Taking a bite on the proud leg of the leg shadow, Monet said it was really fragrant.


  The black soil in his sleep seemed to be sensing something, and his legs trembled slightly, almost arousing Qianshou Monet's desire to fight.

  Shaking his head, Monet climbed up from the top with difficulty. He had a conscience of the world. He originally just wanted to take a nap and then go to the battlefield to see. At least he, the commander of the coalition forces, had to go to the front line to show his face. ?Well, the water of the leg shadow~ is comparable to the East China Sea.

  When he got up and dressed freely and went out, Qianshou Monet was like a ruthless scumbag who didn't care about the girl on the bed.

  "My lord, I've been waiting for a while."

  As soon as he went out, Mabuyi, who had been squatting for a long time, directly blocked Monet at the door, and Monet saw a strong jealousy from that pretty face.

  "Well, it was a misunderstanding."

  Monet licked his lips and went up to hug the little secretary.

  "Don't explain cousin, we all understand."

  Mabuyi waved his hand with an expression like I understand you, can my cousin not be clear?

  Black soil took the initiative to seduce him, and it was strange that he could hold it.

  "I didn't come to tell you this. In the afternoon, the wooden man held a meeting and said that he planned to move the nine tails to a safe place in the rear. There is a special place in Yunyin Village, and the Xiao organization should not be able to find it, so I want to ask for your advice. Agreed, everyone has been waiting all afternoon."

  Grabbing his cousin's hand, Mabuyi involuntarily pulled Monet into the conference room.

  In the conference room, Onogi's face was haggard, and the murderous gazes of Terumi Mei and Kagura and Yukito alone were enough to make him uncomfortable.

  The key is that he knows Qianshou Monet is banging his granddaughter, but he still has to act very calm, who can stand it.

?? ???? asking for flowers ?? ??????

  "Old man, do you believe that the three of our sisters will destroy Yanyin Village for you now?"

  Kaura's eyes were deep, and she felt that she should do something to defend her love.

  My man was always very attentive. I thought that he would be busy during the war stage. How could he know that he was crammed into a woman after taking a nap?

  Ohnogi would be so embarrassed to do such a thing in front of them?

  "Why did Fengying say this? Sand Ninja Village and Yanyin Village used to have no grudges in the past, but now they have no hatred. Why is there always a thorn in Fengying's words? Besides, this meeting is not about protecting people's strength, very I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said."


  On the skill of relying on the old and selling the old, Onogi is first-class, and now his granddaughter has also sent it to Qianshou Monet. The big deal is that he is not a soil shadow. Let his granddaughter take the position ahead of time. It is difficult for Qianshou Monet to be able to treat himself. woman shot?

  Naturally, Oh Yemu's heart has completely let go of his worries, but he doesn't expect Qianshou Monet to call him grandpa too, that's not realistic at all, at least it's better for Yanyin Village, don't charge it every year There are too many protection fees, and I really can't bear it.

  The door of the office was opened, and Monet was dragged into the office by Mabuyi.

  "Yo, everyone is here."

  Shaking his hair, Monet sat on the main seat with a dashing butt, and did not feel that there was anything irresponsible about himself, the commander of the coalition forces.

  Unspoken rules are just a girl, nothing to make a fuss about.

  "Leave aside the matter of hiding nine tails and eight tails, this is the information sent back in the afternoon, I think my cousin will be very interested."


  Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Kurama, I advise you to be kind! (sixth more)

  Monet took a look at the information handed over by the wooden man.

  It is roughly the battle between the dead and the coalition forces who were reincarnated and channeled from the dirt.

  A fierce battle broke out between the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Kakashi's seven squads and Kaiban, but the final result was the same as the original. It seems that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, who claimed that seven people could slaughter a country, were rubbish. Once forced, Naruto acts as a meat shield to resist injuries, can resist and can fight, Sasuke and Kakashi double leche directly kill two successful seals.

  And Akai is not used to the opponent's eight-door Dunjia opening six to fight hard, and the battlefield over there has been calmed down.

  In addition to the plot in the original work, the third generation Raikage actually joined hands with his son, the fourth generation Raikage "[-]", to fight the two brothers Senshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama.

  Of course, even if the third generation of Raikage's physical skills is strong, and it can compete with the eight tails, it is completely impossible to stand in front of the big pillar.

  The first Hokage's catching nine tails is similar to catching a chick. Compared with the first generation, the eight tails are just a younger brother. The penetrating power of one hand is very strong, but the quality of the sacrifices of the reincarnation directly determines the strength of the person who is channeled. Weak, it is obvious that Sanleiko's offerings are very ordinary, and the five-layered Rashomen of Qianshouzhujian stopped him.

  The battle between the fourth generation Raikage and the second master was quite fierce, but the second master was the second master after all. He followed Senju Hakuma to unite a man of an era. He was good at fighting with his head and easily subdued the opponent.

  In the end, the father and son both returned to the sky, and the three generations of Raikage before being sealed slapped their son again.

  On the contrary, the second-generation water shadow and the second-generation soil shadow were very interesting in the battle against Sakumo Kamiki.

  In this battle, Shuomao also discovered his own shortcomings. If these two people can fully exert their strengths before their death, the result of the battle is really hard to say.

  In contrast, another battlefield caught the attention of Qianshou Monet.

  "Nagato and Jiraiya..."

  Monet's eyes narrowed, not because he was afraid of Nagato's sand sculptures, but because fate would always arrange countless coincidences. In the plot, Nagato was killed by himself early.

  But the current Nagato has never experienced the baptism of Naruto's mouth, that is, a proper negative character, being controlled by Obito to reincarnate in the dirt, it is estimated that he is already angry, but the angry Nagato does not have the ability to break free from the reincarnation of the dirt. Then he will naturally choose to vent his anger, and the object of venting is Jiraiya who is blocking his progress!

