Naturally, only the mini bikinis were left on the two loli, standing on the water like a chicken in soup.

  Ahem, the assessment is not the point, the point is to appreciate the shy look of Loli and the so-called punishment.

  Kushina and Mikoto are dying of shame and anger, isn't this blatantly taking advantage?

  Sure enough, after tearing off the sanctimonious teacher's coat, the man did not hide it at all.

  How old are they?

  Just let them feel the natural energy?

  Isn't this embarrassing?

  "I know what you think."

  Monet glanced at Lolita's flat chest with disdain. If the mother of Destiny Child, who had not fully developed, was only their age to be attractive, but Monet planned to raise her for two years, otherwise she would just be paid. The apprentice slapped someone on the first day, and it will scare other (cjbh) rookie female apprentices if it spreads out in the future.

  "Let me tell you, at your age, I have already led Jiraiya, the three of them, and Hatake Sakumo to the battlefield, and even the stupidest Jiraiya will start after three days of training like this. Fairy Mode!"

  "So far, I haven't used this method on others. This is your blessing!"

  The immortal mode is a test. He has the habit of collecting beautiful women, but he will distinguish between vases and non-vases and classify them. Who can be a good helper and who can be alone, these are all his considerations.

  After getting on, the women are stuffed into the harem and only look for them when they want to express their desires. It is really meaningless. It is not a harem but a stallion.

  Kushina's character is suitable for mixing with Tsunade in the future, and a gentle secretary like Mikoto is perfect.

  As the saying goes, if you have something to do as a secretary, if you have nothing to do as a secretary!

  So far, he has listed three as his secretary, Xiao Nan, Mute and Mikoto!

  If he is trained, he won't have to go to the office in the future. Isn't it good that the three secretaries take turns on duty?

  However, when it comes to Mute Kato, Monet is a little emotional. Since the Kato family was suppressed during the Sarutobi Hidden Slash, they have disappeared in Konoha, but Mute Kato, as a distant cousin of Kato Dan, ran over from a certain mountain village to go to Konoha. , I wanted to find his uncle Kato Duan, but Kato Duan had been used as cannon fodder as early as the war, and his bones were gone.

  As if to express the guilt he felt for kicking Kato's broken balls when he was a child, Tsunade saw that she was pitiful alone and took her away.

  The inertia of history cannot be stopped, Kato Duan is still dead, but Kato Mute still remains.

  Originally, Monet wanted to ask Mute to come over. The three girls were not very good, but Tsunade valued her medical ninjutsu talent and did not give Monet a chance to harm Mute Kato, otherwise he would have more RBQ ah.

  In the original work, Mute gave him that feeling, and the ability to bear is extremely strong!

  Now, after seeing the real person, Monet even wanted to push the loli to the ground and bully him fiercely. It wasn't that he was a pervert. In his opinion, it was the passive attribute of mute.

  He is also a victim!Done!

  "You are an animal, can we compare with you?"

  Kushina pinched her waist and shook her undeveloped chest. If she could compare with him, wouldn't she be Konoha's first female Hokage?

  "Is there such a way to describe the teacher?"

  Monet stretched out his hand angrily to turn on the fairy mode, and then the huge fairy chakra surrounded the two loli.

  "Immortal! The technique of spanking!"


  Mikoto and Kushina fell into the water unsteadily, as if they had been rubbed by something, but after they fell in, they were relieved that they only had bikinis on their bodies, at least they didn't have to suffer from someone's gaze.

  "Calm down and feel good."

  Monet squinted his eyes and manipulated the immortal art of Chakra to scourge the two loli in a certain position. Tsunade has been treated like this since he was a child. Did you not see that she developed in advance?

  Can not favor the other is not.

  "Kushina, you lied to me, you said that if you don't eat lollipops, you won't be taken advantage of!"

  Mikoto gritted her teeth, what kind of cultivation is this?She can't concentrate at all now, so where is Chakra going?

  Stop it, you bastard!


  Fourth more.

  Cough, ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] The New Ninja Competition! (fifth more)

  Kushina was equally unbearable, and her legs were trembling all the time in the water.

  She is no longer a child when she has grown up to be a young girl, and there is no way to ignore the feelings in some places.

  Watching the two loli tossing in the water, Monet sat on the ground with a wretched face, glanced at the sky, it was the scorching sun, it would be better if someone brought ice cream.

  Rolling his eyes, Monet remembered something and slapped the ground with one hand.

  "The art of psychic!"


