And he has always been proud of his son.

  Can you be proud?

  There is no one of his age who can beat his son. After personally testing it, this kid's physical strength is comparable to him.

  "Lord Hokage, do you want to convey the will of fire yourself?"

  An acquaintance came from a distance, and the old and disfigured Sarutobi Hizan asked respectfully.

  Sarutobi Hidden Slash!

  If Konoha has made Qianshou Monet a little tangled up to now, there is only such a person.

  Thinking back to the time when the three Danzos were killed, the second master finally failed to kill Sarutobi Hiru, but only abolished his hands and took back everything he taught.

  In a certain year, when the snake brother was doing experiments, he had already connected with Hiruzen Sarutobi, except that he could not connect to Chakra, the current Sarutobi Hiruzen is no different from normal people, but he has been unable to become a normal person in this life. a ninja.

  But this person is not undesirable, such as brainwashing.

  The brainwashing ability of Hiruzen Sarutobi is top-notch in the entire Hokage. After all, it is not easy to completely turn Shisui into a traitor to Uchiha.

  Compared with Konoha's open policy, Qianshou Monet attaches great importance to the ideological problems of the new generation. After directly instilling the powerful theories he brought from the Celestial Dynasty from an early age, these children are actually ignorant. They really can't understand those things. But after the analysis of Sarutobi Hijen, it was broken down and changed to Konoha and Hokage who were loyal to XX and stuffed those things into the heads of these new generations.

  Don't say it, it's pretty useful.

  Originally, Monet Zai Konoha's prestige was high enough. After strengthening the education of the new generation, they all knew that Monet was an amazing person, and they regarded Monet as the only one.

  As for whether Sarutobi Hizen will convey those bad remarks to Senju Monet, he is not worried at all, not to mention that this guy is watched [-] hours a day, even if he is not there, he will not do it.

  The failure decades ago made him drop everything.

0 ????????? asking for flowers???? ?????????

  He was actually loyal to the village, no doubt about that.

  Thinking back to the conversation in the cell...

  "Okay, good man, Konoha in my hands will only make other Shinobi villages tremble, and because of me, Konoha will be completely changed! All Konoha villagers will be proud of their identity!"

  This is what he Monet said!

  Now, he has done everything he ever said!

  The entire ninja world was subdued by Konoha!Because of his existence!

  All the villagers of Konoha are proud of who they are!

......... 0

  He does what he says, and he does what Monet says!

  Sarutobi Hizan witnessed all this. Although he was confined at home before, he really saw something that seemed impossible.

  This Hokage, I don't know how many times stronger than himself.

  Convinced orally, respected from the heart.

  This is what Sarutobi Hizhan is thinking about now, and he really wants to do something for the village, even if it is only a meager effort, let him go to the street and sweep the road, he also wants to do it.

  Please ask his son Sarutobi Asma to go and make a polite request with Senju Monet. With the only hope left, he really wants to take that step and look at the current Konoha...

  And Senju Monet's generosity is beyond Sarutobi Hiizan's imagination!

  He even asked him to come to the school to convey the will of fire and weekly ideological education classes to the new students every year.

  So, it is simply a favor!

  "Don't put on this expression, this Hokage is a little disgusting. You understand Konoha's rules. If you do well, you will atone for your sins. If you don't do well, you can do it yourself."

  Monet waved his hand and didn't want to talk nonsense with this old guy. He couldn't keep raising a crippled person all the time. It was so good to use some residual heat to save him snacks.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] The duel of fate! (Second more)

  In the end, Monet didn't bother to talk about the will of fire. For him, standing here is already a great gift to Xiaoqiang.

  This is not a thousand-handed Monet pretending to be a force, but from World War II to the present, his thousand-handed Monet godlike legend has been written into textbooks, and apart from this one, the previous thousand-handed Monet has never appeared on this occasion.

  To inspire some Xiaoqiang, let them grow in the encouragement, this is the idea of ​​Qianshou Monet.

  As Konoha gathers the twelve heroes, the plot will also unfold, but Monet really doesn't know whether such a monster-like Naruto will become the tail of the car.

  If nothing else, the body art alone is already disappointing.

  Have you ever seen an entrance test smashing the fucking slate used to measure strength?

 "Nine-[-]" The evildoer has reached this level, Qianshou Monet really doesn't know what to say.

  This kind of wood leaves is simply stale.

  Of course, his disorderly entry had little effect on Erzhuzi, except that he made his father and mother become a person, but there was no other change, but Erzhuzi's disguise was vividly displayed on the first day of school.

