Monet nodded, Xiaoqiang's performance is still very satisfactory. Basically, each Xiaoqiang's combat power is much stronger than that in the original book. After all, Konoha's education reform has been very successful, and teaching students according to their aptitude is the most effective. The way, promotion is deserved.

  Waiting quietly, in the end, the ninjas who succeeded or failed before the night reached the tower smoothly, and the second round of assessment was finally over.

  Of course, the Chunin exam is not a simple test, and many unlucky people died in the test, but Monet made it very clear from the very beginning that this is not a simple test, but a real test The real test of whether or not Shimonin is eligible for promotion.

  There is no express prohibition of killing, and it is normal for human life to occur, but no one dares to make trouble in front of Qianshou Monet.

  "The future of the ninja world, hello."

  Looking at the Jinnin who were successfully promoted below, Qianshou Monet made his official appearance with a slight smile.

  That sunny and handsome appearance suddenly made the ninjas whisper.

  "Didn't you say this Hokage is the third generation? Why do you feel so young?"

  "Yeah, it seems that he became Hokage a few decades ago, how does this lord take care of it?"

  "I heard that the strength of the three generations of Hokage is the strongest in the ninja world. It is even called the true god of the ninja world. I don't know if it's true or not."

  The following words could not be hidden from Qianshou Monet's ears, and he was too lazy to explain it. Could he explain to these people that the secret of Lao Tzu's maintenance is slap slap?

?? 0 asking for flowers???

  Tsk tsk, it is too sinful, if it is a female ninja, he would welcome to discuss this issue at night.

  Well, those with higher body and face scores are preferred.

  Of course, Qianshou Monet never admitted that he was a self-propelled self-propelled cannon. He only attacked the girl he liked wherever he went, but this did not mean that he would refuse others to embrace him.

  Man, basically, there is no resistance to this kind of thing.

  Wildflowers are always more attractive.

  Whoops, off topic.

  Monet shook his head, retracted his thoughts and coughed, and the ninjas below became quiet again.

  "Being able to get to this point means that you have the qualifications and strength to become Chunin, but I'm very sorry, the following assessment is the most severe."

  Squinting his eyes, Monet pointed to the big screen behind him.

  The third test is described above, which is the last part of the Chunin Exam.

  Head-to-head qualifiers!

  Draw lots and compete in groups, the winner is promoted, and the loser is eliminated is very cruel!

  After the qualifiers, the group stage is the final, and then the evaluation in the battle will be used to analyze whether it can become a chunin.

  In the original novel, only Nara Shikamaru passed the Chunin Exam.

  However, this is not the original work, and there will be no mutation like the Konoha collapse plan. It is estimated that more people will be promoted than in the original work.

  "The specific schedule is like this. The qualifiers will officially start in three days. I hope you will get good results."

  After finishing speaking, Monet turned and left. The expanded death forest was much larger than the original one, and the tower ring in the center was even more outrageous. It was more like a medieval arena and was generally very convenient to watch.

  "Sasuke, come here."

  Waiting for Hokage-sama to finish speaking, Itachi suddenly shouted from behind, making Erzhuzi, who was a little tired, play smart.


  Second more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] Itachi and Sasuke! (third more)

  "elder brother."

  Called his brother, but Sasuke found that after calling him, Itachi turned and walked back, and did not come over to touch his forehead as usual.

  What's wrong with brother?

  Sasuke followed suspiciously.

  "Naruto, come with me."

  It just so happened that Minato also appeared next to Naruto with a sunny smile, and then tiptoed and touched Naruto's head.

  After seeing this scene, the thoughts of the parents suddenly became alive. This is everyone making the final preparations for their little cubs!

  No one wants to admit that their children are weaker than others!

  These three days are the last chance to improve their strength. It would be too embarrassing to be killed in the qualifiers if you start the "two, three, three" yards.

  Having come to this point, who doesn't want to be promoted to Chunin in a glorious way?

  Everyone was busy, but Qianshou Monet was not idle, he waved to his two lovely daughters and three female disciples, and the five girls surrounded him directly.

  "Teacher, do you want to teach us a trick?"

