"Go, go and find your way to a great ninja, I'll put the pussies there!"

  "This is the era of the Great Ninja started by me!"

  "So...in a month, give me the three-body technique and shuriken practice to understand!"



  Sometimes a man really needs a little motivation and stimulation to grow up, especially a young man like Jiraiya, visiting kilns and writing books is one of his hobbies and goals in life!

  After Monet said this, Jirai also slapped himself without hesitation and began to listen carefully.

  "You are more useful than the teacher."

  Tsunade held back his laughter and said softly.

  "What is Monet-kun going to do?"

  Snake brother asked curiously, practicing the three-body technique and shuriken hard, those are all projects for graduation, they have only come to the ninja school for less than a year, so are they in such a hurry?

  "Come on and pretend to graduate early."

  Monet said sincerely.

  This answer... Brother Snake fell into contemplation, it really fits Mo Nai-kun's character, but even walking on the street with Mo Nai-kun's status is enough to pretend to be forceful, right?

  "Of course, while pretending to be coercive and getting a diploma, I'm the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, so I can't even be a forbearance, right?"

  Monet said with an embarrassed expression.

  So that's the main purpose, right?Brother Snake breathed a sigh of relief.


  Just as Qianshou Monet and his younger brother were bragging, a middle-aged and wretched uncle rushed to the Hokage Building with his son in his arms.

  "Taka Kato! What are you doing here?"

  Anbu Ninja who was guarding the Naruto building asked with a frown.

  "My son was beaten! The egg is broken!"

  Kato Taka gritted his teeth and looked at the half breath left in his arms, shouting that he wanted the son of the girls, this is the only seed of their Kato family!

  "Broken egg?"

  Anbu Ninja looked terrified, "Are you sure your son is a broken egg?"

  "I want to see Hokage-sama!"

  Kato Taka shouted with grief and indignation, can you not sprinkle salt on other people's wounds?

  "Okay, I'll report it right away!"

  The egg was broken, and Anbu Ninja quickly nodded and went in to report.


  The fourth round of New Year's Day!Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month! .

Chapter [-] Taka Kato, the man nicknamed Goldfinger! (The fifth round on New Year's Day)

  "Speak slowly."

  Looking at Kato Taka who pointed at Kato's broken crotch, Sarutobi Hiizan frowned.

  He is now worried about the messenger group of Yunyin Village. According to the news, they will come to Konoha soon to continue to discuss the truce.

  But the intelligence said something that made Sarutobi very tangled.

  The other party wanted to take this opportunity to ask Konoha for six ninja tools, that is, weapons with golden horns and silver horns.

  This matter is really difficult to handle. The thing is in the hands of Qianshou Monet. According to his character, it is impossible to hand it over. Since the death of the second generation, Qianshou Monet's attitude towards him is extremely bad. way to open.

  When he came back to his senses, Sarutobi Hizan was suddenly stunned, Kato Taka untied Kato's broken pants right in front of him, and then Sarutobi Hizan seemed to see the extremely wonderful expression on Shinsekai's face.

  God knows how hard Tsunade kicked that kick. She was originally very talented in physical arts and didn't keep her hands at all, and the bloody crotch could not tell the characteristics of being a man at all.

  "This... your son, oh no, your daughter..."

  Sarutobi was a little hesitant to figure out Kato's gender. After all, he had just taken over the job of Hokage and was still adapting to the locked-down government affairs, so he didn't pay much attention to the school.

  Moreover, the Kato family in Konoha belonged to the kind that sneezed dozens of times, so this was the first time he saw Kato Dan.

  "It's a boy!"


  Why do you all have to sprinkle salt on my wounds!

  Kato Taka wants to cry but has no tears. Every time he sees his son's position, his heart hurts. It's too miserable. As a man, he understands what that means.

  "Cough, I know."

  Sarutobi Hiizhan coughed and lit his smoking bag.

  "Taka Kato, calm down first, I will definitely take the matter of your son seriously, please tell me who did it."

  Abandoning a child's male roots, the method is so cruel, he has just taken office, if he does not handle it well, it may cause dissatisfaction from the people below.

  "Senju Tsunade! It was ordered by her cousin Qianshou Monet!"

