God gave him the opportunity to continue, and Obito thought he had seized it.

(ceef) "What's going on?"

  Hei Jue fell into contemplation. Father father was not so bored and made himself more difficult, and also caused Obito to swell, so this reincarnation of filthy soil could not be given to Obito by father.

  Who is that?

  The current Konoha ninjas are working together, and no one will betray Konoha. The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, who studies forbidden techniques, and Orochimaru, who is committed to longevity, will not have any connection with Obito.

  Obito's every move is also under his surveillance, even so, can he send the forbidden technique to Obito without his knowledge?

  It feels weird no matter what.


  Just when Hei Jue was puzzled, he suddenly thought of something. Obito had asked him about the reincarnation of the dirty soil some time ago. At that time, he was worried about the sudden appearance of Yui Otsutsuki, so he didn't take it seriously.

  The time matches!

  Not long after Otsutsuki Yui appeared, Obito came to ask himself.

  That...was it dried by Otsutsuki Yuki?

  Shocked Hei Jue jumped straight into the geography, what's the situation?

  The Six Path Immortals are helping themselves?

  Absolutely impossible!He wants to rescue his mother, and Six Path Immortal wants to seal his mother. He is essentially a pure enemy, so what is he going to do?

  Hei Jue felt that his head was about to explode, and a series of problems appeared, which he really couldn't understand with his IQ.

  "Go find your father!"

  Well, he can't, but he can find his father.

  If it's my father, I'm sure I can understand what's weird in it.


  When Qianshou Monet appeared the next day with the two loli he had just accepted, it was already noon, and Qianshou Monet was watching the picture of the leg shadow fighting with a muscular boy in Yunyin Village on the ring. Dull.

  As for looking at the black soil and wanting to fall in love with her, Qianju Monet really didn't think about it that way, so Oh Yemu's idea failed. Oh Yemu, who wanted to send his granddaughter safe, really underestimated Qianju Monet.

  Self-propelled self-propelled cannon, I cultivate feelings first before going to bed, okay?

  Although he is scum, he is also a scum with taste.

  "What's wrong with being scum?"

  The two limping girls who followed behind Qianshou Monet shivered and did not dare to speak.

  Ino is okay, Qianju Monet deliberately restrained himself, but Sakura is really miserable, and she has no strength until now.

  Monet, who was sitting in the center of the spectator seats, yawned and put his arms around the other, yes, what's wrong with being a scumbag.

  Monet glanced at his attribute points with a little smugness between his eyebrows.


  The achievement of bullying an ignorant girl was achieved inadvertently, and he even forcibly raised his various attribute points to more than [-]!

  Is there such a benefit?

  Monet was secretly delighted, and glanced at Hinata and Tiantian who were looking at Ino and Sakura with envy not far away.

  If these two lolitas are also... Wouldn't he be invincible in the world?

  Uh, no, Lao Tzu is invincible!

  Monet pouted. Monet, who has nearly [-] attributes, has opened the eye of reincarnation. Asura's yang attribute chakra and Indra's yin attribute chakra have been thoroughly stimulated, and his powerful physique attribute has given him vitality Exaggerated outrageous.

  Speed ​​and power are more terrifying than if Matt Kay opens the door to death.

  Who can beat me?

  At this moment, Qianshou Monet swelled.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers.

Chapter [-] The Unpredictable Six Path Immortals! (Second more)


  Just as Monet swelled, he seemed to glance at the distance.

  Hei Jue looked for him and seemed to have been waiting in the woods all night.

  Touching his chin, Monet stood up and told Jiraiya to wait for others to maintain order and then leave gracefully.

  "How could this be?"

  Sitting alone in the corner, Da Yemu, who didn't dare to fart, was stunned. It was his lovely, beautiful and invincible granddaughter who was fighting in the ring. Why did Qianshou Monet just glance dismissively and leave? Not interested?

  This is different from the script. Shouldn't Monet of Thousand Arms rush over and ask him about his granddaughter?

  What went wrong?

  Ohnogi couldn't figure out why Monet, who was so horny, turned sex.

  Of course, Oh Yegi's idea is not a big mistake, but he doesn't understand Qianshou Monet's character. If the animal is interested, you can hide the granddaughter and he can find it and slap it mercilessly, but when you are not interested, unless you put Your granddaughter was sent to Monet's bed, otherwise he wouldn't take the initiative to pursue anything.

  Looking around at his harem, how many girls are he actively pursuing?

  To be a licking dog for the goddess?

