The battle went on for a long time, and its scale was even comparable to a small Pangu Kaitian Nuwa creating a human.

  The people on Earth didn't know what happened, and the clones and Hei Jue on the moon were also very confused.

  They only know that since that day, the moon will tremble from time to time, and after a long time everyone will get used to it.

  In this vast battle of spiritual power, Qianshou Monet had the full upper hand and kept suppressing the other party, relying on his own spiritual power to bully the ancestor of Chakra too much, that noble woman.

  Although it is only the remaining spiritual body of the other party, the feeling of conquest makes someone unable to stop.

  Anyway, it is a spiritual body, and there is no need to eat. Just doing things that you love will always make you feel physically and mentally happy, right? As for his body, let alone his body, eating or not is no longer important to his strong body. The body is an automatic cycle, not to mention that it is still absorbing the energy of Tenseigan.

  Life is endless fighting!

  Kaguya, who was still stubborn in the past, was completely conquered and let someone do something wrong, but she was surprised to find that her mental power would be stronger after each time, although it was small, but the number of times was high, and this 947 is not the same. There is no hope of re-gathering mental power.

  When your concubine recovers, it will be your death!

  With this thought in mind, Kaguya passively stopped resisting.

  The battle continues.

  Day after day, year after year...

  "The spicy strips are finished!"

  "Damn it! It's going to be a long day!"

  The golden reincarnation eye has long been absorbed, and the two avatars have very few chakra expressions left. This is the longest time they have insisted on not committing suicide.

  Hei Jue on the ground remained in one position from beginning to end and could not move. Fortunately, he had no bones, otherwise he would not be able to run with a herniated disc in his waist. Such a day would be a huge torment for him.

  Kurama threw away the box containing the spicy sticks and started tossing back and forth on Monet's flesh, trying to find some snacks, but found nothing.


  Start again!

  Kurama held his small head in pain and smashed it into the ground to reveal only his buttocks. This was the trick he found during the lunar earthquake to keep the movement of his head and the moon in balance, otherwise it would spit out every time.

  "Fuck, the body is too much!"

  One of the wooden Dun avatars couldn't help but took out Kunwu, hesitating whether he wanted to resist the main body's order and ended up with him, and the other, who had a stable temperament, quickly grabbed him.

  "Wait a minute, maybe I'll be back soon, I have a hunch."

  Avatar B persuaded.

  "Go away, you are considered an alternative in our army of clones, and you dare not commit suicide!"

  Clone A disdainfully pulled away the opponent's hand and said.

  "Bullshit, I'm responsible for the main body. Besides, you and I don't have much chakra. If he doesn't come back, he will disappear automatically. Why rush for a while."

  Clone B said calmly.

  There will always be one or two alternatives among the many clones. Monet's character is like this, and it's not surprising that the clones are strange. Another day has passed, and the two clones that have been completely consumed chakra become bang. Half of the wood.

  Stop shaking, and the moon is back to normal again.

  The Kurama with his head on the ground is sleeping, but he will eventually wake up when the frequency of the trembling of his head does not match the number of the moon.

  Kurama, who was disturbed by the beautiful dream, was very dissatisfied, pulled his head from the ground and sat there, bitterly touching the empty packaging bag.

  It's a day without spicy sticks again, how does it (abce) live?


  "When the concubine goes out, the concubine will kill you."

  Inside the moon, two special energy bodies leaned against each other, and Hui Ye's pretty face blushed as if enjoying the afterglow.

  "When you go out, the real blood is also mine."

  Habitually wanted to have a cigarette after the incident, but Monet almost forgot that his mental body was not carrying that thing, and squeezed the conquered beauty in his arms, Monet smiled slightly.

  "Don't panic, our third son will let you out in a few years. Keep persevering. Kill or cut as you please."

  "The concubine will definitely kill you!"

  Three words are inseparable from killing his own man, which is the standard of Kaguya these days.

  "By the way, how long has it been?"

  In the dim interior of the moon, Monet couldn't keep track of the time, but every minute spent with this girl was a joy.

  "You are too embarrassed to ask your concubine!"

  Kaguya was so ashamed and angry that she knew how long it had passed, only that she was being bullied every day by someone who changed the law.

  "I have to go back."

  For a moment, the information of the death of the shadow clone entered Monet's head, it seems... a long time has passed?Does it drain so fast during mental confrontation?

  Should not be ah.

