There will not be too many people going to the new world, but they must be the elite of the elite!This is the basic condition to be sloppy. He doesn't want his own people to die in another country after going to the new world, so the threshold is set so strict. At least before he lays the foundation, those with relatively weak combat power have to stay in Konoha Village and wait. information.

  In this way, as the competition continued to ferment, the Strongest Ninja Challenge slowly kicked off.

  On the huge arena, Monet looked down at the selected ninjas. There are ninjas in all the ninja villages, and they are all elites, but I have to say that the gap is still a bit big.

  He wants to filter out the ninjas he can use in the new world. The number is not large, but the elite. It is his goal to build an invincible ninja army.

  "You gentlemen!"

  "This competition is not for myself, nor for the so-called ranking, but to show my strength and let me see your value with my eyes. The ninjas who have successfully advanced will become the heroes of the ninja world in the future. !"

  "So, please do your best, don't worry that you will accidentally kill the other party, even if you die, I will have a way to bring you back to life and show me your true strength!"

  "My Thousand Hands Monet doesn't need waste!"

  No one thought that at this moment, Lord Hokage would be so serious. At this moment, the arena does not seem to be a arena, and the meaning of existence has become a battlefield of life and death!

  Hokage-sama is serious!

  The ninjas participating in the competition have a passion in their hearts, and they risk their lives to let Lord Naruto see their strength and value, which is related to whether they can follow Lord Naruto to conquer other worlds!

  The breeze blew slowly, and the different atmosphere on the field slowly stretched.

  The battle is about to begin.


  Fourth more.

  Ask for a monthly pass. .

Chapter [-] The list! (fifth more)

  Monet's meaning is obvious, do it with confidence and boldness, don't be afraid of killing people, he is not afraid of others saying that he is just a game and not a problem. It seems that this is a game, but in fact it is to choose excellent subordinates, when the time comes The environment they are facing is even worse. In order to be responsible to their subordinates, these are all things that should be done.

  It seems that he has a lot of life-saving abilities for Familiar, such as reincarnation and other techniques, but what if this technique is restricted in that world?

  The superiors considered things comprehensively, Qianju Monet felt that there was nothing wrong with him, not to mention that he had not heard anyone complaining until now.

  The battle begins~, draw lots to determine the opponent.

  Shuriken kunai are flying all over the sky, and they who are determined to show their strongest state in front of Hokage-sama never give up.

  When Madara Uchiha's huge Susanoo, the wooden man in the Senju-Hashidama, Erye's sea escape, Jiraiya's immortality, Orochimaru's endless ninjutsu, Hatake Sakumo's haunted swordsmanship and wave Fengshui The second stage of the flying thunder god of the door, endless stunts are displayed on the same stage, the Konoha at this time, the ninja world at this time, is extremely brilliant!

  This is a ninja world with no regrets. If you want to force it, it seems that only the fall of Obito is regrettable, but only one Obito has far less impact on this world.

  Ninjutsu is flying, and the elites with outstanding combat effectiveness are showing their strength. Qianshou Monet is not as slack as before, but cautiously prepares to make shots at the periphery of the ring. The real death will naturally lead to casualties. He has to do it. The point is to force out their true combat effectiveness in a desperate situation.

  They are opponents in the arena, and they are comrades in arms when they are out of the arena. They will handle the change of their identities themselves, and they don't need to worry about Monet.

  For a whole week, from the play-in to the finals, the audience was hooked, and set the goal in their hearts to become a man like them and work hard, and then follow Naruto to other worlds.

  However, the final tiebreaker looks a bit surprising. Needless to say, the first place will not choose to challenge the position of the first person in the Thousand Arms Monet Ninja world. The competition for the second and third places is What to watch, but one of the two people in the ring is very familiar to them. The god of ninjas, Chishou Hasuma, suppressed Madara, who lost the power of the six paths, with a slight advantage. Of course, he himself was seriously injured.

  However, in order for the game to continue, the finals started as scheduled after Monet's on-site treatment.

  Because the last battle between Madara and Hashirama was really enjoyable, the battle between Susanohu and Muto was amazing. They thought it was the competition for the second or third place, but now the audience is wrong, and it has not been obvious. The Otsutsuki Kiura style is looking out over them!

  Suddenly seeing the Otsutsuki Mokura-style record, the ninjas were horrified.

  From the beginning of the battle to the end, this guy is undefeated!

  After a low-key advance to the final, Pu Shi just stood respectfully behind Monet and waited.

  The name of a servant is not just talking about it. Wang does not want to return to Planet Otsutsugi now, saying that he is not interested. According to Pu Shi's understanding, what Wang wants to do seems to be to find the fruit of the divine tree in other worlds.

  Otsutsuki Mokpo's vision is much higher than others. He has been to countless planets, and has seen many people's lives. He understands Wang's feelings of wanting to go to other worlds.

  That being the case, there is nothing wrong with accompanying the king in the war. One day the king will think of Otsutsuki and follow him to the planet Otsutsuki to save his people.

  Just wait in peace.

  "Among the Thousands of Hands."

  Looking at the opponent in front of him, Hashima's expression was dignified and he had already entered the immortal mode.

  "Otsutsuki Mokura style, servant of the king."

  Uraishi bowed politely and pulled out the fishing rod.

  "The battle begins."

  With the order of the referee on the sidelines, the big pillar was not polite at all.

  "Woodun! The flower tree world is coming!"

