Instantly opened the secret recipe, Inuzuka Ya was very cautious and began to attack Naruto~.

  For a long time, they have a feeling for Naruto's huge body, that is because of the body, although the strength is huge, the speed will definitely be limited - itself.

  Therefore, consuming Naruto's physical strength with a dexterous body is the most perfect way to fight.

  But they were wrong, who said that the speed of the big man must be slow?

  That tyrannical muscle gave Naruto a strong explosive force, and all the moves of Ninjutsu and the Thousand Hands Monet style faction are enough to increase the super speed.

  The moment Inuzukaya rushed over, Naruto noticed their direction and rushed over.

  With one punch and one kick, Toa and Akamaru were sent flying.

  "It's terrifying, it's just that the pure physical strength has already surpassed the genus and I don't know how many times."

  Akai stood in the distance and couldn't help sighing. In Konoha, there are not many people who can make him admit his physical ability. In addition to the respected Hokage-sama and his lifelong opponent Kakashi, Naruto can also be counted. One.

  With his super talent in physique and perseverance comparable to him, I really don't know how Naruto will grow.

  Plus Hokage-sama's spiral boxing technique that was tailor-made for Naruto...

  "Li! This is youth!"

  Thinking about it, Akai, whose head was short of strings, hugged Li Locke next to him and cried, his snot and tears pooled together, making Neji disgusting next to him.

  "As expected of Naruto, an opponent I recognize."

  Getting up from the ground, Inuzuka Ya admitted that he underestimated this muscular man, and he vomited blood with just one punch and one kick.

  "If you can take this move, even if the battle fails, I will admit it!"

  Taking a deep breath, Inuzuka Ya calmed himself down, a move he hadn't fully mastered yet.

  "bring it on."

  Naruto nodded and stood with his feet in tandem.

  "Tooth and teeth!"

  With an angry shout, the two bodies spun rapidly, as if they turned into two tornadoes, rushing towards Naruto.

  "Okay, two times!"

  Naruto nodded fiercely, and the chakras around his hands began to spin, just like the start of a spiral fist!

  Contrary to the direction of rotation of Ya and Akamaru, Naruto directly punched out.

  The two fists collided with Akamaru and Teeth, and the head and arm of the Speedy Magic burst out with wisps of blue smoke, and after taking three or four steps back, Naruto stood still, and at the same time, Akainu, who was competing with the Spiral Fist Kazuya rolled his eyes, fainted, and slowly stopped.

  The hairstyles of dogs and people are messed up, and to be honest, Spiral Fist is like a toothless man.

  The same rotation, but the opposite direction.

  Some people may ask why the tooth does not rotate in the direction of the spiral fist. Sorry, the spiral fist can freely change the direction of rotation, and once the tooth passes through the tooth, it cannot stop.

  In this way, Naruto easily won the first victory.

  Akai nodded to announce the end of the battle, more relaxed and pleasant than in the original.

  The battle is still going on. The next match is Kankuro vs. Ken Meicheng. He killed his opponent without any suspense, and Kankuro advanced smoothly.

  "Next game, Sakura Haruno VS Ino Yamanaka!"

  Akai's soaring voice came from the loudspeaker, and after hearing it, someone at the door of the toilet no longer controlled and released himself.

  "You know how to do it."

  Monet said lightly.

  Sakura blushed, and finally wiped her lips.

  "Come to my room tonight."

  Putting on his pants and turning to leave, Monet's perverted desire was finally satisfied.

?? ???? asking for flowers ???? ???

  Bullying Sakura will always give him a different kind of pleasure.

  Lord Hokage...

  Silently tidying up her clothes, Sakura had already heard the news that she was going to fight Ino in the next match outside.

  She really wanted to win this battle, and although she was so weak that she couldn't help herself, she still wanted to win.

  Even if it is to serve Hokage-sama in this way, she is willing.


  "What's wrong with your mouth?"

  On the ring, Ino looked suspiciously at Sakura's original cherry mouth a little swollen, with a flushed look on her face, always feeling that this former good friend of hers was a little different.

