Slowly approaching the shore, the surrounding female warriors kneeled on the ground to respectfully greet the Empress. A naughty kitten appeared on the side of the road and walked over curiously, but it was greeted with a cruel kick.

  The Nine Snake Pirates who just went out to loot for a month have returned with a full reward!

  "Get ready for a bath."

  A female warrior who was familiar with the process shouted loudly, and Daughter Island began to get busy the moment the Empress disembarked.


  The first update.

Chapter [-] Afterwards, fragrant feet are not allowed! (Second more)

  At the seaside, the woman slowly raised her head, and her arrogant gesture particularly aroused the desire of others to conquer.

  The black and beautiful long hair, with the aristocratic hairstyle of Ji's hair, declares the nobility of her identity.

  With dark blue eyes, snake-shaped earrings on her lovely ears, and a tall stature, the cheongsam with not much fabric seems to be unable to hide her beauty, standing there naturally becomes the center point.

  Seemingly accustomed to this feeling of being surrounded, Hancock didn't feel any discomfort. He stepped forward and was about to walk to the bedroom, but he was a little puzzled by the behavior of his sister next to him.

  "elder sister."

  Boya Marigold shouted and pointed to the distance.


  Following her sister's gaze, the queen's handsome face suddenly froze.

  In the distance, streaks of golden light reflected, and a giant dragon that seemed to be churning in the sea was approaching at a rapid speed, and it was incomprehensible to see it from a distance like clouds and fog.

  "What it is?"

  Hancock was stunned. If she read it right, there is a windless belt there, but the golden dragon's posture is obviously coming from the wind. What's the situation?

  In an instant, the soldiers of Nine Snake Island were also full of doubts. This kind of scene has never happened after the existence of Nine Snake Island.

  But when the dragon was getting closer, Hancock suddenly frowned and jumped to the shore.

  "Ready to fight!"

  Where is the giant dragon, it is clearly a pirate ship. Although I don't know why this pirate ship looks so tall, it is expressly stipulated that no one is allowed to approach on Nine Snake Island.

  Friends and foes!

  "It's finally here.〃."

  Bullying his "little fan girl" all the way, Monet swore that if the boat was slowing down, he would have to drag Tina into the room to do something pleasant, the girl shouted no, But he is more honest than anyone else, and he is completely at the mercy of himself just by taking advantage of it.

  Women are always conflicted.

  Monet shook his head, stood up and carried Tina to the deck. The environment of the Nine Snake Island was quite good. In the original book, Monet found that the architectural environment here is very similar to that of the Great Celestial Dynasty, especially the female emperor. He also likes to wear cheongsam, which is one of the reasons why Qianshou Monet chose this place.

  Heavenly wind.

  Someone will always be missed.

  The battleship approached slowly, and the female warriors led by the woman on the shore caught the attention of Qianshou Monet.

  She is indeed beautiful.

  Tina in Monet's arms slightly tidied up her messy clothes and was obviously jealous. Empress, the world's most beautiful woman is well-deserved.

  At least among the women Tina has ever seen, this one is the most temperamental one.

  Of course, this is also because Tina has never met Monet's women who think so.

  "The most beautiful woman in the world? It makes sense."

  Touching the milk number stopped moving forward to the original anchor, and looked at it condescendingly.Monet yawned and finally fixed his gaze on Hancock's chest. If nothing else, this girl has a pretty good figure, and the fabric of her body is a little leaky. Monet is very dissatisfied with this. I'm afraid she will have to train it later .

  Well, when he saw the girls, Monet had already defined himself as his own girl, and he didn't seek anyone's opinion. He also forgot the reason for the construction of the laboratory on the road.

  "Who are you."

  Hancock, who seemed to sense someone peeping, frowned and asked while tightening his cheongsam a little.

  To be honest, her current attitude is considered polite. Although she still has a arrogant face, if other men approach Nine Snake Island, she will definitely attack directly without asking anything.

  But to the mysterious visitor in front of him, Hancock's first reaction was just to ask. It seems that he came here to save face for himself?


  After waiting for a long time, Hancock didn't get the response he wanted, but felt the scorching gaze again, and this time it was too much, and he stayed in a place where he was more sensitive.

  Fed up!

  She gave him face like this, yet she was so unscrupulous. Is it a muddy thing to be a concubine?

  "¨'Aromatic feet!"

  One of the Queen's stunts!

  It can petrify and smash part of the opponent's body while kicking the opponent, regardless of whether the opponent is lustful or not!