  Thanks to the ring designed by Qianshou Monet himself, the area is large enough, and it is outside the Konoha Village, so the flower and tree world in the Qianshouzhujian can also be accommodated with all its strength.

  It's just that Pu Shi, after all, bears the name of Otsutsuki, and after flying into the air in an understatement, the flower tree world descends and breaks itself.

?? 0 asking for flowers? ????

  "Wood Dun! The technique of the wooden man!"

  "Wood Dun! The technique of the wood dragon!"

  Qianshouzhuma can't fly by himself, but the wooden man can make up for this. When the circling wooden dragon and wooden man dragged him towards Pu Shi, Pu Shi just understated the space.

  "Yellow Spring Hirazaka!"

  A hand suddenly appeared on the wooden figurine's head, and then the wooden figurine's body began to stand still. Seeing the bad situation, Qianshou Zhujian hurriedly flew back and tried his best to summon thousands of hands.

  "Immortal! Wooden Dun! It's really thousands of hands!"

  The huge Thousand-handed Buddha slowly stood tall and proud of the audience. In the last match, he used this move to finally defeat Madara's Susanoo!

  "Turn into a Buddha on the top!"

  Countless arms appeared and rushed towards Pu Shi, and just by that battle, countless ninjas on the sidelines couldn't stop applauding.

  "Time, stand still!"

  Nothing can beat the ravages of time, and when Otsutsuki Kiura, who was fully exerting his time ability, gasped and knelt on the ground, the huge Thousand-Armed Buddha in front of him completely stopped moving forward.

  In this battle, the Otsutsukiura style won after all.

  Monet nodded and jumped onto the field to take back the Thousand Hands Buddha and then lifted the seal of the Thousand Hands Hashima to announce the end of the strongest ninja challenge.

  Pu-style's ability is a bug. Fortunately, his chakra is not as perverted as Qianshou Monet, and it has to be slowed down once used, but Rao's Pu-style combat power cannot be ignored.

  "The Strongest Ninja Challenge is over. Tomorrow, there will be the first list of people who follow me to fight in other worlds on the bulletin board. Take a good rest, maybe it's up to you."

  Leaving a figure behind, Qianshou Monet turned and left.

  The next day, in front of Konoha's bulletin board, the participating ninjas showed up all at once, all waiting for the list that had not yet been sent.

  apprehensive and excited...

  Fifth more.

  Ask for a monthly pass.predict.

Chapter [-] The end and the beginning, moving forward to the new world! (sixth more)

  Finally, after a long wait, Nara Shikahisa appeared behind the crowd with a cough.

  I'm coming!

  The ninjas were very excited.

  After changing to the bulletin board, everyone hurriedly came over to carefully search for their names...

  "I will accompany you these days."

  On the edge of the swimming pool outside the palace in the sky, Monet was wearing swimming trunks and holding a sweet wife in one hand, eating the grapes that Sakura personally fed in front of him. The Hokage World ended here.

  What follows is a short period of enjoying life. Monet's footsteps will not stop, but it is a must to accompany his woman before moving forward.

  Looking around, Yingyingyanyan's women had shyness and happiness in their eyes, and Qianshou Monet was satisfied with this alone.

  Those who follow him to the next world have already identified "[-]".

  Going down from him, Otsutsuki Mokura, as his servant, will definitely follow him. Monet does not feel relieved to leave him in the ninja world. In the same way, Qianshou Heijue has to bring along, that thing, round fan and six ninja tools. It's a pretty good weapon together.

  Going further down, the dog-headed strategist Nara Shikaku has to follow. If Shikamaru still lacks experience, he would choose Shikamaru so that Shikaku can rest.

  Madara Uchiha, Chishou Hasuma and Erye, it was agreed in advance and would not fall.

  Jiraiya is also his loyal little brother, and he will definitely bring it with him. As for the snake brother?The new world needs a standard scientist to research technology, and there is no problem with bringing the snake brother.

  Further down Hatake Sakumo, Minato Hatake, Hatake Wuwukai, and even Matekai, these are the peak combat power of the ninja world, and he needs these people to help him charge into battle.

  He originally chose to take either the Hinata Hizu or the Hinata Ripa for the Hinata family, but he didn't like the two brothers very much, and directly robbed Hinata's sister Hana.

  Well, the thought of flirting with my sister-in-law makes me very excited.

  Shisui has no brothers on Uchiha's side, so his pupil power has dropped significantly, so this time the competition is very low, but Itachi performed extremely well and was directly selected by him.

  In addition, some weak people who do not have the limit of blood succession are all excluded by him. The new world is not a family, and will face countless dangers, so the strength of the vanguard must be at the top level!

  At this stage, the person who will follow him to the next world is so certain.

  No more, no less, just enough to form a fleet.

  Cough, it seems that something has been leaked.

  Monet smiled and stretched out his hand to his cute little apprentice Hinata, only beauty and good times could not be let down.

  The brief calm before the expedition could not be wasted.

  In an instant, following someone's maddening behavior, the palace in the sky became chaotic, and the surrounding maids blushed and didn't know what to say.


  Days passed by, and the ninjas who received the notice were preparing to accompany their families while they were preparing, and they cherished the time in front of them who didn't know when they would come back.

  Finally, that day drew near.

  Monet, who had read the almanac, suddenly realized that the weather was not as good as he thought.

  It seems that it will rain anytime and anywhere under the dark clouds, and the gloomy sky is annoying.

  For the time being, Monet was busy in the palace in the sky, regardless of the sluggish weather.

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