  The miniature version of Kurama appeared on the spot with a dazed face, holding the ice cream given to him by Uzumaki Mito in his little paws. There were three in total.

  "I knew it was time."

  Monet smiled and grabbed the ice cream and put it in his mouth.

  "Your uncle! Shut up!"

  Kurama is in a hurry, do you treat pets like this?I haven't run for five years, you might as well grab my snacks!

  It's useless to be too lazy to force Kurama, Monet just kicked it away at its ass.

  "I will definitely be back!"

  The disappearing Kurama left a voice that turned into a star and disappeared.

  "Woodun! The art of sunshades and lounge chairs!"


  Going to the chair comfortably, Monet ate the ice cream comfortably. The two loli under the water were out of breath. They thought that the ice cream was for them. All the noodles were eaten.

  Simply shameless!

  "Look at what I'm doing! Hurry up and practice, I'll tell you, if you don't give me a good ranking for the cute new ninja after three months, I'll slap you all!"

  Anyway, the face of pretending to be a gentleman has been torn apart, and Monet completely ignored his image and began to openly molest his apprentice. Anyway, there is no reason for the two loli to be brought to his lips and not to take advantage of it.

  Cute new ninja competition!

  Thousands of hands Monet's newly developed routines, in order to promote the growth of the new generation, Monet is also considered a ruthless effort, the winners will receive generous rewards for the top ten, in addition to the thousand-handed Monet Hokage A gift of ninjutsu!

  The contestants are under the guidance of Shangnin for three months. If the disciples rank high, the teacher can also get benefits.

  Of course, for Monet it was ultimately about face.

  The inspiration for Mengxin Ninja Big Competition came from a sentence that Jiraiya complained. He once said that Monet's strength is too strong, and they are completely incomparable, but when it comes to teaching apprentices, it is not necessarily.

  Monet sneered at this, you are awesome. In the original book, Minato, Nagato and Naruto are also characters that defy the sky, but I'm sorry, now Nagato has let you go astray, not to mention, a few days ago I also took the newly harvested Shuimen to visit the kiln. What can you teach me to come out of crooked melons and cracked dates?

  Yes, taking the apprentice to visit the kiln has become the signature of the kidney deficiency son.

  So this is not just a big competition, Monet wants face, otherwise he wouldn't have to force two loli to practice immortality, he also worked hard.

  Now Tsunade, Jiraiya, Senju Orochimaru and even Hatake Sakumo are all trying to defeat Monet at some convenience. The invincible Hokage-sama in their hearts is powerful, but the apprentice is not necessarily.

  Everyone wants the opportunity to be in the limelight, and the whole Konoha seems to be infected.

  Cute new ninja competition!

  Mikoto and Kushina looked at each other and took a deep breath. It turned out that their teacher had set his sights there!No wonder it came up in fairy mode.

  "It's been a painstaking process, but if you're successful, it will bring unexpected rewards."

  Monet began to explain patiently. Sometimes he is indeed a teacher in charge. Don't forget that Sannin and Hatake Sakumo who shouted to defeat him were taught by him.

?? ????????? seeking flowers 0 ?????????

  "It's not my first step to ask you to learn immortality, but now I'll show you and you'll understand."

  Touching his chin, Monet stood up and let out a low growl.

  "Art fire escape ho fireball!"

  Is this a fireball?

  Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto looked in horror at the huge fireball and couldn't speak. Is your family's fireball so exaggerated?

  Also, do you want the entire forest to burn down?

  In terms of Monet's chakra volume, even ordinary fireballs can be compared to A-level ninjutsu, and the horror of the two loli is inevitable.


  But this is not the end. Monet's figure disappeared after the fireball was released, and Fei Lei Shen suddenly launched the next second to appear directly in front of the ninjutsu.

  He wants to use ninjutsu to beat himself?

  Loli continued to be stunned.

  "Xianshu! Fire escape! The art of fireball!"

  In the next second, Kushina and Mikoto knew what they were going to do, and the high fireballs launched by the immortal arts were so intuitive that they could see the difference with ordinary high fireballs.

  No matter the scale or the degree of heat, it is bigger than the ordinary fireball!The two giant fireballs collided with each other, and the former only lasted for two seconds before being swallowed up.

  But the immortal Fahao's fireball trend continued, and it smashed straight at the two loli.


  In two screams, Loli's figure disappeared into a warm embrace in the water.


  "Where are my clothes! Are they burned?"


  Yes, I did it, on purpose!

  Monet put his arms around the two loli wretchedly into his arms, and controlled the fireball to only burn the bikini, which was easy for him.


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