Yawning, Monet nodded to Mikoto. Even his subordinates couldn't come up on his island. This is the rule, everyone knows it, but his three daughters were bored and wandered back and forth between the two islands. , and occasionally went to the Nine Snakes Island to show off his might to surprise the Empress Hancock.

  So now the news of what happened in the world of One Piece is sent back by Maruko, who keeps her father busy.


  Holding Mikoto in his arms, Monet was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked at the information carefully.

  The information was sent back by Itachi. Itachi, who happened to be in charge of processing information in the revolutionary army, knew what was happening in this world, and would always convey the news back to the ninja camp as soon as possible.

  However, the information in this issue surprised Qianshou Monet.

  The navy offered him a reward, and the value was very high, which was unimaginable for ordinary pirates. Monet, who saw through what the navy was thinking at a glance, was not angry and wanted to pull people to completely destroy Marin Fando, but was a little happy.

  To be honest, he didn't even think about how to increase his popularity. The navy's reward was a big gift for him.

  What is missing from the man destined to rule the world?It is prestige!

  The more you show your face and the more you pretend to be, the people in this world can recognize you and recognize you, so One Piece's world view is very strange, and the high reward originally represented the danger level of that person, but it will still be respected.

  "¨'Mikoto, do you think they are mentally retarded?"

  With a sip on the beauty's face, Monet (very well) asked with a smile.

  Pretty face blushed, Mikoto nodded seriously.

  "Those who do the wrong thing with my husband are all brains. If I were them, I would definitely put down the weapon in my hand and surrender immediately."

  "You still understand me."

  Monet swallowed his saliva, looked around and seemed to plan to come to an enchantment to condolence to his sensible wife.

  "Don't make trouble, the sisters haven't had enough fun yet."

  Mikoto rolled her eyes. It wasn't because she rejected her man, but it was a ridiculous month to finally relax. This kind of real seaside doesn't exist in the ninja world.

  Seemingly disappointed by her man, Mikoto hesitated.

  "There...there are...woods..."

  Third more.

Chapter [-] What is the name of my sister? (fourth more)

  On the road!As expected of my woman!

  Monet took another sip, but he didn't lose his mind and dragged Mikoto to the grove. After all, Sakura's service just now was in place, and he just wanted to hold his wife in the sun for a short time.

  "Sakura, you are amazing."

  In the distance, Ino stared at Sakura's mouth enviously and said.

  "Fortunately, I just recovered from ten voices."

  Sakura motioned to Ino to stop talking, and then began to heal through her neck with the cactus technique. As much happiness as there is pain?There's nothing wrong with this, but it also divides people. Like Monet with a thousand hands, he doesn't have to pay for his indulgence.

  After a long time, Sakura was finally able to speak. After swallowing something leftover, she finally felt better after drinking some water.

  "I've studied a lot of books on that, do you want to read it?"

  Sakura blushed and shared her experience.

  "Forget it, there's no need, I'll just stay in shape."

  Ino shook his head. Master once said that he liked his vest line, and it felt very well-proportioned.

  Just as they were talking, Hinata and Tiantian walked over to 240 with Shion. Heaven and earth conscience, this sister who is very similar to Hinata came to Konoha as a guest, and came here by accident through the Shenwei space.

  It's just that what happened next made this filthy young lady a lot worse, and Monet, who didn't restrain herself, pulled one over and just...

  So until now, Shion has just recovered and can walk, but looking at her reddish face, it is obvious that she did not blame Qianshou Monet for this.

  The girls on the island began to revel in unbridled revelry. This new world made them feel extremely novel. Monet also said that he would take them to see all the scenery in this world in the future.

  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, at night, Monet, who lit a bonfire by the sea, personally prepared a wave of barbecue to satisfy his cravings.

  The girls behind them waited chatting and laughing, and they expressed encouragement for their man's conscientious behavior.

  However, Tina, who was alone not far away, felt a little out of place.

  She really couldn't figure out that the brutal man who almost wiped out the three navy admirals with a wave of his hand had such a gentle side. When facing his woman, the man was extremely gentle, showing his love all the time is definitely not the case. The most important thing is that there are so many women who don't even fight!

  This is the dream of so many men.

  A woman who is not jealous, a strong man, has no sense of disobedience no matter how you look at it.

  On the contrary, she has never been able to integrate into it, and the information sent to the navy is extremely limited. After all, she was hiding from Qianshou Monet in the palace this month.

  Thinking back on this month's mental journey, Tina can only use the word terrible to describe it.

  That man didn't stop!

  Isn't it good that only exhausted cows do not have broken ground?How did he do it?

  Tina, who was afraid that she would be implicated, had been peeping from afar, but the awkward feeling made her want to join in too.

  What happened to Tina?

