"What do you want to do? I tell you Naruto, even if you are the son of Minato-sensei, even if my finger is broken, you can't take the bell with "three nines"!"

  Kakashi forcibly snapped the misplaced fingers back without changing his face!

  He is Hatake [-] to [-]!

  Defined by Senju Monet-sama as a man who can do two tricks with anyone!

  How can you fall here?

  Gritting his teeth, Kakashi looked solemn. Although he didn't know why Naruto trained his chrysanthemum to be so hard, this time breaking his hand was just a mistake. Ninja, that should be a weak spot too.

  Why is this kid so special?

  "It's over!"

  Naruto looked miserable, his stomach growled, and some kind of gas flew towards a closed door!


  Qianshou Monet said nothing and carried Hinata on his back, with Ino on the left and Tiantian on the right, and quickly retreated.


  When the voice came down, Kakashi, who was originally awe-inspiring, was enveloped in a certain gas.

  One second!

  Two seconds!

  Three seconds!

  With a thud, Kakashi fell to the ground, and passed out with tears in his eyes. Before losing consciousness, Brother Kai just wanted to say a word...

  This fart is so powerful!

  "What kind of business is this?"

  When the yellow gas disappeared, Erzhu covered his nose and picked up the bell that Kakashi had dropped, not knowing what to say.

  It seems that the powerful Hatake Kakashi actually lost to Naruto's fart?

  "Teacher! Wake up!"

  Sakura was the only normal one among these people, shaking Kakashi's head eagerly, unaware that her foot was stepping on Kakashi's severed finger.

  As if feeling the pain, Kai opened his eyes with great effort.

  "Teacher! You are awake!"

  Sakura asked in surprise, her feet used force again.

  "Quick... go... find... Lord Orochimaru..."

  After saying his last words, Hatake Wuwukai fainted again, and he swore that if he was given another chance, he would never accept the task of leading the seventh class.

  I would rather kill myself in front of Hokage-sama than bring it!


  "Teacher, shall we grab the bell too?"

  Ino knelt down in front of Qianshou Monet with a reddish face and asked in a low voice.

  God knows what their teacher's hands were doing along the way. He almost wiped out the three of them while they were escaping from the scene. He glanced at Hinata, who had fainted with shyness and smoked his head, and the slumped under the tree. Tiantian, Ino swallowed, he looked better?

  Monet didn't answer. He was quite satisfied with his three new apprentices. After his inspection, Tian Tian was one year older than Hinata and Ino, but he was the smallest.

  Hinata's good shape is also ahem...

  On the other hand, Ino's figure made Qianju Monet unable to stop.

  "It's their tradition to grab the bell. As Hokage, how can I learn from their vulgar apprenticeship assessment?"

  Monet smiled slightly. Speaking of the assessment, when he assessed Kushina and Mikoto, he just let them eat lollipops, but the two girls didn't agree and could only get wet...

  In contrast, the three of Ino and the others are very well-behaved, and do what they do.

  Fuck, I'm not a lolicon!

  Withdrawing the hand that went deep into a certain apprentice's clothes, Monet roared in his heart.

  [-]% of the time he doesn't believe it.

  Shaking his head, Monet didn't take advantage of it anymore. The best time to pick flowers is when they are ripe. It's still a little early.

  But speaking of it, as the plot unfolds, things in the original book will happen one after another. For example, Kakashi still gave Naruto a thousand-year kill in the end. Although he has other ways to defeat the current Naruto, he chosen this way.

  So Monet also understood that this is the so-called world inertia.

  Then, in the next wave of the country, will there be no cut and white?Of course, this has little to do with Monet. He is concerned about Bai's gender. The official answer of the AB God who is vaguely and clearly a woman in the original book has to say that it is a man. Monet just wants to figure out this point.

  After that is the Chunin Exam.

  Monet lit a cigarette for himself and fell into thinking. Temari will also come at that time. The dried persimmon ghost he happened to meet when Temari came last time. Monet accompanied her for a few days and sent her home on March 3.1. The dried persimmon ghost Shark has changed a lot in the past five years, and Monet can clearly feel that he is smirking at Konoha Village from time to time.

