?? 0 asking for flowers? ???

  "Haha, Monet is not as careful as you. They all said that letting you integrate into Konoha is a complete integration, Madara, hurry up and bring the forehead protector I gave you."

  He walked to his old friend with a smile on his face, Hasuma stretched his hand into Madara's arms, took out a Konoha Shinobi's forehead protector, and placed it on Madara's head with his own hands.

  Not to mention, when Madara was wearing his forehead guard, he seemed to be able to see a hint of shyness on his face.

  "I'm ashamed of how old I am. I left. Monet only gave me five minutes. Even if I am a grandfather at this time, I have to give Hokage face. This is the rule."


  "I said Madara, have you learned to blend in with Konoha? Has the task of cleaning the toilet been completed? Shouldn't you be lazy?"

  "You, you, there are so many things to learn, I don't even bother to talk about you, it's not that I, the first generation of Hokage, carry it with me, you are a special case."


  Looking at Madara, who was being dragged by the first-generation adults and rushed to the Hokage Building, Minato smiled lightly. These two people, a god of ninjas and a ninja world Shura, but after contacting the legend, you will find that, in fact, they are no different.

  They are all people who work hard for their dreams, that's all.

  This world is beautiful and moving!

  Looking at the sun in the sky, the golden glitter disappeared with a smile on his face, and he had to rush to inform the next person.

  Hokage-sama has come down from the sky!

  Konoha's ninjas were very excited, and the elites who received the notice felt the Hokage building non-stop, and they all understood what this meeting represented.

  How the ninja world develops depends on the man's decision!

  They will execute without hesitation and have unconditional trust in Naruto!


  Sixth more.

  Ask for flowers.factory.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty-Six Lords!Please fight with me! (first update)

  In the office, Konoha's elites have gathered, and there are many familiar faces from top to bottom, and some ninjas who should not be here at this time are also present.

  What is more abrupt is the shadow of other Shinobi villages who arrived first. The newly appointed leg shadow Heitu yawned behind the other shadows. Last night, she was called by the grave egg to do some unspeakable things, which caused her to fail. How to sleep well.

  Of course, in addition to the shadows of the Four Great Ninja Villages, there are two more abrupt people.

  The first one is without any controversy.

  Uchiha Madara!

  He appeared with Senju Hashirama, and after hesitating, Madara chose a back position, and stood there with a sullen face without saying a word.

  It was the first time that "Seven Nine Three" appeared in this kind of place, and Madara was naturally awkward. She had been hiding in the dark and broke her heart for the peace of this world. Now it's a bit embarrassing to put it on the bright side.

  The big pillar next to him winked at him, and the two of them looked quite happy.

  The other person who looked very different was even more special.

  He has pale skin and long gray hair, and is dressed in white.There are two hard lump-shaped "horns".

  With a red glowing fish basket on his back, a chakra fishing rod in his hand, and a very unique looking fishing line and hook, standing here in such a dress made Konoha's ninjas extremely curious about his identity, and there must be Hokage who can enter here. The pass given by the adults, there is no need to suspect that it is a spy or something.

  "Otsutsuki Mokura style, servant of Lord Yama."

  Seeing the curiosity in the eyes of the people around him, Pu Shi smiled and nodded and made a simple self-introduction.


  Many of you who are doing it have experienced the final war and were present. The Otsutsugi clan is not a secret now, and the surname alone is already shocking.

  Why is he here?

  Hokage-sama's arrangement, or something else?

  People waited silently with their doubts.

  When the meeting started, Qianju Monet appeared in the meeting room on time, but this time, he was not late.


  Without any unnecessary nonsense, Monet, who came to the top of the conference room, pointed to the huge conference table and sat down first.

  After receiving the order of Hokage-sama, the ninjas on both sides sat down in unison, but Madara Uchiha was half a beat slower. Of course, the servant of the self-proclaimed king, Pu Shi quietly stood behind Monet with a smile on his face. Respectfully.

  He is not qualified to be equal to Wang Ping.

  "Let me introduce, Otsutsuki Mokura-shi, my new recruit."

  Without looking back, he pointed behind him, Monet looked relaxed, now he is more natural, Pu Shi has no secrets in front of him, and after taking this kid, the Otsutsugi clan will be fine and send someone to harass the earth. .

  "The king's servant."

  Pushi bowed slightly.

  "Okay, today's meeting is very simple. I have read all the reports you submitted half a year ago. It is nothing more than the following problems in the current ninja world."

  With a cough, Monet started to get serious.

  "First, where do ninjas go in times of peace?"

  Standing up, Monet was speechless.

  "Please, do you think ninjas can only fight? In peaceful times, ninjas are by no means dangerous elements that affect the peace of the ninja world. The soil is loosened, the water is irrigated, the wind and the fire and the thunder are all things that can be used in life. ."