  I hurriedly looked down and saw that Monet's heart finally let go a little. This time, the people who accompanied Jirai to seal Nagato were also assisted by two dozen Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato. With the combined efforts of the three, it was a surprise to destroy again. Nagato.

  So everyone who was supposed to show up showed up?

  Monet touched his chin, the ninja war that lasted for a long time in the original book seems to be about to reach a climax at the beginning.

  After thinking about it, Monet suddenly remembered something.

  "Send the news to Grandpa, Bai Jue has the ability to completely disguise as a ninja of our camp. If it is him, he should be able to sense the maliciousness of Bai Jue. Also, send someone to protect the medical ninja in the camp! By the way, let me Tsunade is more alert."

  Before Monet felt that there was something he forgot to tell Senshou Hashirama, Bai Jue's ability to change is indeed very strong, and only Asura's keen intuition can detect the maliciousness in their bodies.

  Well, Tsunade likes freedom, Monet has loved her very much since she was a child, so after she asked to join this war, Monet released her from the Kamui space and is now in charge of the rear medical work. , under the constant irrigation for decades, there are even signs of awakening Mu Dun, plus the messy protection methods left by Monet, there is no need to worry...

  Relatively speaking, the other girls are very at ease, playing mahjong with Snake Ji who is not strong in combat every day in the Shenwei space, and the small days are quite unrestrained.

  "Yumu Ren, I'm going to go to Yunyin Village."

  Putting down the information, Qianshou Monet, who was aware of the whole battle situation, remembered something.

  From the beginning of the war to the present, all members of Xiao's organization have not appeared. The only ones who have appeared are the Reincarnated Army and Bai Jue. He doesn't believe that Obito is just waiting for those people, and there must be other tasks.

  As for the task, it is very easy to analyze, take advantage of the chaos in the frontline battle and detour to the rear to capture the eight tails!

  In terms of Obito's IQ, this was the most brilliant routine he could think of, and Monet knew it by heart.

  "Cousin also agree to put the nine tails in that magical place in our village?"

  Yumu glanced at the Kurama who was squatting at the conference room window and drinking Erguotou in a melancholy manner. Is that thing really nine tails?

  No matter how you look at it, the only difference between it and the dog is that it can drink.

  "Huh? Someone called me?"

  There was a mouthful of Erguotou at 1.4. At this time, the Ku Lama looked like a vicissitudes of life, turned his head and stuck his feet out, and naturally fell to the ground without stepping on the window sill.

  "No, uh, forget it, we'll talk about it at the place."

  Monet shook his head and walked over, holding Kurama's ears on his shoulders. He was really too lazy to say that Kurama was a sand sculpture. He knew how to drink it all day, and he didn't feel nervous at all. What about unlimited monthly reading, can you be serious?

  Wouldn't it be nice to respect your opponent?

  Kurama, I advise you to be kind!


  Sixth more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Uchiha Itachi, dried persimmon ghost shark! (seventh more)

  "It's just eight tails, do we need to be dispatched together? Shouldn't the leader's head be squeezed by the door?"

  Over a certain island in the Land of Thunder, Deidara, who was sitting on the giant bird, complained very much.

  In front of his art, isn't the bullshit eight-tailed cow ghost captured?

  "His head was indeed squeezed by the door. You must know that he was a complete joke before! He was also the one who hid the deepest."

  Behind the giant bird, all members of Xiao's organization except Obito and Hei Jue are here. They have only one task, and that is to capture the eight tails!

  According to reliable information, Rabbi Yatai is a monk on a small island in the Land of Thunder, and now the battle in front of him is hot, which is the best time to catch it.

  It is worth mentioning that in the original work, after Gaara was captured in the original work, the Scorpion of Akasha and Chiyo were unable to think about the open water in the end, and then they were killed by the puppets of their 24 parents.

  But something happened now. They took advantage of the little pandas that I love to urinate, and then left the two avatars to delay the time. Finally, when the other party was about to come to the door, Obito Came here in person and took them away with Kamui.

  Therefore, the Red Sand Scorpion did not fight against Chiyo, and naturally did not think about opening the water, and also appeared in the team that captured Yawei.

  However, if it is a small team, it is only a surprise attack force composed of Feiduan, Jiaodu, Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion.

  Payne is already dead, and even if Nagato is reincarnated by dirty soil, it will be sealed again. Xiaonan has become Monet's pillow and a good secretary who warms Monet's bed every day. Hei Jue and Obito are together, and Orochimaru just stays there. In the Konoha camp, they slaughtered the Bai Jue army, and the dried persimmon ghost shark betrayed and followed Qianshou Monet.

  What kind of storm can the four members of Akatsuki's organization create?

  "Yeah, who would have thought that the strength of that teasing Ah Fei was so powerful."

  As soon as the Scorpion of Red Sand said this, the real men of Akatsuki's organization fell silent.

  Before Payne's death, the masked Ah Fei was a funny image, but when the man took over the Xiao organization, he exploded with great energy, and even none of them was the man's opponent.

  Really scary!

  "It has arrived."

  The silent corners suddenly opened their mouths.

  A huge island below appeared in front of everyone.

  In fact, it is the tortoise shell of a large bastard with a group of happy creatures living on it, and their goal is in the small temple with a waterfall at the very center...

  "Why don't you talk, idiot! Asshole!"

  At the same time, next to the waterfall, two men confronted each other.

  Kirabi, who had shaved his head, was quite happy, wearing a cassock and sunglasses, he couldn't tell which Buddha the monk believed in.

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