Chapter [-]: Toad Fruit!

  Although everything is under control, I can watch the continuous water flow together and forcefully pour the devil fruit into Sabo's stomach. The scene looks quite disgusting. The chakra of the snake brother is not too much. , But even if the water surge is low-level ninjutsu, the displacement is quite large, and Sabo's stomach has bulged in a while.

  "You are so cruel."

  In Monet's arms, Betty, who seemed to have some appointments, said contemptuously.

  "It's okay, I'll give you some more when I look back, and you won't feel cruel then."

  Mo Nao Sao smiled and didn't explain. Brother Snake's operation can only be regarded as ordinary. He generally doesn't like to force it in. Well, it's all technical skills. a lot of.

  However, it is not easy for the chief of staff of the revolutionary army. He was treated like this when he just fell from the sky and didn't take a breath.

  However, generally speaking, there will always be some changes when taking Devil Fruit for the first time, especially when this kind of serious injury is dying, it is easier to stimulate a person's potential.

  Withdrawing his hands, Brother Snake took out his notebook and looked at Sabo very seriously. If nothing else, this test item would change immediately.

  Time passed by, and everyone stared at Sabo, who was twitching on the ground, not afraid to let out the air. Whether the so-called Devil Fruit that is not afraid of sea water is really about to be revealed soon!

  Qianshou Monet didn't take their doubts to heart. The toad gene in the toad fruit is quite powerful, and even the salt in the sea can adapt to it. The snake brother's technology is very reassuring.


  A few minutes later, a disgusting roar roared out of Sabo's mouth, and then his four skins and the face that was still visible changed...

  "Toad fruit, toad!"

  With a loud shout, Sabo, who was in a sluggish state, bounced off the ground. First, he did twenty backflips on the spot, and then turned [-] degrees in the air and rushed to the sea at an extremely fast speed. That's an understatement. He stepped on the ground, leaving a few cracks, the unrivaled strength of his agile movements, and the figure galloping on the sea, all prove the success of this test!


  On the shore, watching the ugly Sabo play happily, everyone snorted in unison. This is a historic breakthrough. On this small island, things that dragons can't believe has been accomplished. Here, Toad can succeed. Going to the sea, this powerful animal-type devil fruit can be mass-produced.

  You must know that Sabo's current state is impossible to carefully develop the toad fruit, let alone the fruit's awakening. After the first consumption, it can cause such destructive power. This kind of fruit is really hard to find!

  If the cooperation channel can be reached, the strength of the revolutionary army will take off with lightning speed in the future!

  The revolutionary army is not short of cadres, but the backbone. Does the success of the test mean that it is possible to build an invincible naval army in the future?

  The dragon's ambition gradually grew, and his fiery eyes looked at Qianshou Monet.

  "One hundred million Bailey, I hope that Mr. Monet will not go back on his promises."

  "Good talk, good talk."

  Monet smiled and patted Long on the shoulder disapprovingly. Is the revolutionary army short of money?Of course it's not bad. The revolutionary army, which controls dozens of national powers, can afford Devil Fruits. If he wants to build a naval army, he can.

  But this thing is sold and bought, but the core technology is in the hands of the snake brother. The toad fruit power user has a fatal flaw, which is also a common problem with devil fruit. As long as he masters that flaw, his thousand-handed Monet is still the father of the dragon. .

  The test was successful, and celebration was essential. Sabo had fun in the sea for a while, and was then left to rest by the dragon. At night, Monet's splendid living room was brightly lit. Except for the test samples, everyone was present. .. 0

  "Mr. Senju Monet really knows how to enjoy."

  Looking around, there was a hint of envy in Long's eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a mission on his body, he also wanted to build a happy life on a small island like Monet with Qianshou. Look at others, they are also the leaders of the organization. Slap and slap, beat anyone who doesn't like the eye, and if you want to pretend to be forceful, just pretend.

  Looking at yourself, what kind of days are you living?Every day, I am afraid that the world government will arrest people.