  "Of course, these are secondary, I have a better solution, after all, I don't want my ninja troops to become workers."

  "Second point, isn't it gratifying to be happy about the reduction in the number of tasks in the village? When there are no tasks, peace really comes! Instead of being happy, you feel sad. I understand what you mean, no After the mission, the ninja will have no capital to survive, which is money, but if I put my words here, the problem that money can solve is not a problem for me.. 0"

  "Konoha is rich, don't worry, I can't let my subordinates work hungry."

  Waving his hand, Monet slowed down a little.

  "Combining the above two points, there is another question, what is the use of the existence of ninjas in peaceful times and their destination."

  "I can guarantee that ninjas will never be useless, especially elites!"

  "Are you curious, is there only one world in this vast universe? Where does this big Tsutsutsuki behind me come from?"

  "Where are those people? What's their life like?"

  With a smile, Monet was full of pride.

  "Why should we shackle the resources for the development of the ninja world, I have a way to break through the barriers of other worlds to invade! Their resources are ours!"

  "And in order to successfully invade, I need a strong ninja army!"

  "Everyone, work hard to become stronger, for the sake of this ninja world, for the family, for the money for the children's milk powder..."

  "Gentlemen! Fight with me!"

  Below, the ninjas were collectively stunned, but before they came out of their surging emotions, Monet spoke again.

  "To sum up, I, Qianju Monet, announce as the third generation Naruto and the king of the ninja world!"

  "From today onwards, the five Ninja villages will be merged into one! Collectively called Konoha!"

  "The five kingdoms merged with the Ninja kingdom, abandoned the daimyo position, and I will be the emperor myself!"

  "One month later, the elite selection of the Ninja Kingdom will start. At that time, we will compete for the rankings, and the lowest strength in the competition...Elite Shangnin!"


  First more.

  I beg Huahua, that's not right. Today is the beginning of the month. The milk dog dares to ask for a monthly pass. Everyone should have a monthly pass in their bags.

  Good (crazy licking).

Chapter [-] Madara and Uchiha! (Second more)

  Wave after wave of explosive news came out of Qianshou Monet's mouth, and all the elites present were all shocked by the arrogance and vision of this Hokage.

  While they were worried about the development of the ninja world, this man had already formulated a strategy and set his sights on another world.

  At different heights, what you see is also different.

  Plundering the resources of other worlds to supply Naruto World, expanding the field of this world and even integrating other worlds to upgrade Naruto World, this is Monet's way of growing up after consulting the system there.

  Is it the basic process of conquering all worlds?

  Turning to look at the bustling scene of Konoha outside the conference room, Monet's heart was slightly restless.

  Once the pace of progress stops, that side represents slow death, and he will naturally not stop as he aspires to become the overlord of the universe.

  Of course, a person's expedition is very boring. Monet likes the Naruto world, and he likes the pure and innocent ninjas here. Wouldn't it be beautiful to take them on the road to see different scenery?

  The loneliness of the top 20 is just a bullshit, it proves that the so-called strong person holds his own identity, and he lives quite happily like him.

  "Let's do things, start with the Five Great Ninja Villages and the Five Great Nations, and the elite selection competition will start last."

  "As for the rebels, Mr. Ban, you can decide."

  With a sigh of relief, Monet walked out of the conference room. Pu Shi, the servant, followed him out naturally, leaving the people in the conference room staring.

  "The merger of the five major ninja villages... is not too difficult. After all, Lord Hokage has already laid the foundation, but if the five major countries..."

  Looking at the shadows around, Minato cautiously raised his doubts.

  "Minato, you've been thinking too much. The specific rules and regulations have been prepared by Hokage-sama, so we can implement them."

  He took out the documents and distributed them on the table. Lu Jiu had a smile on his face. He had already read the specific regulations. It can be said that all factors were considered. With such a strong leader to guide the direction, what else do they have? Not satisfied?


  Looking at the document, everyone was once again impressed by Qianshou Monet's wisdom. Even Banana's face showed a little admiration. Even if he racked his brains, he couldn't come up with this unique management method. The field is managed by Konoha people, and the results are regularly reported to improve. The teaching method above the kingship further strengthens the centralized rule, but compared with the humanized reward and punishment system is the bright spot.

  People with healthy hands and feet who are not lazy can live well in this world, and their efforts will definitely be rewarded. Everyone has equal opportunities. Give them hope. This is true peace!

  "As I said, it is the most correct decision to hand over what we haven't done to the younger generation."

  Qianshouzhujian patted Madara on the shoulder, "Let's go, Monet didn't say that, if there is a resister and hand it over to you, this is an opportunity for you to make merit. Don't worry, I will support you."

  "In addition to the five major countries, there are also those small countries in the cracks. Once the five major countries are unified, their existence will be unreasonable. It is estimated that there will be some disputes at that time. Be prepared."

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