  When you draw a coin, it is a pleasure to let others lick yourself from another angle.


  In the cemetery on the outskirts of Konoha, Qianshou Heijue showed his head from a certain grave bag, eagerly telling what happened recently in the Xiao organization, and Obito's sudden use of dirty soil to reincarnate. It is very likely that the Six Paths Immortals are doing a series of news. .

  Monet listened quietly, moved out of the bench, sat there, lit a cigarette and digested the news of Hei Jue.

  Xiao organization did not disband after Payne's death, but Obito was very tough as a pick-up man and rectified, and those who were not convinced were directly stunned by the coffins he summoned.

  He took over the position of God and continued to accomplish what God was supposed to do.

  The current Obito stood on the bright side and became the new leader of Akatsuki's organization.

  These thousand-handed Monet don't care, what kind of Xiao organization becomes, they toss, don't mess with him.

  But the reincarnation of the dirty earth and the six-path immortal Monet didn't understand what was going on.

  The Six Path Immortals helped Obito get the dirty soil reincarnation?

  Two questions.

  First, how did Otsutsuki Yuyi get the reincarnation of the dirty soil? It is not ruled out that he has researched it himself, or it may have been stolen from Konoha. It is not surprising to achieve this step with the strength of the Six Path Immortals.

  Second, why the Six Path Immortals wanted to help Obito and Heijue.

  That should have been a deadly enemy.

  Was the head of the Six Path Immortal being squeezed by the door or was he suddenly deranged?

  Monet really didn't understand this time.

  According to the analysis of the current situation, Immortal Six Paths definitely knows the existence of Hei Jue, and also knows the purpose of the existence of Xiao organization.

  Based on his temperament, shouldn't he destroy the Akatsuki organization and seal Hei Jue?

  Now the situation is quite the opposite. What kind of medicine is sold in the old gourd?

  "Father, what should we do now?"

  Hei Jue asked Qianshou Monet carefully after flicking the soot.

  "What should I do? What should I eat, drink and do?"

  Monet shook his head and patted Hei Jue's head.

  "In a simple analysis, the immortals of the Six Paths seem to be trying to block me. I don't know the specific purpose for the time being, but it won't take long to find out. The ants in the shadows will always show their legs, just wait quietly."

  "Go back and let me know if you have any news."

  As expected of his father, he is so calm.

  Hei Jue nodded in admiration, and the anxiety he had just felt disappeared a lot.

  That's right, it's time to eat and drink, the Six Paths Immortals don't need to worry about him for the time being, there is a father who can't make waves in that old thing.

  "Kaguya, how did you make this thing?"

?? ???? ask for flowers 0 ????????

  After Hei Jue left, Mo Nai stood up leisurely, and the samsara eyes of Jiugouyu on his forehead exuded bursts of dim light.

  In the body, Kaguya, who was making up her sleep, yawned lazily. Last night, Sakura and Ino were tossed and confused, and she didn't sleep well. Kaguya found out that her husband likes to show off. Kaguya, who is so fierce and angry, rolls his eyes, shouldn't you ask those two little girls about this?

  It's not that I was bullied by you.

  "I don't know about the concubine. It seems that after eating the fruit, it was stored in the will of the concubine. Later, before being sealed, due to the deep resentment of the concubine, it was thrown out. It is the consciousness of the concubine, but it has been stripped away. I went out and gave him an order to release my concubine before."

0 ......... 0

  Kaguya thought about it and said.

  To be honest, Hui Ye didn't expect Hei Jue to be so capable. It seems that he has already started to arrange an infinite monthly reading plan. Once in the moon, Mrs. Husband showed her some clips.

  For example, Madara Uchiha, for example, she was reborn after reading Infinite Moon, and even she herself did not believe that Hei could do that.

  "I knew that this black thing is definitely not yours. You are so white, and that thing is so black."

  Monet pouted, Hui Ye, it wasn't Monet who made up his own woman. This woman belongs to the cute series. Although the aura is strong and cold, she is very simple. To be precise, she belongs to the type with low IQ. Absolutely that kind of old-fashioned IQ?

  Is it a product of chakra fruit?

  As expected of Hei Jue, something that can withstand the whirlwind of his own Hei Jue anal fissure really has some origins.

  "However, what is Yuyi going to do? My husband, I don't understand what the concubine is."

  Kaguya suddenly asked suspiciously. Obviously, the Akatsuki organization where Hei Jue is located exists for the infinite moon reading. What is Yuyi going to do?

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