  In front of the dragon, Qianshou Monet stopped Betty and forced her to light a cigarette for himself after drinking.

  "Lord Long, I heard that your son is going to sea recently."

  Well, count the days, Luffy will go out to sea in a few days, and the plot of One Piece will officially start. Monet Qianshou has no other hobbies. If you come to the world of One Piece and don’t go to the protagonist to pretend, you will feel uncomfortable. , Although Luffy used to beat people along with Er 0.3 Pillars when he was a child, he was quite interested in the beauty Qianshou Monet beside him on the way of the future One Piece growing up.

  "Mr. Thousand Hands Monet is really powerful. He is far away from the windless belt and actually knows about the East China Sea."

  Long was suddenly shocked, what's the matter, this man is interested in his son?Otherwise how would you know?

  "Don't panic, don't forget that I stayed in Windmill Village for a few years, and I have a good impression of your son."

  Monet waved his hand to calm him down.

  "Don't worry, as long as Luffy doesn't mess with me, I won't beat him. After all, you are my partner."

  "Come on, drink!"


Chapter [-] The mysterious man!

  Chapter 435 The Mysterious Man!

  That said, it sounds harsh.

  Long took a sip of wine and fell into contemplation. He never believed that Qianshou Monet only occasionally heard the news that Luffy was going to sea. In his heart, such a man must have deliberately paid attention to Luffy's movements and told himself the meaning of what he said. If you analyze it carefully, you will know what he means.

  Luffy didn't provoke him, and the two of them were at peace with each other, but in terms of Luffy's temperament and curiosity, if he didn't pay attention to him in the future, he would definitely provoke Qianshou Monet's head. What should we do then?

  "Mr. Thousand Hands Monet, if there is anything that offends you in the future, I hope you will be merciful. The artificial devil fruit will be a reliable chain of cooperation between us in the future. I represent the revolutionary army. ten percent of the price."

  "This cup to you, I hope when the time comes..."

  After hesitating for a while, Long finally took the wine glass and poured it into his mouth.

  Protection fees!

  Let Qianshou Monet not pay 15 protection fees for his son!

  The purchase of Devil Fruits at the original price does not count, but it has also increased by [-]%. You must know that the transaction between them is definitely not one or two, but dozens and hundreds of them. At that time, [-]% will not be a small amount. .

  With this money in exchange for Luffy's growth time, this transaction is not a loss!

  In fact, in his capacity, it is always a bit embarrassing to do such a thing, but there is no way, even Long himself is not sure that he can beat Qianshou Monet, let alone Qianshou Monet, even if the man who can fly, his name He was not sure of defeating the arrogant man named Madara Uchiha, and the two moves he used alone had shocked him beyond words.

  His subordinates are so strong, how strong is Qianshou Monet who is the leader?

  Long can't imagine the level of strength of a man who can win over so many outstanding talents...

  Well, the dragon is much smarter than the navy. After seeing Qianshou Monet, his first reaction was to make friends. Instead of suppressing or listing him as an enemy, he tried his best to make friends with each other.

  After all, it is not so simple to be a man who can win over dozens of countries and become his own power. The navy is just pretending to be courting death. If he doesn't listen to Garp's advice and insists on robbing things, he deserves to be reduced to the present.

  "Good talk, good talk, come on, keep drinking!"

  Monet continued to guzzle with a smile, the night fell, and the atmosphere of the island was still the same. No one knew what Monet's heart was really thinking...

  Navy Headquarters!

  The huge Marin Fando was slightly pale under the moonlight, and the soldiers who were patrolling in the past had a solemn face, but they looked tired, and since the Warring States Marshal announced that the three generals would retreat at the same time, Marin Fando's alert level has increased several times. Bei, for so long, they haven't even had a good night's sleep.

  Yes, the Warring States period cannot always say that the three generals are being healed after being beaten to death by Qianshou Monet, otherwise the pirates of the new world will definitely take the opportunity to attack, so we arranged a pretense to make everyone feel at ease.