  "you are leaving?"

  Inexplicably, Kaguya gripped Monet's arm tightly.

  "Well, something needs to be done."

  He patted Hui Ye on the back, although he said that he was going to kill her, but the reluctance before leaving had betrayed the thoughts in this woman's heart.

  "Well, it won't be long before you can kill me."

  Standing up, Monet stretched his waist.

  How sad is it to leave?

  Nonsense... He can't bring out Kaguya's spiritual body. The shackles of the six paths are aimed at Kaguya, and this is only Kaguya's spiritual body. The physical body needs a huge amount of chakra to shape, and unlimited monthly reading is a must. , Monet can not change.

  Pulling ruthlessly?

  No, no, it's to better fuck this noble woman.

  "If you lie to the concubine, the concubine will kill you with her own hands!"

  These were the last words Monet heard before leaving.



  Well, the last one went in, the plot didn't delay, and the spirit of Kaguya was snapped, that's all. .

Chapter [-] This gun... (first more)

  Leaving temporarily is not a real parting. After getting along day and night, Monet knew that Kaguya would be reluctant to part with himself.

  Nothing sad, just a little melancholy.

  Monet of Spiritualization flew into the air and sensed the existence of his body, rushed over and slowly fell into his body.

  "Hoo! It's this real breathing that makes me feel-comfortable!"

  Suddenly, Monet opened his eyes and stood up. A crackling sound came from his body. He hadn't moved for a long time, and his body was a little stiff. Other than that, there was no serious problem.



  Two surprise voices came.

  Needless to say, one is Hei Jue, who can't move with tears all day long, and the other is a bored Kurama who almost blew himself up on the spot.

  "Well, I'm back."

  Monet blinked, and those pale blue eyes shone toward them.


  Even Kaguya Otsutsuki has not awakened the powerful eyes, and he has never seen the natural Hei Jue. He is completely convinced that Qianshou Monet is the one who arrived from Jupiter Otsutsuki, and Hei Jue has already attributed everything that happened to Monet to him. his own abilities.

  "Why did you go, this uncle finished eating spicy noodles three years ago! It's still saving money."

  The Kurama jumped on Monet's shoulder in disgust, which was his exclusive position.

  "Three years ago? How long have I been gone?"

  Monet shivered in fright.

  "Five years, five full years!"

  Five years?

  Monet swallowed, this shot took so long?

  No wonder his avatar has reached the point where Chakra can't hold on and disappears. You must know that his chakra volume can even be compared with that of Qianshouzhu, and other tailed beasts other than nine-tailed are not necessarily better than Chakra. There are many him, and it is very difficult to make the Chakra of his clone disappear and dissipate.

  No wonder...

  "Go, go back to Earth!"

  In the past five years, after five years of shooting, Monet was really worried that Konoha would change, especially if Hei Jue left Banban for five years, would the bad old man die prematurely?Or frantically resurrected himself in advance and started to engage in tailed beasts?

  None of these Monet knew that in the original book, this was a period of Konoha development, and if anything major happened, only the suicide of White Fang was quite a sensation.

  It was also because of White Fang's suicide that Kai-ge only stayed at the ninja school for a year before graduating early and entering Anbu to train to hone his mentality and almost exploded.

  But that's the original, Monet's Konoha White Fang will commit suicide?

  That was absolutely impossible. Before leaving, he went to see Hatake Sakumo, knowing that he was a glass-hearted fellow, so he wanted to see if he would despise Kai brother because his mother was a kiln sister, and the answer was no. , Under the care of Bai Ya, the kiln sister Cuihua has gained a lot of weight. In the village, it is the eldest grandfather and the second grandfather who take care of him. He is very relieved.

  Five years have passed, and Kakashi should have just turned five years old. This year should be the year he entered with Obito and Rin Nohara. I wonder if they can catch up with the entrance ceremony of this generation.

  Thinking of a series of questions, Monet stepped into the passage where he came.

  Except for Hui Ye, the moon has nothing to be nostalgic about. He didn't destroy the passage. If he wants to Hui Ye in the future, he can fight again and fight a friendship gun, which is regarded as a door for himself.

  After half a day, Monet appeared at the entrance of the passage with Hei Jue and Kurama.

  "Finally... free..."

  He fell softly from the fan, Hei Jue stood up with trembling legs, and remained motionless for five years, which was a double test for his mind and body.

0 ?For flowers 0 ????????

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