. . . 0


  As soon as she said two words, Sakura's throat became a little painful and she closed her mouth. She didn't want to use the medical number to recover the sequelae left by Hokage-sama.

  "As expected of you, Sakura, it's annoying to be so calm and composed."

  Ino pouted a little confused.

  "I'm not the same as I used to be."

  After slowing down, Ino said seriously, "I don't want to hurt you, so you'd better use ninjutsu."

  "Impossible! Ugh."

  The mood fluctuated for a while, and Sakura almost spit it out, but no, it was all left by Hokage-sama!

  "How much did you feed her?"

  Seeming to understand something, Tsunade in the audience asked suspiciously while lying in Monet's arms.

  "What did you say? I don't understand, watch the game."

  Monet shrugged his shoulders with a puzzled look, as if he really couldn't understand what his cousin said.

  "Just pretend, sooner or later, all the women in Konoha will have the surname Qianshou."

  With a sneer, Tsunade taunted Monet's waist.


  Second more.

  Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] You come at night too! (third more)

  Sooner or later, all the women in Konoha will have the surname Qianshou?

  Monet's expression changed and he quickly squeezed Tsunade.

  "How can I be so hungry? Your cousin is very picky, okay?"

  Yes, he is still very picky about women. Looking at his harem, Huan Feiyan is different in thinness, but they all have the same characteristics.

  That is beauty!In great shape!

  Although Konoha has a lot of girls, not many can satisfy Qianshou Monet's vision. For the time being, all the pretty girls in the original book have been targeted by him, and it is impossible to let them go.

  So it seems a little unrealistic to make Konoha's women all surnamed Qianshou or something, and he doesn't want to do that.

  Ugly who wants it?

  The world is so real in Qianshou Monet's eyes. If it weren't for the fact that Sakura's current appearance is infinitely close to the appearance of "Nine-Four Seven" after plastic surgery when Bo Renchuan was passed, Qianshou Monet would not be able to speak.

  Ignoring Tsunade who was a little jealous, Monet looked at the field.

  The two beautiful girls have already fought, and they are still in a tentative attack, but even the tentative scene is extremely rough.

  Women tend to fight harder than men because they pick positions that are more straightforward than men.

  The crotch and chest are all pediatrics, and cutting each other's face with sharp nails is the ultimate goal, but Sakura and Ino can be regarded as a rivalry between friends, but there are not so many hatreds.

  The two women who are intertwined want to teach each other a lesson in physical art.

  Sakura's brute strength is good, but Ino's strength has been improved by more than one grade after Qianshou Monet's training, and he didn't even choose to use the secretary of the Yamanaka family to control Sakura, just the physical confrontation directly crushed the opponent.

  After the test, Ino has the absolute upper hand!

  "Sakura, you are very weak today."

  With one punch, Sakura was thrown away, and Ino rubbed his little fist with some doubts.

  Although she has become much stronger after the special training of Master Master, she still knows Xiao Sakura's usual strength. It is not difficult to defeat the opponent, but she is surprised by how easy it is.

  Is not this nonsensical?

  God knows how much stamina she had just experienced outside the bathroom. Although Hokage-sama didn't really do anything to her, the girl's reaction was very real and sensitive. In the process, she experienced a special emotion of being a girl and reached its peak. , three times in a row!

  Fat times are afraid of all...

  Sakura gritted her teeth, panting heavily without explaining to herself, her trembling legs folded together and recalled certain images in her mind.

  "Come find me tonight."

  This is Hokage-sama's order.

  But before that, she wanted to do her best to perform in front of Hokage-sama. It would not be ashamed to lose to Ino, even if she was a friend of her growing up who knew each other and competed against each other, she would not feel ashamed.

  There is only one reason, Ino is a disciple of Hokage-sama, but she is not.

  But well...

  In a sense, had I already beaten Ino, and suddenly Sakura's sense of frustration that she was about to fail disappeared strangely.

  Instead, there is an endless sense of superiority. I was blocked by Hokage-sama at the door of the bathroom and did something you can't even imagine!

  Yes, I have won!

  Sakura, who was suddenly enlightened, suddenly stood up and smiled strangely at Ino.

  Are these girls crazy?

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