  Covering her face, Tina couldn't help but walk over step by step when she smelled the fleshy fragrance.

  "Are you the new sister?"

  As a woman of very high rank, Snake Princess always shows a gentle attitude in front of her sisters. After so many years, the ever-green Snake Princess has purple hair and shawls. She is obviously a top-quality royal sister, but she is quite well-behaved. Thousand hands Monet loves tight.

  Taking the initiative to hold Tina's hand, Snake Ji asked curiously, this month, she didn't seem to see this sister's appearance, but being able to appear on this island has proved that she will definitely belong to them in the future.

  Turning her eyes, Tina suddenly found an opportunity to break into the interior!

  Yes, it is more difficult for Monet to handle a thousand hands, so his woman does not seem to have a high IQ!Otherwise, it would not be so silly to welcome other women to share their men.

  "Well, my name is Natizi, I'm new here."

  Tina swallowed her saliva and nodded hurriedly. If she entered the interior, she seemed to be able to discover the man's secret. I always heard them talk about the word before.


  Isn't that the stuff of legend?

  Tina swallowed, then looked at Sheji.

  "What's your sister's name?"

  Intention to get close to Snake Ji, she took the initiative to ask.

  "Just call me Sister Snake Ji."

  Snake Ji patted the little sister's hand to welcome.

  "Well, Sister Snake Ji."

  After shouting, Tina, who seemed to be disgusted by herself, hurriedly entered the topic.

  "Sister, what is a ninja? What kind of power can you use?"

  What is a ninja?

  Snake Ji was stunned for a while, then suddenly realized that there seemed to be no ninjas in this world.

  "Didn't your husband tell you?"

  "No, isn't he busy this month?"

  I don't know why this woman seems to be a bit classical. Women in this world call their husbands husbands. The word husband probably appeared hundreds of years ago. Tina explained in a panic.

  "Then go ask him."

  Squinting, the seemingly stupid Snake Ji's mind is much clearer than Tina's, and after a brief analysis, she sees through that this sister is here to seek information.

  Tina was a little embarrassed, and finally closed her mouth.

  She seemed to underestimate Monet's woman.


  Fourth more.

Chapter [-] Who are you?

  In fact, Qianshou Monet's women have experienced more things than ordinary people imagine, especially Snake Ji was the first to be attacked by Qianshou Monet and successfully pressed into the bathtub and transformed into a real woman, and followed Qianshou Monet from the first From the Second Ninja World War until the unification of the Ninja World, her mind and experience are much more mature than the seemingly capable Tina.

  You can understand the truth just by looking at the difference in age between the two. Unfortunately, Tina still doesn't want to believe the age of Qianshou Monet. After seeing Tina's careful thought, Snake Ji didn't expose the other party. She trusts her man very much. , Since Monet still took her to the island, he must have his own plans, and some things are not beautiful to say.

  Not long after, Qianshou Monet personally delivered a well-prepared barbecue to his wives. Facing the bonfire by the sea, everyone gathered around and enjoyed the warmth that belonged to them.

  Sometimes Senju Monet is indeed the kind of person who is very easy to satisfy, and the emptiness in his heart is replenished with the girls, and this is the life he wants.

  Conquering the world as you please, accompanied by beautiful people, two or three brothers and friends who talk to you, and enjoy the care of your elders...

  It's easier said than done but it's very difficult.

  "Lord Hokage, there is a ship over there."

  While eating barbecue, Mute, who was in charge of waiting for Monet to wipe his mouth, raised his head and looked suspiciously in the distance, and a boat was slowly approaching.

  Looking up, there were only a few women above, two guards were in charge of rowing, and the Empress stood in front of them with a proud and evil look.

  "Drive away, or arrest?"

  Xiao Nan next to him took out the detonating charm and looked at his man. They were a family party now, so outsiders were naturally not welcome.

  "Let that one take the lead."

  Monet glanced at it and waved his hand. He didn't know why the Empress was here, but the last time he summoned the meteorite, the little girl seemed to be frightened and said something indescribable. Qianshou Monet is a man who pays great attention to oaths. Since you said it, you have to do it, such as offering yourself, and the question of the length of the cheongsam and even the fragrant feet...

  Continuing to eat skewers, it is naturally impossible for him to go up to meet a maid in his capacity, isn't it?

  Who are these people?

  Hancock naturally didn't know Qianshou Monet's mental journey, and she was completely stunned at this time.

  On the seaside of the island, all kinds of beauties basically include all types of words to describe women, which can be summed up in four words.

  Peerless fragrance!

  Especially the woman who accompanies Monet with Qianshou, her skin is better than snow, and even her body is extremely noble, which is incomparable to her. Sitting there quietly, she exudes an invisible majesty, and she can't help but admire her.

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