"The ten tails appeared, and you have been resurrected successfully. Summoning the divine tree to activate the infinite moon reading is a serious matter."

  With just a few words to wake up the dreamer, Madara also had an epiphany at this moment, yes, what did Laozi think about?

  Now that the ten tails have successfully merged, his two pairs of reincarnation eyes are in their sockets, and Qianshou Monet, the only guy who can stop himself seems to be staying with the Six Paths Immortal to go elsewhere, and he also completely resurrection!

  This is no different from your own plan!

  Madara's eyes lit up and coughed and patted Heijue's head.

  "Do I need you to remind me? I'm just a little surprised by the appearance of the Six Path Immortals. All of this, including the anti-water with soil, is under my control!"


  Big fool!

  Hei Jue cursed in his heart, wasn't he the one who was berserk just now?No one can stop you when your old man is mentally disabled. I'm afraid that if he doesn't come out, he can reincarnate Obito and filthy soil and ask him to understand?

  Too lazy to deal with Madara, Hei Jue looked into the air, is Father going to teach Yui and Hamura a lesson?

  I just don't know if my father's strength can completely kill those two unsightly guys.

  Well, after all, it is Father Father, an invincible existence!

  Now there is no other choice but to trust my father.

?? 0 asking for flowers? ????????

  Different from Madara's blind tossing, Hei Jue knew very well that if the Six Path Immortals didn't die, even if he successfully launched the Infinite Moon Reading to release his mother, he would still be sealed, so the most important thing was his father's side.

  Just mess around here.

  "Ten tails!"

  With a low voice, Madara's Samsara's pupil power instantly spread, and the ten tails, whose aura was extremely unstable, became violent again. Dazhuzi led the ninjas of the ninja world to quickly suppress them, and Xianfa Mudun's series of methods were all used.

  "Hashima! Now, is there any way to stop me?"

  Shirtless, the reincarnated Madara jumped directly to Juwei's head, inserted the tube too far and looked down at the Senjuzhujian, Obito thought that the reincarnated body of the dirty earth would allow him to surpass his peak, but it turned out that it was just his wishful thinking, When the body is in pain, the fighting instinct of the beast will be awakened. Some people would rather not have the undead body in order to enjoy the battle!

.. ......  

  Dirty reincarnation?

  Just pediatrics!

  At this moment, the battle between the Ninja Allied Forces and Madara who lost Qianju Monet has just begun!


  "Are you familiar with this place? My son?"

  Holding your shoulders and looking around, the beauty of the starry sky cannot be expressed in one or two words. For you hidden in the depths of the starry sky, it is endless darkness. Kaguya, which has been sealed in the moon for thousands of years, is a relationship with darkness. companion.

  "Is it your ability to bring us here just now?"

  Otsutsuki Yui looked solemn. With his strength, don't say anything about flying thunder god technique. If he doesn't want to, no one can force him to do this kind of space transfer.

  But this man did it!He also transferred them from the earth to the moon in an instant. He couldn't do such a strong space transfer.

  Is it the ability of the reincarnation eye on the forehead, or is it a simple spatial talent?

  Immortals of the Six Paths are not sure.


  Third more.Son.

Chapter [-] My son, come to fight! (fourth more)

  "Does it look good? Isn't it beautiful standing here and looking at the earth?"

  Qianshou Monet didn't rush to do it. In fact, he was quite disappointed so far. What if the Six Paths Immortal was resurrected?The reincarnation of the dirt is all left by Konoha.

  The long sword formed by the gathering of countless Qiu Dao jade in his hand is the nemesis of these two brothers. The body hit by the Qiu Dao jade cannot be recovered even by the reincarnation of the dirt!

  Even if you take a step back, the Six Paths Immortals and Otsutsugi Hamura have truly been resurrected, and it will not have much impact on him Qianshou Monet.

  What about the sixth level?

  In front of his tens of thousands of attributes, he can only be beaten. Just imagine that a casual punch is a Yekai-level physical technique. What do you use to fight a pervert like "One Six Three"?Even if he wants to, he can open the Eight Gates of Dunjia and beat these two unfilial sons like playing. Of course, Monet will not simply let them go and let them enjoy the treatment that Kaguya once enjoyed. the goal of.

  Originally, Qianshou Monet was thinking about what surprises Obito's final trump card could bring him. For example, he secretly colluded with the Otsutsugi trio to jointly launch the infinite monthly reading, and for example, Obito got through by some kind of coincidence. The passage between the earth and the planet Otsutsugi, come to attract the enemy to invade or something.

  That's so enjoyable, I guess the atmosphere will be quite lively by then, and then the protagonist will appear in an understatement, and they may be able to gain some fans, and then fuck fans or something.

  But the result disappointed Monet very much, Six Paths Immortal?The strength is nothing more than that.

  To be precise, his yin and yang escapes are more pure than the immortals of the Six Paths. What does this kid use to fight him?Is the six realms explode the stars?

