In this atmosphere, the embarrassment seemed to disappear, and Monet, who was physically tired, had a solution. As for Monet, who was always young, he didn't explain much, and they would find out later.

  After staying at the house of the Guards for seven days in a row, Monet left with a lot of interest.

  The girls are stunned to do things they love to do completely different from when they are sober.

  Those are two feelings.

  Monet, who has enjoyed a different taste, has completely gathered his female bodyguards, which is undoubtedly the beginning of a happy life for him.

  After not going to work for several days, Monet was not worried about what would happen to Konoha. The set of procedures he designed was designed to be lazy. Did he leave Konoha for several years before he saw it?

  There is no need to question the ability of Xiao Nan and Mute. The administrative department is running like a huge machine, and all the processes of Konoha are very smooth.

  Back in the office, she hugged the figure who was sorting documents, and she clearly felt that she was shaking a bit, and she turned her head to face Monet's face with thousands of hands.

  "Not today."

  Xiao Nan's face was slightly red, and he said politely.


  Monet, who wanted to do morning exercises, shook his head and seemed a little regretful. To be honest, Xiaonan is good, but the problem of buying a detonator will never change in this life. The happiest thing every time he gets paid is to buy detonators Fu, how much money can be bought with how much money he has, now he understands how hard Jiao Du was in the beginning.

  But it doesn't matter. He Qianshou Monet is very rich. He gives the girls a lot of pocket money every month.

  "And Uchiha Itachi has been looking for you for several days, and it is estimated that he will apply to see you on time, so you should get rid of the idea of ​​bullying with mute."

  Xiaonan picked up Itachi's token on the corner of the table and threw it to Qianshou Monet. Unlike when he first entered Anbu, Uchiha Itachi's name became more and more dangerous as he performed more and more missions. His talent and strength fully revealed.

  The well-trusted Itachi is sometimes even assigned tasks by Senju Monet directly skipping Hatake Sakumo. This is an honor and he deserves it.

  Monet said that no matter what surname is in front of your name, as long as you contribute to the village, you will get a chance.

  Anyone who lives or dies for Konoha will be affirmed by Hokage!

  Everyone seems to understand, Qianju Monet seems to want to cultivate Uchiha Itachi into his confidant, and even take over Anbu.

  Sakumo is not too young, including Jiraiya and Orochimaru, they have paid enough for Konoha, but Brother Snake doesn't think anything, his interest is to study science.

  Yes, he loves science.

  Monet also promised to grant him immortality. For the time being, Monet also developed a reduced version of a one-time reincarnation, using it once to obtain the equivalent of ten years of vitality. The snake brother was very excited about this, holding the scroll to study It's been a few years, but unfortunately it's still not fully studied. After all, Qianshou Monet has a plug-in, but Snake does not.

  Jiraiya is not too young, but his body is still strong, even if the kidneys are a big problem, even if it hurts to death, he keeps running to the kiln saying that he is looking for inspiration, which Qianshou Monet can't control. , but after the peace, he began to write books, the story of the hero Jiraiya and the series of intimacy in paradise, but he made a fortune in Konoha.

  Needless to say, Tsunade, the remaining vitality of Qianshou Monet when she was working and the Yin seal, she did not see any old age at all.

  It's just Sakumo, who has fought in the North and South for many years, and has followed Qianshou Monet since he was a child. Although he relied on the immortal chakra and swordsmanship to traverse the battlefield, he would always leave some dark wounds over the years. He was simply cured by Qianshou Monet, but He could also see that Sakumo was getting old.

0 ??????? asking for flowers???? ????

  As the eldest, he wants Sakumo to live a few more years, which is also a chance for young people.

  And Uchiha Itachi is the object that Qianshou Monet focused on training.

  Whether he can grasp it depends on himself, Anbu's competition also has its own process, Qianju Monet only waits for the result, whoever is excellent, who will inherit the position of Anbu Minister.

  Of course, it's too early to say that, Sakumo can still support it for a few years, enough for the outstanding young man of Anbu to use his talent and strength to contribute to Konoha.

........ 0 ......

  It is still unknown whether Itachi will be able to get that position at that time. Konoha is full of talents now, and the so-called genius will be surpassed if he is not careful.

  Anyway, Monet thinks that the current Konoha is running perfectly fine, and his Hokage is undoubtedly a success.

  As Xiao Nan said, at eight o'clock, Monet got the news that Uchiha Itachi applied to see him outside the Hokage Building.

  "Let him in."

  Monet gave up watching the girls frolic in the pool with colored eyes and swallowed.

  No matter when, your wife's perfect figure is always so attractive.

  "Lord Hokage!"

  Kneeling on the ground in a proper manner, Itachi shouted respectfully.

  Itachi, who entered Anbu, completed his transformation and became a sharp blade in the hands of Naruto. He has no complaints about this. Facts have proved that all decisions made by Naruto are extremely wise and never made mistakes. How could itachi not follow such a leader?

  "Mission completed?"

  Monet asked curiously.

  Last time, he handed Itachi the always arduous task, but he didn't expect the news so soon.


  Second more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Give him a face? (third more)

  "Yes Hokage-sama."

  Itachi stood up, looked at his shadow full of enthusiasm and replied.

