"Based on half a year's analysis and investigation, we can roughly determine how the world works.~"

  "Unlike our world, the supreme ruler of this world is an existence called the World Government, with more than [-] member states."

  "The highest executor is currently known as the Five Old Stars."

  "And the organizations that the world government belongs to include directly under the secret espionage agency, the navy, the scientific force, the deep-sea prison and the Judiciary Island and other departments."

  "All people in this world must unconditionally obey the laws of the world government and maintain order."

  Putting down the information in his hand, Shikaku rubbed the sun and looked at Hokage-sama.

  "go on."

  Monet drank his tea expressionlessly.

  "Yes, Hokage-sama."

  After briefly sorting out his thoughts, Lu Jiu's expression gradually became serious.

  "According to this situation, there should be no war in this world, and it seems to be similar to the rules set by Hokage in our world, but in fact it is not the case. The existence of the world government is worth scrutinizing."

  "This world is very big, much bigger than our world. Not only does the Navy World Government exist, but there are also pirates!"

  "Especially after One Piece announced his fortune in the so-called New World, the era of the Great Pirate has begun."

  "Countless people flocked to the sea. The scale of the war was dominated by the invasion of pirates, and the navy set up checkpoints to strengthen control."

  "But it seems that the navy is maintaining order. To put it bluntly, it is better to say that it is maintaining the rule of the world government, that is, the status of the Tianlong people!"

  "So I personally think that this kind of justice is inconsistent with the description in the Navy's manifesto. It is just for the sake of each other's interests. It seems that the world government intends to balance the Navy and the pirates. All it does is center and reconcile the power of both."

  "Everyone, sorry, based on the information in our hands, I can only analyze so much."

  Some stuck Lu Jiu said apologetically, but everyone extended their thumbs to express their admiration.

  Lu Jiu's introduction made them fully understand what kind of world they were in. Just by looking at the bloodshot in this guy's eyes, they knew that he must have been boiled for several days without closing his eyes.

  And these alone are enough for them to make the next move.

  Pirates?A group of rubbish who only know how to shout for freedom but do murder and smuggling.

  navy?Shouting justice in the mouth, but I don't know what shit I'm thanking every day.

  This world is very fake. If the conquest of the land under their feet and the seas made them feel a little guilty, then now they can feel at ease. Instead of letting those unknowing people suffer from the double-sided torture of pirates and the navy , it's better to let Hokage-sama rule everything.

  "This false world."

  Ban gave a very pertinent evaluation.

  "Monet, when are we going to start?"

  Thousands of hands are gearing up for a big fight.


  Monet shook his head. It is still in the development stage, and going to sea will definitely be done, but not at this stage.

  There are not many people coming to the world of One Piece this time, Monet doesn't want to waste resources, and he still has a lot of tasks for the people below to do.


  Raising his head, Monet looked at Uchiha Itachi.

  "Lord Hokage."

  Itachi, who was already prepared, half-kneeled and saluted.

. 0 0

  "The information of the Revolutionary Army has been given to you. Your mission is only one, to become a cadre in the Revolutionary Army."

  Revolutionary Army!Dragons rebel against the organization of the World Government!

  Speaking of which, infiltrating the enemy's interior to get first-hand information is what Itachi does.

  "You will be very hard. When our milking organization makes the world tremble, it is time for you to do it."

  Standing up and patting Itachi on the shoulder, Monet said solemnly.

  "Serve your life for Hokage-sama, and die!"

  Itachi did not hesitate at all, and being entrusted with an important task means that he bears the trust of Hokage-sama, is it the revolutionary army?Into the Revolutionary Army?Very interesting task.

  "Brother-in-law, I'm going too!"

  At this time, a sound made Qianshou Monet feel like a lifetime away, Mom, he almost forgot about this little ancestor.

  Hyuga Fireworks!Hinata's sister.

  "You can't, continue to stay as a mascot."

  Monet covered his sister-in-law's mouth and did it again. In addition to the world government, Qianshou Monet had other plans, but they were not suitable for fireworks. The sister-in-law was used to play... ahem, watching, how can you carry out dangerous tasks? ?


  Fourth more.six.

Chapter [-] Facing the sunset, it turns yellow! (first update)

  Throwing Itachi into the Revolutionary Army was carefully considered by Senju Monet. The revolutionary army was essentially doing business against the world government. It was similar to what Senpa Monet had to do. He never thought about letting Itachi develop directly. To the extent that he can control the revolutionary army, as long as Itachi can develop his faction smoothly, it is the best to say in the revolutionary army.

  When his Qianshou Monet's organization completely made a name for himself, Itachi also stood up and cooperated. This was his idea.

  Looking at Sasuke, Monet's original idea was to let the two brothers go to the revolutionary army to cooperate, but Sasuke has never experienced the bloody growth in the original book. Although his strength is good, his temperament is still a problem. "Seven-three zero" needs to be well Practice it.

