lady will remarry in minutes, and you will not be the only one who will use the weighted rock anyway."

  Chiyo said angrily, from the start of the war to now, she is an outsider, so she sees some things more thoroughly than Ohnogi. They didn't come up to level your village, it's obviously for the benefit, you're better, you have to tell him to try .

  Well now, one-third of the buildings in Yanyin Village have been turned into dust, and there are countless casualties. Can you take a few more shots of that thing?


  Seeing that the two tailed beasts in his own village began to brew the tailed beast jade again, Oh Yemu hurriedly flew up and shouted.


170 Monet's face is expressionless, everyone is starting to brew, do you still let them hold back?

  You don't want to be ashamed of being a tailed beast?

  There are two tailed beast jades facing different directions. Onogi's reaction was more timely this time. He led the promoted ninja and Anbu to form a defensive formation and jointly cast the earth escape.

  It's just that they only blocked one, and the latter one remained unblocked.

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