  Located in the center of Marin Vatican, after passing through the lengthy passage, Sengoku took Karp into a closed convalescent room.

  On the bed, Mrs. He stared at the ceiling dully, with all kinds of needles inserted in her body, all of which were equipment to prolong her life.

  It has been a long time since that day, on behalf of the Navy, she approached Monet with thousands of hands to discuss the invincible battleship, but in Crane's view, it happened only yesterday, and the sword that covered the sky formed a frozen picture in my heart. At the same time, a general fought against her and protected her, I am afraid that she was already dead at that moment.

  Rao is so, she and the three generals who survived and escaped have suffered a great blow. The three generals are okay. After being in a coma for half a year, they have recovered their will and the goal is to do rehabilitation exercises, but she, according to the current trend, still have to lie down for the first half of the year. .

  "Warring States..."

  Seeing Sengoku and Garp coming in, Lieutenant General Crane opened his mouth and called out Sengoku's name.

  "Crane, I'm sorry."

  Standing beside the crane bed with a face full of guilt, Warring States really didn't know what to say.


  Crane is already like this, what problem can an apology solve?

  To kill Qianshou Monet to avenge the crane?

  An enemy like that... even if you risk your life, you won't be able to touch a single hair of him, right?Didn't you see that the three generals couldn't even take a sword and live in 740?

  For the Warring States period, the crane is not dead, and the three generals are not dead. It is already the greatest luck. He has already handed over everything to the world government, but the five old stars just said one sentence and try to avoid and Qianshou Monet. No other explanation was given after the conflict.

  It's really disheartening to be a Admiral at this point.

  Shaking his head laboriously, the crane did not blame the Warring States. The Warring States sent her to negotiate with her trust. Even if she sat in the position of the Warring States, she would agree to perform the task.

  Who would have thought that the little-known thousand-handed Monet would be so powerful?

  The truth that there are people outside people and heaven outside people is simple to say, but they seem to have forgotten this sentence in high positions.

  "What happened to Akainu and the others?"

  Crane asked suddenly.

  "They've all woken up one after another, and they're still recovering, but they can't fight yet."

  Warring States sighed, he really couldn't imagine how strong the three of them could be against such embarrassed men.

  Thousand Hands Monet...

  Mysterious existence. .

Chapter [-] is over before it even begins.

  Time has passed. Since Qianshou Monet and Long reached an agreement, the two sides have formed a very reliable trading channel. The development of Monet's organization has been guaranteed by funds. Every month, he can get considerable profits from Long, and Snake has not. To his disappointment, a production line for toad fruit has been established.

  This kind of low-end fruit does not require much raw materials to make, as long as you master the technology.

  Money is very important in the world of One Piece. With money, Qianshou Monet can unscrupulously develop his own power in the windless belt, which is the entrance to the great route.

  Of course, it is not enough to rely on these people to conquer the world. Although the term "barbarian conquering barbarian" is used here, it is not appropriate, but the truth is that.

  Before the connection point between One Piece World and Naruto World is not completely opened up, Qianshou Monet needs some low-end combat power, gathers some small forces and gives them some strength to be cannon fodder. This is Qianshou Monet's plan.

  However, this requires a process. The plan to build a cannon fodder army is just a blueprint. The specific implementation plan was left to the second master, who is Qianshou Tobirama. After he came to this world, the second master, the sea escape madman, has not played him yet. The power of Qianshou Monet, to be precise, is not the second master's sea escape, but his brainwashing ability!

  It would be more appropriate for the second master to be in charge of this project.

  As for his Qianshou Monet, he has already thought about what to do in the next stage.

  Luffy is going to sea!

  Some of the people he wears are very interesting, yes, just pure sexual interest.

  The legendary little thief cat Nami and the mature royal sister Robin.

  These two are very talented on Luffy's pirate ship. It's better to grab it and fight for himself. He is not interested in Nami's navigator's ability and the secrets of Robin's ancient writing, which are related to him. It's not big, he does know some of the plot of One Piece, and there is no need to think about the secrets of the Tianlong people.

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