  Leaping high, Hancock's legs quickly kicked Qianshou Monet's head, and her subordinates also took out bows and arrows and started to attack the Mo milk number, but those arrows just shot and fell directly on the ground strangely , The soft and sluggish appearance seems to be announcing that the female warriors have not eaten.


  At the same time, Hancock's foot was directly grabbed by Qianshou Monet with one hand and made a muffled sound.

  To Hancock's surprise, the man's hand did not smash directly as she expected, but the heat from above made her feel a little strange.

  This strangeness made Hancock a little flustered.

  "Aromatic feet? You are not allowed to use this trick on others in the future."

  Monet said lightly.


  The Empress asked in a conditioned reflex. Monet was the first to carry the thousand-handed Monet under her fragrant feet. The others have disappeared into this world as powder, so why not let her use them?

  But in the next second, Hancock understood the meaning of the man. Following her gaze, he found that the man looked strangely in a certain direction. He could understand just by looking at the staggered postures of the two... This man , seems to have seen something amazing!

  "I killed you Liang!"


  Second more.

Chapter [-] That is the power of God! (third more)

  "All right!"

  Just as the Empress fluttered in the air, Qianshou Monet's hand suddenly strained and threw her to the shore.

  "Boyahan Cook, the empress, the king goes down to the Qiwuhai?"

  "It's not easy for a woman to do this for you, but that doesn't mean you can show that stinky face in front of me. If I came here with hostility, Nine Snake Island would no longer exist."

  Monet stood quietly on the deck with his hands behind his back, and a domineering air came out leisurely, and the ninjas behind him all stood behind him after they had assembled.

  "First, my purpose is very simple. After all, we will be neighbors in the future, so it should be said hello in advance."

  "Second, I'll come back to you to discuss a deal in a few days. The deal itself will benefit you."

  "Third, the height of the cheongsam will be so low in the future, the use of fragrant feet is not allowed."

  After the three simple sentences, Monet ignored Hancock's murderous gaze and slowly lifted into the air.

  He wants to be a neighbor, but now he doesn't seem to have his own territory, but this problem can't be simpler, create it if you don't!

  This male 387 can fly?Devil fruit ability?

  Qianshou Monet said three points, the Empress did not listen to a single one, neighbor?There are no islands near Nine Snake Island, all of which are windless, and it is impossible to be a neighbor. In her opinion, this powerful man came down with his own hands to grab the territory.

  The second point is even more funny. This man has already said her identity. I am afraid that it is not a stinky man who wants to use his reputation to do something. The self-sufficient Nine Snake Island does not need the mercy of others!

  As for the third point, what kind of clothes does the concubine wear and what moves do I need to be controlled by others?

  You are not a concubine!

  Biting his lip, Hancock was embarrassed and angry. This was the first time that a man had touched his body, and he had seen it... There, even if he was treated as a slave when he was a child, he had never been treated like this. Tianlong people held their own arrogance. , instead of slamming their bodies directly, what greeted her was more of a whip.

  "Sister, what should I do now?"

  The second sister and the third sister came over and asked in a low voice.

  "Let's see what he's going to do first, and let the people below prepare to attack."

  Hancock quickly ordered, although she didn't know why the bow and arrow shot at the ship before fell off, but she didn't feel that the fighting strength of their female warriors from Nine Snake Island could not solve the other party.

  No matter how strong they are, what can they do?

  Thinking about it, Hancock sneered, everything is still under his control, the man is damn!

  In the end, Qianshou Monet in the air stopped soaring and looked down. The Amazon lily had a pleasant scenery, and if there was nothing else, he could tease the sullen girls on Nine Snake Island.

  Looking in one direction, Monet made a seal with one hand.

  "It's here."

  "God's power! Super! Heavenly obstacles shake the stars!"

  It is made without land, and the best choice to fill the sea to make a foundation is Tianyizhenxing!

  He Qianshou Monet has never been worried about his chakra, that thing is inexhaustible in his body, and he can use it casually.

  "It seems a little big to describe it as raindrops."

  Looking at the sky with pretentiousness, Monet with a thousand hands hugged his shoulders, so the shape was very similar to the original spot.

  "Ban, are you embarrassed?"

  Senju Hasuma on the boat sneered at the good (cabi) friend next to him and asked with a smile.


  The corners of Madara's mouth twitched. At the beginning, he was also pretending to be standing in Susanoo and saying such words to the ants below, but Tianji Zhenxing was just summoned by Qianshou Monet and kicked it. .

  The reason is even more pretentious, it seems to block him from the sun.

  In the air, it seemed that something was getting closer, and the oppressive atmosphere made the female warriors of Nine Snake Island breathless.

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