Tsundere like a spot, after hearing this, she just turned her head and didn't answer.

  "You don't agree?"

  Qianshou Zhuma narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of danger.

  "What are you doing to me?"

  At this moment, the two are tit for tat!

  After a while, a flush appeared on Madara's pale face.

  "You let go."

  Said with gritted teeth.

  "I do not!"

  The big pillar replied, and even used a little strength.


  Third more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Madara, come and be my son! (fourth more)

  "Stop it! Even if I have the intention to accompany you to see the world, my body won't allow it now. Wouldn't it be better for me to be decent before I die?"

  Banana became angry, and the retribution came too quickly in the present world. He was fighting back not long after he was holding the egg between the pillars. Does this world really exist cause and effect?

  "This is just a small problem. You are also the one who is being used. If you dare to take your mistakes and continue to work hard for peace, I can go and ask Monet to keep you."

  Qianshou Hasuma said very seriously, of course he did not forget to continue to exert force on his hands.

  Just when a certain sphere could not bear the pressure and was about to explode, Madara couldn't hold it anymore, and nodded with tears of humiliation.

  Monet, who had been chatting with Hui Ye for a while, also recovered his senses. When he found this scene, he couldn't help shaking his head. To say that pinching the freckled egg is just a stalk. Of course, it depends on whether you pinch it or not. Grandpa himself, he doesn't have that bad taste.

  But for Madara, Monet has his own ideas.

  kill?No, no, it's a pity, there are only a few interesting people in the Naruto world, and not many people died in the fourth ninja war. If he wants to save the spot, it will not be difficult.

  As the king of the new era, Qianju Monet, no one will be dissatisfied with his decision, that is the right of the superior.

  After thinking about it, Monet touched his chin and fell to Madara's side.

  "Grandpa, you go to Hei Jue play first, I have something to tell him."

  "Okay, but Monet, Madara's body..."

  Qianshouzhujian hesitated.

  "I know exactly what I'm going to do."

  Monet waved his hand, and Hasuma sighed and walked aside.

  "Your grandfather mocked me, do you want to?"

  Madara watched Qianshou Monet's eyelids twitching. If he wanted to say what he used to say, his desire to kill Qianshou Monet was increasing day by day, but now, after Infinite Moon Reading was only the result of being manipulated, Madara suddenly felt a little boring.

  Hasuma is right, he has failed, although he does not admit it, but the result is obvious, and when Senju Himama himself admits that his path is wrong, failure is also a victory for him, the peace-oriented one. After decades of discussion and struggle, both of them went in the wrong direction in the end.

  What about Thousand Hands Monet, what is the world he built?

  Madara calmly looked at the man in front of him with Samsara's eyes. When he met for decades, he didn't seem to have any special changes, he didn't see aging, and he still had that seemingly non-existent smile.

  "The world is huge, it's barely big enough for me to toss by myself, but only in the ninja world."

  Monet lit a cigarette for himself with some melancholy.

  The first half of the sentence is what Madara once said to herself, but what does the latter mean?

  Spot was a little puzzled.

  "Want to follow me to see the world outside the ninja world? Try where is your energy?"

  As if talking to himself, or talking to Madara, Monet just looked up at the scarlet three-wheeled full moon.

  A world outside the ninja world? !

  Madara's heart trembled.

  When a person with strong aptitude is confused, what can arouse his goal and desire to fight?

  In addition to the eternal opponent Senju Hashima, the new journey will become a key to open a new road, Senju Monet, does he really have that kind of ability?

  "Come and be my son, oh no, be my subordinate!"

  Monet stretched out his hand, and if the face that suddenly became a bit wretched was matched with two huge white beards and thick eyebrows, it would look like a living white beard!

  Whenever Whitebeard says this, there will always be someone willing to give up everything to become his son.

  Whoops, strayed.

  Monet gradually put away his smile.

  Is Madara a qualified subordinate?

  Monet didn't know, but he didn't need to know either. If it wasn't used well, it would kill him. Qianshou Monet, who was used to doing whatever he wanted, didn't care what Banana was thinking.

