The face was constantly enlarged in Monet's eyes, as if to represent the end of the battle...


  "Shadow clone?"

  Monet, who was tricked, hurriedly wanted to turn around, he could already feel the strong wind behind him.


  Never get kicked in the ass in public!

  We can't afford to lose that person!

  "Flying Thunder God! The Millennium Killing Technique!"


  Monet, who had lost his balance in the air, disappeared instantly in the next moment, and the next second his figure appeared in the second master's lower plate!

  Little bastard, what are you doing! ?

  Are you going to explode your grandpa's chrysanthemum in public?

  You want face, I don't want face?

  The second master gritted his teeth, he couldn't use the Flying Thunder God, but Monet could, not only can he use it, but also use it recklessly!


  Right in the center!

  It's just that the familiar screams were not heard, and the pierced "Second Master" turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.

  Shadow clone again?

  Monet's mouth twitched for a while, just to deal with your grandson, is it so serious?

  The water spray dissipated, and the figure of the second master appeared again. The face of Qianshou Tobirama was not far away, and the pain caused by the shadow clone would be transmitted to the main body!

  What does the second master feel about the taste of being exploded!

  "Little bastard! The old man fought with you!"

  With a howl, the second master didn't go to play with Monet, and rushed over with Kuwu in an instant.

  Ding Ding Ding!

  The figures moved quickly, and the sound of Kuai's collision was extremely pleasant. The extremely fast two only left afterimages on the field...

  In the first update, the rice chicken has been eaten, the noodle dog has also been licked, and the lock has been locked and blown... So let's update it. .

Chapter [-]: The Thousand Hands of Mori will surely rise! (Second more)

  Flying Thunder God Technique!

  Can't go wrong!

  Some people in the eyes reacted instantly.

  The super-difficult ninjutsu used by the second generation of eyes on the battlefield has reappeared?

  The ninjas looked solemn, and basically anyone with some brains understood what the Flying Thunder God represented.

  It is not only to improve the fighting power of Qianju Monet, the flying thunder god represents the second generation, representing an era, and the current era's replacement second generation purpose ninjutsu has been inherited.

  The Thousand Hands Clan will rise again!

  This is what everyone has in mind!

  The appearance of Flying Thunder God made everyone full of hope for the Qianshou family again. Qianshou is the flag of Konoha. When this flag is raised again, Konoha will return to glory!

  Sarutobi Hiizaki didn't feel anything other than shock, but Danzo next to him gritted his teeth like an old dog whose wife had been fucked.


  After the death of the second generation, the prestige of the Qianshou family began to decline. Why did another Qianshou Monet appear?

  Danzo, who is inexplicably hostile to the big family with a twisted mind, is staring at Qianshou Monet. When Qianshou Monet uses Lei Shen, it means that he will no longer hide himself from today, but will stand on the bright side. Accept the villagers' admiration for Qianshou!

  "If the teacher sees this scene, I don't know how happy he will be."

  Sarutobi Hizan sighed, and from Monet, he saw the shadow of Senju Tobirama.

  "Sarutobi, this is not a good thing for us!"

  Tuanzang said coldly, this idiot is still happy, is he brainless?

  "The stronger Qianshou is, the more they are out of our control. Qianshou Monet is not a teacher. From what he has done, it can be seen that he is a deviant person. If one day he does something harmful to Konoha Things, who can stop him then? Are you coming?"

  "And the prestige of Qianshou has risen again, those old guys won't take us seriously! Do you want to give up your Naruto's position?"

  "Danzo, you can't say that. It can be seen from the negotiation between Monet and the envoys of Yunyin Village that his heart is on Konoha's side."

  Frowning, Sarutobi Hizan said displeasedly.

  "Sarutobi, you are just too indecisive, Chisato, Uchiha, and even Hinata, they are all factors of instability in Konoha, what will happen when their power grows enough to threaten Konoha? Have you ever thought about it? ?"

  Danzo snorted and stopped talking. He just didn't like Sarutobi's point. He picked up a Hokage's place and didn't do what Hokage should do. He was worthy of being a Hokage even if he didn't poop in that pit?

  That position will be mine sooner or later!

  He couldn't get the answer he wanted from Sarutobi. He glanced at Koharu and Mito Kazuma, who were not far away. Maybe these two were his loyal allies!


  Ding Ding Ding!

  The staggered figures on the field suddenly separated, one big and one small looking at each other.

  Monet knew what he meant by using the Flying Thor, and knew that he would be a thorn in Danzo's eyes from today onwards, but what did that matter?

  Play pig eat tiger?

  are you crazy?

  Playing as a pig, your paralyzed pig, are you not afraid of making yourself sick if you have the strength to show it off and hold back?

  Anyway, Danzo has already put him on the watch list, so what is he afraid of?

  Besides, it won't take long for him to completely shuffle Konoha's power. As long as it is bigger enough to deter everyone, this Konoha will be his world!

  Moreover, the surprise he gave Danzo today was not just the so-called Flying Thunder God!

  If you don't have the ability to endure this, you will be spitting up blood in the future.

  "It's time for a showdown!"

  The next second, Monet's face stared resolutely at the second master he respected.

  Familiar look!

  Second Master's heart tightened, whenever Qianshou Monet showed this look, there was only one result!

  Just as he was about to say that now is not the time, Qianshou Tobirama was suddenly stunned and lost in thought.

  When is not the right time?

  He is nominally dead, and Qianshou needs one person to stand up. Although this person is still very small, he already has enough ability to protect himself!

  Brother, your light will bloom again, and the glory of a thousand hands will be carried forward by our grandchildren!

  "Come on Monet, I want to see how powerful your big brother's moves can be on you!"

  The second master, who had already anticipated what Qianshou Monet wanted to do, nodded encouragingly to his grandson.

  Qianshou, it has been a long time since there has been an excellent next generation!

  "it is good!"

  Silently closing his hands, Monet looked around.

  From today, Qianshou will return to glory!

  He wants to tell those ambitious trash that Qianshou is still that Qianshou!

  The position in Konoha will never be shaken by the fall of the second master!

  "A thousand hands of the forest!"

  His little face was flushed, and Monet shouted in the sky.


  There was a hunch in the dark, and the Qianshou tribe led by Uncle Jugen outside the venue stretched their necks and shouted.

  Originally, Uncle Jugen sent him and Tsunade to the school to prepare to go back, but after thinking about it carefully, the assessment of the patriarch, it is impossible to justify without this person as a face, although Monet did not deliberately remind him, but after following Monet for so long, I know that he likes it. With a pretentious temperament, he simply brought the tribe over.

  At this moment, the Thousand Hands were all excited for some reason, their emotions were mobilized, and the other ninjas and villagers in Konoha were taken aback.

  At this moment, Qianju Monet represents Senzhi Qianshou!

  The two shadows slowly overlapped on him.

  Thousand-hand pillars, thousand-hand Tobirama!

  The existence of that Uchiha who was beaten by the Sengoku!


  "The tree world is coming!!"


  Second more!Ask for a ticket! .

Chapter [-] The Youngest Jōnin in History! (third more)

  Loud shouts resounded throughout the arena.

  Thousand Arms Monet's young body seems to inspire enormous power.

  Wood escape!

  The tree world is coming! ?

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