  Kato Taka said angrily, he didn't say anything when his son was beaten so badly last time, after all, he couldn't move the thousand-handed family's great business, and Konoha was the second-generation head at that time, even if he came to sue What can be done?

  "Is it Monet's order? Are you sure you're right?"

  Sarutobi Hizan asked quickly in his heart.

  "You can't be wrong! The whole school can testify!"

  Kato Taka nodded sadly.

  Is that so?

  Sarutobi Hidden swallowed his saliva, this matter is very difficult to deal with.

  "Why did he do this? And how did Senju Monet go to school today?"

  It would be too cruel if Monet instructed his cousin to smash other people's balls just because he looked at Kato.

  "Heaven and earth conscience! We have never done anything bad! We have always studied hard at school as Hokage. That Senju Monet beat him on the first day of school, but he never took it to heart."

  "Even when Senju Monet didn't go to school, he helped to greet his cousin Senju Tsunade, and made breakfast for Tsunade every morning and delivered lunches at noon!"

  "Such a good child, now it's actually..."

  Halfway through, Kato Taka couldn't help crying, and the look of grief made people couldn't help but feel sorry for the father.

  Sarutobi Hizan sighed and was about to speak to comfort him, when Kato Taka suddenly rushed over with wide eyes and hugged his thigh, wiping his nose and tears.

  "Lord Hokage! Please call the shots for our family!"

  "I want to ask the Qianshou family for compensation! It's better to let the culprit Qianshou Tsunade marry us and break it!"

  "Duan has become like this, no one will follow him when this matter spreads! Tsunade has to be responsible for this matter!"


  Squinting his eyes, Sarutobi Hizan finally understood the real purpose of this kid coming to him, to blackmail the Qianshou clan?Big brother, you have a big heart. What's wrong with your son? Are you still here thinking about squeezing the little bit of use value left by your son?

  This kid is very scheming!

  Looking at Taka Kato crying, Sandai sighed.

  "Taka Kato, go back first and send Kato to the hospital. I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

  "Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

  This is the result I want!

  Kato Taka heaved a sigh of relief. How did Sarutobi, who was educated by the second generation since childhood, know how the small family in the cracks would survive in Konoha?

  So he has been teaching his son to get close to those big family children, and finally he set his goal on Tsunade!

  Originally, he wanted to gain goodwill in front of Tsunade by relying on his son's good appearance, and it would be even better if he could join the family of Qianshou, but now such a thing happened directly and gave him a chance!

  Even if they don't succeed in the end this time, their family will be able to live a good profit from Qianshou!

  After a son or something, there will be another one, I am a man nicknamed Goldfinger!

  In this way, Kato Taka, who was quite scheming, left contentedly, and looking at his back, Sarutobi Hizan suddenly thought of what the second generation had said.

  Ambition must be matched with strength!

  Let Tsunade marry your son?Or wasted son?

  Unless Monet is crazy to do this!


  New Year's Day fifth sent to! .

Chapter [-] How does it taste? (first update)

  "Come here, go to the school and bring Qianshou Monet, oh no, invite the patriarch of the Qianshou clan over and say that I have something important to discuss with him."

  After pondering for a moment, Sarutobi Hizan finally made up his mind, and just took this opportunity to have a good chat with Senju Monet.

  Kato Taka thought that his son was abolished and gave him the opportunity to climb the Senju family, but why didn't Sarutobi want to take this opportunity to pressure Senju Monet to let him hand over the six ninja tools?

  As for the promise of Kato Eagle's benefits, I'm sorry, for the sake of the village, your Kato family can only stand behind.

  However, he must not use this as a trump card to blackmail Monet into a thousand hands, and he is also the grandson of the teacher. It is really shameful to use this method to deal with a child.

  "Thousands of Monet, Lord Hokage, please."

  In the ninja school, Monet just planned to bring Zilai and give him a wave of Tathagata Buddha sticks between classes, but before he could go out, Anbu blocked the school gate.

  "Don't go."

  Glancing at the indifferent Anbu, the tone of the boy's speech made him quite unhappy.

  If you let me go, I'll go, so am I not ashamed?

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