Chapter [-] The exam is over! (first update)

  In fact, not only Monet Qianshou, but also Konoha and other ninjas and shadows in the Ninja Village were stunned.

  After waiting for a long time for the final duel, the two amazingly talented daughters of Hokage-sama looked to use the ultimate move, but the actual effect was only used for punching?

  Two eldest sisters, are you serious?

  We waited half a day just to watch this?

  Ignoring the surprised ninjas around, Kiki and Susanoo slowly approached, and then extended their hands extremely solemnly.

  The first two or the same stone, Maruko narrowly defeated the straight Temari with a cloth in the third round to win.

  The two daughters are very sensible.

  Monet smiled and knew what they were thinking. His family had been promoted to Chunin steadily, and he knew their strength very well.

  There is no need to fight for the so-called first place.

  The feelings between sisters are the most important, and the rest are just clouds.

  In the end, the Chunin exam, which lasted for nearly a month, came to an end.

  Thousand-handed Monet waved his hand and announced that Chunin, who was promoted three days later, came to the Hokage Building to accept the award. This was the good news that was promised before, and people's efforts would naturally be recognized by his Hokage.

  But until then he had to spend time with his cousins.

  The Yukito trio and Terumi Mei are going back to their village, so it should be a good time to come and play with them.

  But speaking of it, this is the second dimension. Girls generally have low emotional intelligence, but those who are a little taller can't stand Monet's flickering.

  Including Tsunade, all of Qianshou Monet's cousins ​​have cultivated feelings since childhood. When they traveled in the ninja world, they left seeds, indicating that cousins ​​can only marry their cousins ​​and then leave gracefully.

  If it were Earth, someone would scold Monet for being an idiot.

  Such a cute two-dimensional.

  With a sigh of relief, Monet smiled and took the girls for a walk in Konoha. The snack street and the entertainment city are the industries of their Qianshou family, and the one-stop service inside is quite emotional.

  If possible, Monet didn't want to let the cousins ​​go back to the village, but it seems that it is not the time.

  Three days passed in a blink of an eye, at the entrance of Konoha Village, Monet hugged and said goodbye to his cousin one by one.

  "Stop crying, be happy."

  Rubbing the kitten's little face, Monet showed a smile.

  "I promise you, it won't take long to get you all to Konoha, just wait for me."

  This is the truth. Monet has his own process for how the ninja world will finally plan. The Heavenly Dynasty can't accept all of the set, but it is still very easy to modify it and put it in the ninja world.

  The management of the management, the power of the power, why should you suffer yourself?

  Isn't life just for fun?

  In so many will only make yourself more tired.

  Waving goodbye and waiting for the beauty's back to disappear, Monet turned around and returned to Konoha Village.

  In the original book, there is nothing to say about the plot after the Chunin exam. There are a lot of meetings to explain the causes and consequences, and then the Akatsuki organization surfaced, and Naruto followed Jiraiya to learn Spiral Pills, and then practiced Xianshu Payne and invaded Konoha.

  But now that Payne is dead, Akatsuki's organization has made a facelift and directly (ceaf) stood up and became the leader, and also learned the reincarnation of filth.

  So does it mean that the Fourth Ninja World War will start early?

  Monet didn't know, but he had some hunch about what would happen in the future.

  "Lord Naruto, Konoha's newly promoted Chunin has gathered in your office."

  Watergate respectful report.

  Monet nodded and strode forward.

  In Naruto's office, a few Xiaoqiangs who had just been promoted to Chunin were standing there cautiously. Naruto was relatively large, so he stood aside.

  Erzhuzi's face was full of urgency and anxiety, and his heart was beating. Although he was promoted to Chunin with his performance after fighting Naruto, he didn't win the first place. ?

  My brother's body is getting worse day by day!

  Hinata Tiantian and Shikamaru next to them were relatively more natural. The two girls whispered, seeming to be talking about the problem of Ino missing the game.

  "I'm afraid Ino has already taken the lead, that little hoof!"

  Pulling Hinata to the side, Tian Tian said angrily.

  "What, what do you mean?"

  Hinata asked suspiciously.

  Get there first, what is it?

  "I saw her come out of Master Master's room with my own eyes that day! There can be no mistake, and Sakura, didn't you find it?"

  Tian Tian said silently, this kind of thing can be found with the eyes, right?

  I'm afraid that while the chunin exam and the others are fighting, there will be no bones left for Sakura and Ino to be eaten by Master.

  Covering her mouth, Hinata looked at Senior Sister Tian Tian in disbelief.

  "Just as you think."