  All conspiracies will cease to exist in the face of absolute power.

  Uchiha Madara?

  Monet just gave him a chance from a higher-level perspective. The Naruto World is not his end. Before the journey begins, he will screen out the powerful combat power.

  Spots are a good option, but not the only option.

  If you don't obey, it's gone, there's nothing to worry about.

  His power can change everything!

  "Does that world really exist?"

  Taking a deep breath, Madara forced herself to calm down. The Shinobi world is too small, not enough for him to toss around alone, but other worlds...

  "More than one, would you like to see it?"

  Monet said indifferently, there is only one chance. For a 700 real powerhouse, other worlds are a huge temptation, but I don't know what Madara thinks.

  The ninja world is already the nursery of this man in front of him, and he can't get his hands on it...

  But Hasuma said that under the leadership of Senju Monet, the ninja world has been peaceful for a long time.

  No matter how unhappy it is, how can it be?

  His wish seems to have been fulfilled by others.

  Instead of worrying about those, why not take a good look at the world that Thousand Hands Monet said?

  "Okay! I promise you! But if I am stronger than you in the future, I will choose..."

  The suddenly enlightened Banzhang responded, but while speaking, he still did not forget to pretend to be coercive. Of course, Qianshou Monet did not allow his subordinates to pretend to be coercive in front of him.


  A punch hit Madara's egg, and with a scream, Madara flew into the sky.

  But when he wanted to scold someone, the broken egg suddenly burst into endless vitality and quickly repaired his injury!

  Unpredictable ability!

  Madara nodded sullenly, clutching her eggs.

  Finally, he gave in.


  Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers.

Chapter [-] Calculate the general ledger! (fifth more)

  The Fourth Ninja World War ends here!

  As Monet with a thousand hands floated and folded his hands together, the power of yin and yang lightly lifted the infinite moon reading, and the world returned to light again.

  People who came out of the dream were full of emotion, some lingered and some were frightened, but no matter what, accepting a better tomorrow is the real choice.

  Except for the two extra moons in the sky, there seems to be no evidence of the existence of the infinite moon reading in the world.

  After finishing the work, Monet led the Konoha coalition to return home.

  Madara was supported by Hashirama and followed, and Kaguya was admitted to the Shenwei space to recognize Monet's wives as sisters. Of course, even if Kaguya's temperament and appearance were there, according to the rules of the Senju family , you have to call the elder sister after entering the door. No matter how old you are, this is a rule that cannot be broken.

  Although she was a little shy, Kaguya persisted until the end. She glanced at her caressing husband and merged into the crowd.

  The war was over and it seemed that everything was starting to calm down.

  But some felt something unusual, and they were waiting for the man's final move.


  Above the Konoha Hokage Rock, a small island stands in the air floating there. Countless workers are busy sweating on the island, but none of the workers complained.

  The palace in the sky of the three generations of Hokage-sama Senju Monet!

  The royal palace is indispensable for the serious savior treatment. To be honest, the Qianshou clan can no longer be expanded, but there are more and more Monet and his wives, which has become a problem. The islands obviously solve this problem.

  There, it represents the supreme glory, and the end of the infinite moon reading is well known to everyone under the understatement of the Konoha ninjas, and the tall image of Qianshou Monet's stalwart makes countless people raise their arms and shout.

  Even if Senju Monet announced the unification of the world to become the new king at this time, no one would object. This is the situation.

  But the king they had been waiting for had not appeared in their sight for a long time, so many people were suspicious. Could it be that the third generation of adults suffered some injuries at the last stop?

  "It's been half a month, and I swear that this is the longest time the boss has released pigeons. Didn't he agree to stay with the sister-in-law for a few days and find us?"

  On the Hokage Rock, Jiraiya was drinking in a depressed mood, while Orochimaru and Namikaze Shuifa looked calm next to him.

  "Jiraiya, don't complain. Is your father's fighting power the same as yours? It should take some time to comfort your mother."

  Snake brother stuck out his tongue, his face younger than Minato was full of ridicule.

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