Lao Tzu is a god and can bring you pain!

  This is Nagato's declaration.

  It’s not that they’re not sure about wrestling with Qianshou Monet. Don’t forget that they have a lot of power in their hands now. All of them are S-level rebels and forbearance, and there are many talents in Konoha?

  What kind of talents can appear in this sad ninja world?

0 ????????? asking for flowers?? 0

  He is a god!Shit talent.

  But how is this money to be earned?

  Nagato's head was about to explode.

  "Konoha is so rich! Even if you can't beat it, you can still steal a little bit."

  At this moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark who yawned suddenly said.


  Although it is a bit shameful to say it, it can always solve the urgent need.

  Moreover, God leads the world, can it be said to be stealing?

  Nagato's eyes lit up, the way to get money without conflicting with Konoha, isn't it stealing?

  However, after stealing the fake goods and giving them to other ninja villages, the ninja world is thrown into chaos, and then they take the opportunity to develop, isn't it a beautiful thing!

...... 0

  Nagato nodded immediately.

  "Dried persimmon ghost shark."

  The virtual shadow looked at the dried persimmon ghost shark, the real man in the original book who let the shark eat him in order not to sell the information of the organization!

  "Go to Konoha, steal... and get some money back."

  Payne let out a groan and said, I am a god, and it is not good to steal something and use it on a god.

  Besides, the world will eventually enjoy pain under his rule, and the money is originally his!

  I go?

  The dried persimmon ghost shark can't wait to slap himself, why should I say this?

  Do you still find yourself guilty in the end?

  Looking at the gloating eyes of the surrounding people, the dried persimmon shark snorted and disappeared. Because Uchiha Itachi didn't join Akatsuki, the dried persimmon shark's partner was actually another unlucky person, and also an S-class betrayal, but that guy was not worthy of his name. On the first mission, he was accidentally injured by a dry persimmon ghost and killed directly.

  So now he is acting alone.

  But... go to Konoha to steal money...

  Are you sure this isn't to die for?


  Sixth more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] Real man dried persimmon ghost shark!

  Is the meaning of my existence to die for the organization?

  Looking at the huge Konoha in the distance, the dried persimmon ghost shark who finally bypassed the barriers and came to the side of Konoha smiled.

  The real man in the original book seems to be suffering from depression.

  After seeing through the fact that the existence of the Hidden Mist Village is an illusion, and even the Mizukage is just a chess piece manipulated by others, Kanaki Onishi decided to join Akatsuki to find the real world.

  But is this the end result?

  Looking at the scenery of Konoha Village from a high place with a big sword shark on his back, the dry persimmon ghost shark with good eyes seemed to see a different atmosphere.

  The people here are really smiling!

  Different from the open and secret struggle in the village of fog hidden, everyone seems to be actively finding the meaning of their existence.

  Is it an appearance?

  The dried persimmon ghost shark fell into the "one-one zero" contemplation. The dried persimmon ghost shark who has suffered from depression for so long knows that the so-called real distance is an unattainable distance from everyone.

  How easy is it to take that step?

  But the feeling from the heart of Konoha's people is not like an illusion, what is going on?

  Shaking his head, the persimmon ghost shark was too lazy to think about it, those questions were too mysterious, and if he figured it out, it wouldn't be what he is now.

  Enter Konoha, find their warehouse and loot it!

  What Qianju Monet once did a long time ago now makes him feel the pain of being robbed.

  This is the leader's original words, but...

  A very serious question was placed before him.

  If Konoha was so easy to get in, it wouldn't be the first ninja village!

  Originally, the dried persimmon ghost shark wanted to disguise himself as a tourist or a businessman and sneak in, but when he got to the door, he directly dismissed the idea.

  Konoha, which attaches great importance to internal safety, is like an iron barrel surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. Everyone who enters Konoha must undergo layers of investigation.

  Uchiha, Hinata, and Konoha's perception team surrounded Konoha and mixed in?If you are far away, you will be inspected by Baiyan and Sharonyan. Who can stand it?

  The dry persimmon ghost shark has a headache for a while, the leader's task is impossible to refuse, who makes himself cheap and insists on coming to Konoha to steal money?

  Isn't this cheap?

  "Father, is there any fun in Konoha?"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a distance, and a group of people appeared there.

  What the hell!

  Thousand-handed Monet?

  Didn't he say he went to Sand Ninja Village?Why did you come back so soon?

  Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark is stunned. If Qianshou Monet comes back, let alone his mother sneaking into Konoha, he looks at the other party like this now, that's all a problem.

  There was once a rebellion from a certain village who glanced at Qianshou Monet from a distance, and the fellow rushed over and asked the rebellion what you were worried about.

  Betrayal and forbearance is also a bit tempered and asked a question, what are you doing...

  After that, Rebellion died.

  This story tells the brothers in the ninja world not to look around, even if they are curious to see this legendary ninja.

  The dried persimmon ghost shark had seen Qianshou Monet when he was a child, and he still knew this guy fairly well.


  If you stay here, you will surely die!

  Dried persimmon ghost shark Xinsheng retired.

  But the moment he turned around, a killing intent directly locked him.

  Can't run away!

  It was discovered!

  In desperation, the dried persimmon ghost shark directly pulled out the big sword shark muscle and drilled in through its big mouth.

  Swish swish, three figures appeared in the place where the dried persimmon ghost shark was located before, Monet put his arm around a shark muscle sword looking at the ground and fell into contemplation.

  What the hell?

  After staying in Sand Ninja Village for a few days, I enjoyed the imperial service from Kagura, and simply brought Temari, who had never been to Konoha, to her father's village to play.

  The characteristics of Qianshou Monet's doting daughter are the same as itachi's control of Sasuke, and he can't wait to pluck the stars from the sky.

  Traveling all the way to Konoha, while enjoying the worship from his daughter, Monet suddenly felt a line of sight and a flying thunder god came over without saying a word.


  What the hell is a shark muscle sword?

  Isn't that the dry persimmon ghost shark's weapon?

  How would it appear here?

  Letting go of Temari and Maruko, Monet stretched out his hand and grabbed the shark muscle broadsword...  

  But the originally quiet shark muscle didn't seem to agree with Qianshou Monet, so he even bit it up, and Monet didn't politely grab the shark muscle's body and slammed it to the ground.


  The whole Konoha felt the shaking, Uchiha and Hinata Ninja, who were in charge of vigilance, rushed over quickly, but when they found out that it was Monet of Qianshou, they hurriedly knelt on the ground and looked at Fangyuan in the distance in shock. The corners of the mouths of the pothole ninjas tens of meters twitched.

  It's probably... it's Hokage.

  "Father is amazing!"

  Temari adoredly squeezed into Monet's arms, and the ball next to him was not to be outdone.

  "Small idea."

  Monet shook his head and looked at the shark muscle, "Are you still pretending?"

  The muscle of the smashed shark shivered and showed incomparable obedience. This time, it almost killed it directly. The dried persimmon shark in the body had completely fainted, not to mention the knife itself.

  That is to say, the shark muscle is relatively fleshy, and if it is replaced by other ninja knives, it may have exploded.

  Roll your eyes!open!

  Holding the shark muscle in his hand, Monet seemed to sense something, opened his eyes and looked over.

  Dried persimmon ghost shark!

  it is as expected!

  There was such a plot in the original work. The dried persimmon ghost shark hid in the shark muscle, and then the shark muscle pretended to be mutiny and was captured by Kirabi, and then successfully obtained information.

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