  At this time, his admiration for Qianshou Monet even reached an extreme level, when the development of a village encountered a bottleneck, or the next promotion would consume huge resources.

  The problem of lack of money and food will be at the forefront, but the three generations of adults have minimized the occurrence of such things with his foresighted eyes, and even Konoha is not very short of money at the moment, after all, the third ninja war was fought. After winning, other Shinobi villages will pay tribute to Konoha every year, which is a pre-promised regulation.

  Compensation materials alone are a lot of money, but the three generations of adults did not rest on their laurels and completely rely on those things, but went out to seek development. "Eight Four Three"

  There are not only five major countries in the Ninja world, but also five major Ninja villages.

  There are other small neutral countries, the most representative of which is the Iron Nation. The Iron Nation has an army composed of thousands of warriors, which are among the top strengths in neutral countries. Their leaders are Sanchuan, who are very individual a character.

  In addition to this, there are other countries, such as the country of Tian, ​​which Orochimaru went to after escaping from Konoha, and then established the Ninja Village.

  A series of small countries such as the country of fields, the country of snow, the country of bears, the country of grass, the country of rivers and the country of rain.

  Big or small, but they all have one thing in common.

  That is, their country has relatively famous products, the tea of ​​the country of tea and the hot spring of the country of soup are some of the famous products of the ninja world.

  In disguise, these countries are rich, but they have little ability.

  And what Qianshou Monet asked Uchiha Itachi to do was to find their name and negotiate directly, no matter what method was used, let them accept a contract for cooperation with Konoha.

  Konoha is responsible for sending several ninjas to protect their safety, and they pay Konoha money as protection money every year!

  This is pig farming in disguise!

  In this regard, Monet didn't feel that he was showing off Konoha's strength. The strong in this world should enjoy superior treatment. Monet's Konoha has the ability to do all this, and they deserve this money.

  And you pay, I contribute. Although the power is small, it is always better than your personal guards. There is nothing wrong with it.

  Some daimyo even wanted to climb the high branch of Konoha and gave a lot, so Qianju Monet said that he was rich is not bragging.

  It stands to reason that the negotiation between countries should be the appearance of the famous name of the country of fire, but the name of the country of fire has long been empty by his Qianshou Monet. Except for the name, the fire country is his Qianshou Monet. Calculate.

  To put it in a bad way, he thought to Monet with a thousand hands, and some people would agree with him when he became emperor in the next second.

  It's just that he's lazy and feels that it's not the right time to temporarily abandon that plan.

  Sooner or later, why so urgent?

  Besides, what is the use of the money in their hands, it is better to hand it over to him honestly, and it can ensure your safety without being disturbed, how comfortable it is.

  One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, this is a win-win situation.

  Since Itachi's mission was successful, it also meant that for the next few decades, Monet didn't have to worry about money for at least a few decades. All he had to do was send out some Chunin, and there was no loss to Konoha.

  And his Thousand Hands Monet is not just taking money and doing nothing. Those who threaten his RBQ directly send people to kill them, so many people are grateful to Dade.

  "But Hokage-sama, there are two countries that are a bit difficult to handle."

  Looking at the thoughtful Senju Monet, Itachi said carefully.


  Monet jumped out a word to stop his grand plan. Those things don't need to be considered for the time being. Sooner or later, the world of ninja will belong to Monet. There is no doubt about that.

  It's just a matter of time. In the ninja world he envisioned, as long as there are no problems with Konoha, everything will be fine.

  And Konoha has him, everything is very stable ......

  "The country of Snow seems to have undergone a coup d'état during this period, the regime changed hands, and their new daimyo killed his brother and succeeded in ascending the throne. When I went to look for him, I was turned away, and said that I would not give in to Konoha's intimidation. "

  Itachi thought about reporting truthfully.

  "Then you didn't kill him? Did you give him a face?"

  Monet frowned. The Itachi in his mind was not so decisive. The other party was completely despising Konoha's authority.

  "Uh, Hokage-sama, isn't it bad to kill it directly, if it spreads out..."

  Itachi was embarrassed and knelt down again. He really wanted to kill the other party directly, which was really happy, but he gave up thinking that this might slander Konoha's honor. After all, he represented the country of snow that Lord Hokage went to, and he didn't want to give it to Lord Hokage. shame.

  "My stupid subordinate."

  Monet stood up, shook his head, stretched out his finger and touched Uchiha Itachi's eyebrows.

  Then he lit a cigarette under Itachi God's shy little eyes.

  "Fame? What does that thing do to me?"

  "If it's for Konoha's development, what if I bear the infamy? What's more..."

  "History is written by the victor, so what if I destroy him?"

  "Itachi 3.5, you are still too young, I don't want the sharp blade in my hand to be stabbed with doubts, this is the last time."

  Uchiha Itachi was shocked, yes!

  He is the sharp blade of Hokage-sama, how can he refute Hokage-sama's starting point?

  Everything the three generations of adults do is for Konoha!

  Itachi slowly knelt down.

  "My subordinates know their mistakes and are willing to be punished, but before that, please give me time from Hokage-sama, and I will make the daimyo of the Snow Country regret his decision!"


  Third more.

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