  Ino excitedly threw it into Monet's arms, and something indescribable that had just developed rubbed against Monet's body.

  This girl is playing with fire!

  Monet swallowed, he was [-]% sure that this girl did it on purpose.

  Among his three female disciples, Ino is the wildest and most daring one. To be honest, Monet really wanted to push Lolita to make a guilt or something, but there was no chance, otherwise Ino would have been...cough.

  "Of course it's not a trick. With what you three have mastered, it's enough to advance to Chunin, and it's not a problem to even play well and win the top few."

  Monet shook his head, cramming?

  I'm sorry, he didn't have that idea. The combat power of the three female disciples is not as weak as he imagined. If he accepts them as disciples, he will always teach them some powerful moves. Monet is not a stingy person, nor does he favor one another. Thin.

  Well, after all, they are all their own apprentices, and they will have to enter the harem in the future.

  As for combat power, let alone other things, under the circumstance of his careful teaching and overtime massage to promote development, the three girls have more or less stored a lot of Monet's special chakra in thousands of hands, and it is estimated that they are all now. into their own power.

  If it has to be classified, the way of injecting energy is similar to that of Snake Brother's spell, but there are essential differences.

  For example, although snake brother's curse can be used to obtain powerful power, long-term use will damage one's body and cause great harm. The most important thing is that the curse will make people extremely ugly and sloppy. A push.

  How could Monet be willing to make his sister ugly?

  Therefore, his improved spell seal is perfect, and it is marked with a mark, that is, he is the person of Monet's Thousand Hands. Have you ever seen a beautiful girl transformed into it?

  It is estimated that he will shine in this Chunin exam!

  "Hinata, hug, teacher, check if you're not shy."

  Rolling his eyes, Monet swallowed his saliva and hugged Xiao Hinata directly from behind, and went too far along Xiao Hinata's coat to dig it out.


  Hinata, who was very weak against Monet of Thousand Arms, began to smoke instantly. Although this happened before, but it was in a place with few people. Now, in front of Master's daughter and two companions, she is really a little bit. Can't stand it.

  "Dad, we are still here."

  I don't know why Maru Zi, who was instantly jealous, grabbed his waist and leaned over directly, watching his father bullying the female disciple in a grand manner, and staring straight at Monet's small eyes that made the latter have to give up. Little Hinata sighed.

  "Let's go, in order to let you play your strengths and let you relax, one's practice is useless, you must know how to combine work and rest..."

  "Sister, I always feel that it is not appropriate for us to go together."

  Temari tugged at her sister's clothes and said with difficulty, since she was a child, she felt that her father and mother chakra overlapped each other. Now in this scene, if they follow her, it seems that she will ruin her father's good deeds.

  "What's wrong, let's go!"

  Maruko pouted and vetoed directly, and after speaking, he even looked at his father provocatively.

  "At night, Temari and Tian Tian and the others agreed to sleep together, Father, are you?"

  How did I offend my little baby?

  Watching several girls go away, Qianshou Monet fell into contemplation.


  "Brother, you..."

  At night, on a hill somewhere in the forest of death, Itachi looked at his brother calmly.

  "Attack me."

  Itachi pulled out Kunai without any change on his face.

  What happened to brother?

  I successfully advanced, shouldn't I be celebrating for me?

  Why is it so severe all of a sudden?

  Sasuke couldn't figure it out, so he could only rush up again according to 5.4 Teru Itachi's order.

  It's just a pity that Itachi grabbed Sasuke's hand with just two or three moves and fell him to the ground.

  "So much, Sasuke, you should just give up this Chunin exam."

  Somewhat disappointed to take back the Kunai, Itachi shook his head and said.

  "Brother, I don't understand!"

  Sasuke struggled to get up from the ground, what happened to my brother today?

  What is he talking about!

  give up?This is definitely not the brother I know!


  Third more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] Itachi's blood, Sasuke awakens! (fourth more)

  "Sasuke, what do you think of Konoha now?"

  "Do you just see with your eyes, or really feel with your heart?"

  Itachi turned around and the scarlet Sangou jade slowly turned, and the endless pressure hit Sasuke, causing his legs to tremble in an instant.

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