  "Big brother, there is no need to talk nonsense with him. This kind of person who subverts the development of the ninja world must be eliminated!"

  Immortals of the Six Paths are not a good thing, and Otsutsugi Yumura is also not a good thing, imprisoning his mother until his death, how much is he afraid of Kaguya coming out?

  "Damn subversion of the development of the ninja world!"

  This kid's words are hard to hear. Monet didn't plan to negotiate with them and seal it, but it sounded too harsh to him.

  "Damn, is it not according to your design, that is, subverting the ninja world?"

  "Don't think I don't know that you have been watching the ninja world in the dark, watching the development of the ninja world. It has been like this since a thousand years ago. There are constant divisions and wars. Is that what you like to see?"

  "Which one of your eyes saw that your father brought disaster to the ninja world? Under my leadership, there has been no war in the ninja world for decades. As long as I exist, the ninja world will not change!"

  "Such a peaceful world is said to be off track by you?"

  "As your father, I am ashamed."

  Patting his lower abdomen, Kaguya's soul body slowly escaped. Before killing these two self-righteous garbage, Monet wanted Kaguya to see their faces.

  The six-path immortal and the powerhouse of Otsutsugi Yumura naturally see Kaguya, but she who is leaning on Qianshou Monet's arms and looks like a little woman is really the one who understates the infinite moon reading against the world. people?

  "I don't have anything to say to you, but a goodbye to pay homage to you products of the old times."

  After kissing Hui Ye's small face, Monet slowly stretched out his hand.

  "My son, come to fight! Let Dad see what you can do!"


  "Hahahaha! Hashirama, weren't you very inflated before? Aren't you going to crush my balls? Come on?"

  With a bang, the big pillar was knocked out, Madara swelled at this moment, and the world without Monet's Thousand Arms was so free.

  Contrary to what Hei Jue thought, Madara thought that the Six Path Immortals were on their side, leaving a stone tablet, saving the field at a critical moment, and taking away Qianshou Monet. Now this battlefield has been ruled by his Uchiha Madara!

  And no matter how strong Qianshou Monet is, in Banxin, it is impossible to surpass the Six Path Immortals, and the completion of the infinite monthly reading is already close at hand!

  The ten tails have been absorbed into his body, the divine tree has begun to grow, and when the divine tree blooms and bears fruit, it is time for the infinite moon reading to illuminate the world!

  It's so good to die with the soil, the Six Path Immortals he arranged are so sweet.. 0

  Madara touched his eye sockets in relief.

  The eyes are back, and Monet of Qianshou is also taken away. He can fight with the pillars at will, and the infinite moon reading is about to start. Is there anything more exciting in the world?

  "Mara, stop, stop this meaningless war."

  After Qianshou Monet left, Madara directly absorbed the ten tails, the Six Paths of Servant had appeared, the Begging Jade appeared behind him, and the Six Paths Zen Staff could easily tear apart the wooden dragons and wooden figures between the Thousand Hands Pillars.

  Madara at this time was enjoying the endless pleasure that power brought him. Now, he can hang and beat the man who used to crush his balls with one hand.

  This is the most important, more important than unlimited monthly reading.

  And now, what Madara wants to do is to use his way 2.1 to repay him, aren't you going to pinch my balls?

  Let you taste it first!

  Step by step, as he approached Senju Hashirama, who was restrained by the Gudōdama, Madara's sacred face, which had originally shone with six rays of light, showed a hint of wretchedness.

  "I remember that when you were a child, you urinated recently, and you were even weak, even urinating your pants."

  Suddenly, Qianshouzhuma said this sentence.

  Well, when I was a child, two nasty teenagers urinated in the river of Nanhe River farther than whoever urinated, but Madara was generally worse.

  "How dare you fucking say that!"

  Annoyed, Madara rushed up and ripped open his trousers...

  Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers and tickets! .

Chapter [-] Madara, you are starting to be naughty again! (fifth more)

  "Let go of the first-generation adults' eggs!"

  Clap la la, a group of people rushed over, Banana squeezed the crotch of the column with one hand and slowly raised his head.

  Konoha's so-called elites.

  Qianshou Tobirama, Hatake Sakumo, Jiraiya Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato, behind them, Kakashi and Kai stood side by side.

  "Do you want to dance too?"

  Madara looked contemptuous. When he broke the barriers and achieved the Six Paths level, he finally understood why Qianshou Monet was so strong, and only then did he understand that this junior could always suppress him.

  Above the six paths, is a new world, shadow level?

  What is that!

  "Let go of the first generation of adults' eggs! I will be your opponent!"

  At this moment, Akai suddenly squeezed out from the crowd.

  "Kay, go back."

  The second master frowned. Now Madara is obviously not something that one or two people can deal with. What can you do with Kai's strength?

  It's the right plan for everyone to stop him together.

  "Could it be, 20 Kai, are you going to use that trick?"

  Kakashi seemed to have thought of something and said in shock.

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