  In five years, Konoha has changed a lot.

  Talents come forth in large numbers, and the older generation turns into nutrients to nourish new shoots.

  This year's Chunin exam is sure to be pretty good!

  Throwing away the cigarette butts, Monet looked at his three female disciples. Although he didn't want his own disciples to charge into battle, it would be embarrassing for him as a shadow disciple to be in front of his subordinates if his grades were too poor.

  Even if Kushina and Mikoto became their own women, they had won the honor of the New Ninja Challenge title before that.


  Fifth more. .

Chapter [-] The plot, the plot! (sixth more)

  Training apprentices, naturally you can't care about ninjutsu and the like, more is to promote the growth of the girl's body is the most important thing, for example, Hinata can't faint every time he touches it, right?

  and so.

  The days of no shame and no shame began. Monet searched for the shyness and innocence of the girl among the three of Tian Tianya and Ino, and he never tired of it.

  Instead of taking the disciples to get used to the D-level tasks like other Shangnin, he took the female disciples to relax and eat something delicious in Konoha every day. Although it is expensive, Qianshou Monet still enjoys life. Put it first.

  Until one day, when he was having a heated discussion with three female disciples in the office about whether the female secretary could play, Kakashi walked in with the trio with a fecal expression on his face.

  "The D-class mission is complete."

  Naruto said sincerely.

  Kakashi sighed, taking the three problem children seriously, you don't know how perverted Naruto's stunned energy is, taking all the D-level tasks in one go is all about exercising. teamwork? 14

  I'm sorry, this kid can clean all the toilets in Konoha in one day without blushing or beating. With his exaggerated physique, let alone team cooperation, Erzhuzi and Sakura are only responsible for watching from the back.

  Not really getting any exercise.

  Looking at Hokage-sama with a wry smile, Kakashi didn't know what to say.

  "Yo, it's been a long wait."

  Monet smiled and took out a scroll from the drawer.

  Yes, the Land of Waves quest has appeared!

  Dazna had come to Konoha early, but he didn't even have the qualifications to meet Monet Qianjue, let alone drink in the Hokage office.

  The whole Konoha also has the power of his Thousand Hands Monet, and Dazna's look down on Naruto in the original book will not appear.

  And if you think about it with your head, you can understand that in the Naruto world, the status of ninjas is very high, and even ordinary people have to be respectful.

  Nonsense, full of irrationality.

  Monet shrugged, probably because even Dazner in the original book knew that Konoha, who had experienced the war, lost a lot of power, so he dared to pretend?

  Well, this isn't the fucking original.

  Monet pouted and looked at Naruto. Every time he saw Naruto, he felt extremely shocked. The sudden appearance of nondescript muscular men in the second dimension always attracts attention.

  So will Erzhuzi still fall in love with you?

  Monet rubbed his chin in thought.

  Escort mission.

  Escort Bridge Builder Dazna to the Land of Waves.

  Well, a very standard C-level mission, Kakashi nodded at Monet and turned to leave.

  "Kakashi-sensei wait a minute."

  Ino shouted with a smile.

  "For this task, we will also go to the milking class. The teacher said that I have been in Konoha for too long and I want to go out and relax."

  So what's the point of handing this task to the seventh class?

  Kakashi smiled wryly and sighed, does Hokage-sama still need him?

  "Don't worry, I'm not doing it, I'm going out to relax, mainly to train the disciples, you know."

  Monet said solemnly.

  If only I could understand!

  Kakashi swallowed and did not dare to speak.


  At the entrance of Konoha Village, Dazna looked at the Naruto fart in front of him tremblingly and did not dare to let go. He had been waiting for a long time. He concealed the truth of the possible ninja assassination and turned it into a C-level task. A ninja with some force appears.

  But now...

  What the hell is this?Ninja?

  Naruto shot Dazner's face with two hot air blowing out of his nostrils. He didn't understand why this old man was always looking at him?

  "Mr. Dazner, it's time to go."

  Kakashi coughed. In fact, he was used to people saluting and staring at Naruto.

  "who are they?"

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