Everyone focused their attention on Kushina's dazzling Hokage master, but they ignored the powerful sealing technique that the Uzumaki family should have!

  That is a powerful ability that even a tailed beast can control!

  "I'm Hokage's apprentice Uzumaki Kushina!"

  "How can I lose to you!"

  With a roar, the little pepper completely ran away.


  Sixth more.

  Ask for flowers.

  Uh uh, put the horn again, kennel.

  Pa slip old paint still paint old paint

  Um, ask for flowers and tickets! .

Chapter [-] Vigorously perform miracles! (first update)

  King Kong Blockade!

  A powerful sealing technique that can only be used by the pure blood of the Vortex family!

  Accompanied by exclamations, the chains rushed towards Namikaze Minato.

  Too fast to escape!

  Little Sun's expression changed, this seal technique he had heard from Teacher Zilai, even if he escaped the first time, the chain would still chase after him and attack again!

  Can't be hidden anymore!

  Minato took a deep breath and threw a kunai forcefully at Kushina as the chain approached.

  Still want to fly kites with ranged attacks?

  Kushina sneered, and while manipulating King Kong's blockade, she jumped to avoid Kunai's attack.

  It's just that the target that the chain was chasing disappeared in the next moment!


  Kushina looked around suspiciously.

  "Spiral pills!"

  With a loud boom coming from behind, a sense of danger caused Kushina to turn around quickly, and he was greeted by the figure of Namikaze Minato rubbing balls.


  A series of actions took place in just a few seconds, from Kushina's use of the King Kong blockade to now facing the attack of the Spiral Maru, the hearts of all the ninjas watching the game were raised in their throats.

  Some even closed their eyes and couldn't bear to watch the next scene.


  Doesn't Namifeng Minato know what Lianxiangxiyu is?Besides, that's Hokage-sama's apprentice. Even if you have a straight male cancer, you can't be so cruel, right?

  The most important thing is the way Minato Namifeng just escaped the blockade of Kongo, if they read it right.

  Flying Thunder God Technique!

  At such a young age, he was able to master the technique of Flying Thunder God and the Spiral Pill. Such talent should be called a monster!

  The current Konoha adopts open teaching, anyone who has contributed to the village can watch the ninjutsu in the book of seals, while the second generation of eyes developed the technique of flying thunder god perfected by the third generation of Naruto and Monet. One of the greedy ninjutsu, that elusive ability is the most convenient way to save lives and harvest people on the battlefield.

  Who doesn't want to leave a graceful figure on the battlefield to be praised as a shining presence?

  But until now, only Senju Tobirama and Senpa Monet have been able to learn and use it proficiently. Now there is another Namikaze Minato. Some are envious, some are jealous, but everyone's thoughts and attention at the moment are all over the place. On top of the spiral pill that was gradually approaching Uzumaki Kushina.

  Could it be that the beloved disciple of the three generations of adults will lose their fragrance?

  Why didn't Anbu, who was standing on the sidelines, come to the rescue?

  Even if Kushina came from the Uzumaki clan, she might not be able to endure an A-level ninjutsu head-on. What if she left some root of the disease?

  "It turns out that this is your trump card for beating me."

  Kushina took a deep breath and recovered from the previous shock. Is Fei Lei Shen plus Spiral Pill?This attack method belongs to the second stage of Flying Thunder God.

  "I wanted to have some reservations, but now, it seems that there is no need."

  "I must never lose!"

  "Like you, I have reasons why I can't lose. Even if I just let that man affirm me once, I must win!"

  The originally calm Kushina's aura rose to a new level in an instant, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he gave up the control of the King Kong blockade and let the five chains fall behind him.

  With a snap, he clasped his hands together.

  Suddenly, Minato Namikaze, who was pushing forward, saw that he was going to win, and his heart tightened.

  "This gesture..."

  Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Hatake Sakumo stood up in shock and took two steps forward. They will never forget what the laid-back man next to them once gave them.

  "The trick to instantly enter the fairy mode is to balance the Chakra in the body. Even I can't avoid this mark."

  This is Monet's original words, and it is also a sentence that they sometimes think of when they are fighting.

  "Fairy Mode!"


  With a coquettish shout, a huge energy burst from Kushina's body.

  The golden pattern condensed on the forehead, and the fairy mode came in an instant!

  "That man once told me that the real battle requires mastering a stunt! This trick he said has been used on Tsunade-sama! It can instantly kill Tsunade-sama's stunt!"

  "Immortal! Vigorously create miracles!"

  Under the horrified eyes of people, Kushina stretched out the fist wrapped in the thick immortal chakra and slammed it into Minato's chest in front of her. She had already calculated and exchanged injuries for injuries!

  She can be sure that even after eating this spiral pill, she still has some strength left, and injuries are inevitable, but the opponent will never be able to take her fist!

  As long as she hits, she wins!

  Kushina's character is so straight and so is his fighting style.


  Can't be hard-connected!will die!

  Sensing the huge energy in that fist, Minato threw Kuai out again, and the figure disappeared again.

  Do you want to use the same combat style on me twice?

  Kushina sneered and turned the body that was leaning forward directly. The flexibility of the girl's body allowed her to do this difficult movement without the slightest discomfort.

  The fist that was originally forward made a [-]-degree turn and went backward fiercely.


  With a muffled sound, his fist slammed into the back of Namikaze Minato.

  Spitting out a mouthful of old blood, the spiral pill in Little Sun's hand could no longer be controlled, and it dissipated and flew backwards.

  "' . It's not over yet!"

  Under the immortal mode, Kushina's various abilities have been qualitatively improved. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his own chain to wrap around Minato's body and pull it fiercely.

  See where you go!

  "Immortal magic! Unparalleled strange power! Lifting the yin legs!"

  "Stop! We admit defeat!"

(Qian Wangzhao) Jirai, who originally expected Watergate to make a comeback, also burst into flames instantly, and then rushed directly to the field to protect his disciples and tried to block this trick. I have seen it in the middle, and the middle person will be insane in the light, and the egg will be broken and the person will die!

  The whole place was silent!

  They really want to know if these two children are still under the tolerance?

  That kind of powerful physical and immortal arts, as well as the Flying Thunder God, I am afraid that they can be compared with Shangnin!

  What monsters did Jiraiya-sama and Naruto-sama teach!

  When they set their sights on Monet's Thousand Hands on the high platform...

  "Tell me, did you use the powerful miracle trick on Kushina? Was it used in battle? The bed collapsed when you used it that day!"

  Tsunade angrily asked while holding his cousin's collar.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] He vomited! (Second more)

  "I want to use it. She didn't give me a chance. Besides, her body is not as good as yours. How can you do that trick? Even using combat skills against her is three shallow one..."

  "Shut up my mother! Go to sleep on the sofa from today!"


  A no-nonsense disaster.

  Monet tidied up his clothes and sighed, what kind of thing is this, you use it to make miracles like this?

  You can use it, can you change the name of your own research?

  Okay now, Tsunade misunderstood, and he can't escape the reputation of being a lewd apprentice.

  "Master bastard! How about I use this trick to perform miracles? Are you comfortable?"

  The battle was won, Minato was carried away, and Kushina shouted excitedly to the high platform.

  I'm so...

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