  After just accepting the brainwashing of Sarutobi Hizan, Erzhuzi rushed directly to Naruto as soon as his head was hot.

  "I'm going to challenge you!"

  Er Zhuzi shouted, and inadvertently glanced at Qianshou Monet's side.

  This is to show off in front of Hokage!

  Just lad, are you an opponent?

  There was a commotion around.

  "Ah! I've seen him, the second son of the Uchiha clan leader! The younger brother of Anbu genius ninja Uchiha Itachi!"

  With a burst of exclamation, Erzhuzi's identity was seen by a civilian ninja below.

  Looking around proudly, Sasuke, who is full of superiority, looked at Naruto while holding his shoulders.

  "Don't you dare?"

  "Okay, do it."

  Naruto is also a decisive man. At the age of five, he is almost [-] meters tall, half a body taller than his mother Sasuke.

  "Itachi, your brother..."

  Monet swallowed, he already had a premonition that this battle was going to be exciting.

  "Sasuke is still young, please forgive Naruto-sama, I will pull him back immediately to accept your punishment!"

  Itachi felt a tightness in his heart, and hurriedly knelt on the ground to admit his mistake. He felt it right now.


  My stupid brother, although it is indeed my account to let you show your talent, but you can't attract the attention of Naruto-sama in this way, can you, besides, can you play it?

  "Lord Hokage, let's stop this fight, Naruto he..."

  Minato Namikaze blushed and continued.

  "He didn't do anything light or heavy, Sasuke couldn't bear it..."

  Come on, can't you change your way of speaking?Have to go straight.

  Monet shook his head and looked at the serious Itachi God, a little speechless.

  When two upright men meet, a different kind of spark seems to break out.

  "It seems that Minato-sama is very confident in Naruto."

  Itachi stood up and said solemnly, "Although Sasuke is a little weak, it was also taught by me from a young age. I am afraid that Sasuke will hurt Naruto."

  Minato shook his head and didn't explain. The village was competitive, but he didn't hold grudges. He understood Itachi's mind. Who would admit that his younger brother was inferior to others.

  Itachi is a genius, and naturally he hopes that Sasuke is also a genius. He understands the truth, but Naruto is really not joking with you.

  However, his son is still very kind, and every time he hits someone, he will feel guilty for several days. Minato also loves his son and doesn't want them to fight.

  Monet didn't say anything, he likes to see subordinates competing with each other, just don't bother him with infighting. This scale will be made clear after they enter the core area of ​​Qianshou Monet. Once they find that kind of thing, both of them Go away, leave Konoha and never come back.

  Qianshou Monet doesn't want people like that. Someone has done that kind of thing before, bringing the competition in work into reality. After that, Monet told them to get out of the way, garbage is not qualified to stay in Konoha.

  Itachi is a typical type of calf protection. Can a person with full brother control attribute admit that his younger brother is trash?

  Certainly not, so this battle is inevitable 0  …

  Of course, Monet is [-]% optimistic about Naruto. This guy in Konoha is a freak. Have you ever seen a five-year-old with such explosive muscles?

  Monet looked into the distance. Naruto and Sasuke, who had been surrounded by a circle, were standing opposite each other. Naruto had torn off his shirt, revealing his solid muscles. All screaming scared away.

  "Come on, do it!"

  Naruto hooked his fingers. Of course, he didn't mean to look down on Sasuke. Those dry words and hooking fingers were his mother's frequent movements, and they got used to it when they were taught at home.

  For example, in the original book he spoke with Kushina's colloquialism, which is hereditary and cannot be changed.


  But Naruto knew, Sasuke didn't know, this guy thought the muscular man was provoking him.

  Sasuke's appearance is quite attractive in school, but the existence of this muscular man makes him very uncomfortable. If nothing else, Naruto just stands there to show off, and there are some things that can't be explained.

  Indra and Asura have worked for several lifetimes to meet each other with swords.

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  The three shuriken shot at Naruto at 0.5. According to Sasuke's idea, the speed of this big boy must be slow.

  In fact, the same is true. Naruto just looked at the three shuriken in doubt, and then stretched out his hand to grab it, and the shuriken was directly held in his hand.

  After discovering his son's physique talent, Minato was not idle, and worked overtime to give his son a pair of iron gloves, and Naruto, who had that thing, was even more powerful.

  Grabbing the shuriken directly with your hand?

  The corners of Sasuke's mouth twitched, and the thought of wanting to charge was instantly broken.

  Receding quickly, Sasuke's hands began to spin rapidly.

  Si - Wei - Shen - Hai - Wu - Yin...

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