  "Minato, Naruto, according to the information, the naval hero Garp seems to be returning to Windmill Village. When that time comes, you will take the opportunity to go to Garp's warship to sign up for the navy. The task is the same as Itachi, to gain the trust of the navy, and I will give you the best possible solution. s help."

  "You can show your strength properly. After all, you don't enter the navy through regular channels. It is estimated that it will be difficult, but I believe you can do it."

  Well, the revolutionary army has gone, and the navy can't let it go. If you want to do it, you can do it together. According to Naruto's physical fitness, entering the navy will definitely become a sweet pastry, but Naruto is a kid that everyone understands. Indifferent, in order to prevent this kid from being brainwashed by the Navy in the end, it was necessary for Monet to let his father look at him.

  He wasn't worried that the two of them wouldn't get in. Garp admired talents and righteous people. With the sunshine of the little sun and Naruto's stupefied energy, it was not a big problem.

  Minato and Naruto cooperated with each other to enter the navy, Itachi went to the Revolutionary Army, and Senju Monet, of course, went to sea!

  When you come to the world of One Piece and don't go to the sea to get a bounty, you always feel that you are at a low price. Whether it is the so-called Four Emperors, Wang Xia Qiwuhai or something sounds good.

  As for the World Government, Monet gave up directly. The Five Old Stars are not so careless, and the people who use them will definitely be confidants. Besides, there are people on the throne of Yimu above the Five Old Stars.

  The plan was settled in this way, Qianshou Monet dragged his unhappy sister-in-law and walked out.

  "Why don't you assign me a task? Brother-in-law, believe it or not, I will go to my sister to complain and make you unable to sleep for half a year."

  Hua Huo holds the key to entering the Shenwei space, and Monet will go in and do things he loves with his sweet wife, but Monet doesn't care about the threat of his sister-in-law at all.

  The flower fire that has grown up is very beautiful, and it is quite tempting for Monet, an out-and-out lolicon.

  "Zaipi hangs you up and beats you at night. Let's go and watch the sea with my brother-in-law."

  The two of them came to the high slope of the sea with fireworks. Unlike others, Monet likes the seascape at night. The feeling of endlessness can easily make people fall into it, especially when he urinates against the sunset. At that time, that feeling is really incomprehensible to others.

  It is estimated that no one can understand, after all, it is very vulgar to urinate in front of the sunset.

  Only Hana seems to have some understanding of Monet's thoughts, and the words her brother-in-law shouted to the sunset half a year ago sounded disgusting.

  "I want the sea of ​​this world to be yellow!"

  Mom, listen to this is human words?

  Xiao Hua Huo covered her face and stayed by her brother-in-law's side to watch the sunset. Although her brother-in-law was hateful, the sense of security around him made Hua Huo very addicted. Her brother-in-law said that my sister-in-law is my brother-in-law's little padded jacket. Being close to him can make my brother-in-law feel warm come.

  Leaning shyly beside Monet, Hana secretly kissed the smelly man on the face.. 0

  Sometimes it is so simple to pick up a girl, and it is the most fundamental thing to do what you like. For example, Hana likes banana milk. Every night, when she sends it to the bed, she will always get a little gratitude from the girl.

  There is no spare tire in the second dimension. It is enough to lick a girl properly. After licking, you will find that you get more than you pay.

  After licking the dog until the end, Monet proudly turned the fire on his back and took a dip in the wind against the last sunset.

  "Doing this kind of thing in front of the sea is quite rude."

  Just after Monet had finished soaking the yellow water, a head appeared in the water, glanced enviously at Monet's proof that he was a real man, and swam ashore.

  After putting on his trousers, Monet glanced suspiciously.

  Redhead Shanks!It was no accident that he was holding Luffy in his arms. At this time, Luffy had already fainted, and his soft appearance seemed to be the same as the reaction of a person who had eaten a devil fruit when he touched the sea water.

  Are the rubber fruits still eaten?

  And Shanks still broke his arm.

  Monet narrowed his eyes, and sure enough, Luffy's growth process is still the same without Bandit Sig 3.4. The red-haired boy should lose his arm in the East China Sea.

  "It's freedom, you don't understand."

  Stopping the curious sister-in-law who came by, Monet took a sip.

  "Like me, do whatever you want."

  Brother-in-law is so annoying!

  Fireworks who were attacked blushed.

  "Your character is very suitable for being a pirate."

  Shanks carefully put Luffy to the beach, and then treated the wound for himself. Now he not only has to stop the bleeding, but also has to prevent the problem of urine infection.

  Quite a headache.


  The first update.

Chapter [-] Shanks, you are so cheap. (Second more)

  "Who said being a pirate can only enjoy freedom?"

  Qianshou Monet cast a disdainful glance at Shanks, seeing the boy's clumsy disinfection methods a bit painful.

  "I will heal the wound, need no help."

  "If you can."

  Shanks said gratefully, although this man robbed him of the man he liked, but now that he has looked away, he and Maggie are not suitable, maybe this man can give her a future.

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