  Touching her chin every day made her more certain. Since the Chunin exam period, the behavior of Sakura and Ino has become more and more suspicious. That day, she secretly followed and found that the two of them had left Master's room with trembling legs. When I came out, the blush on my face was exactly the same as what was said in the book!

  Xiao Hida's face was a little gloomy. Could it be that the master's love for her is only the master's love for her apprentice?

  "I think we need to take the initiative."

  After a while, Tian Tian looked at Hinata seriously and said.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Waiting for you to have such eyes! (Second more)

  "Cough cough."

  Just as the two female disciples were discussing countermeasures, Qianshou Monet opened the door and coughed. The two daughters were not there. Their Chunin exams were just a formality. Anyone who has watched the game will understand that a wooden escape is a kaleidoscope. The proper strength of the ninja, so their forehead protection Monet has long been given.

  The Xiaoqiangs who heard the movement hurriedly turned around and knelt down. The etiquette of Konoha Ninja to Naruto has never been abandoned.

  "Yes, Not Bad."

  Returning to his seat, Monet took the tea from Xiaonan in a dashing manner, took a sip and looked at the chunin.

  "First of all, congratulations on becoming a Chunin from today, but don't be too happy. The so-called Chunin shoulders have a heavier responsibility than the Genin."

  "are you ready?"

  Monet's words can be understood. Being a Chunin is not a reason to pretend, but from today onwards, there are more things to do, and the tasks accepted will be more dangerous.

  One thing is very strange, there are really many betrayals in the ninja world. Except for the five major ninja villages, those small ninja villages will always show up from time to time and then be sent out tasks to kill.

  It has become a cycle, but it is not a big problem. Monet also needs the funds of those tasks to maintain the development of Konoha.


  The Xiaoqiangs looked serious. At this moment, they didn't dare to neglect. Chunin was just the beginning. The strong combat power of their batch grew up and it was not the pinnacle.

  Aspiring to be the right-hand man of Hokage-sama, they will not let go.

  After taking the oath, Monet personally put a forehead guard on them, but Xiao Hinata and Tian Tian didn't seem to be in a high mood, and Monet, who even rolled his eyes at him, was a little baffled.

  "Lord Hokage!"

  Just when Monet wanted to send them away as secretary, Sasuke suddenly couldn't help but stand up.


  Glancing at Sasuke, Monet tapped the table.

  "Please save my brother, Hokage-sama, because he has served Konoha for many years... save him!"

  Kneeling on the ground with a plop, Sasuke finally said what he wanted to say.


  Sure enough, Monet didn't speak, and closed his eyes as if thinking about something.

  "Lord Naruto, don't listen to Sasuke's nonsense, I have no problem, and I can fight for Lord Naruto."

  Itachi, who was originally hiding in the shadows of the Hokage building, suddenly appeared, and then quickly knelt down. He really didn't want to see this scene, and asking Sasuke and Hokage-sama to intercede to save him was pretending to be pitiful.

  Uchiha has Uchiha's destiny. Itachi's idea is to leave his eyes to Sasuke to leave at ease when he is about to die. Before that, he doesn't want to give up fighting for Hokage-sama.

  After these years of performing tasks outside, the consumption of pupil power is extremely serious, but that is not an excuse, everyone has paid the price for their existence, and they are both Uchiha and must not be specialised.

  Such a village, such a Hokage-sama, what if he were blind?

  Although Sasuke's words moved him very much, his emotions must not develop like that.

  Monet, who was sitting in the chair, was still tapping on the table, as if he hadn't heard Itachi and Sasuke's words.

  Xiao Nan, who was behind him, came over proficiently and put his hand on his man's shoulder to massage it. This is his job as a secretary, and he can't let it go.

  The office suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere became very strange. Itachi and Sasuke both knelt on the ground, and Shikamaru swallowed. He really wanted to find a chance to escape in this scene, but now he really dare not speak, even so The deterrent power of Mr. Hokage, who tapped the desktop dashingly, was still so powerful.

  Tian Tian and Hinata blinked, but they didn't feel anything, they were just curious about how their master would deal with it.

  Naruto on the side was a little uncomfortable.

  After a long while, Monet of Thousand Arms stopped moving and got up slowly, then skipped Uchiha Itachi and walked to Sasuke step by step.

  "Do you think you need to remind me to do this kind of thing?"

  Standing in front of Sasuke, Qianshou Monet's invisible power radiated out, and he couldn't move at all on the ground.

  Hokage-sama is angry!

  Itachi's heart lifted to his throat.

  "What do you think I am?"

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