Nami already knew when she entered his arms. After all, it wasn't a man who would push hard on someone the first time they met.

  And the use of beauty tricks against such a man has been tried and tested!

  "Are you Thousand Hands Monet?"

  Smiling shyly at Monet, Little Thief Cat started her performance.

  "I am your fan."

  Crap, here we go again.

  Monet swallowed, and when it came to fans, he had to mention Tina. Since Qianshou Monet had done some things he liked after drinking too much and went to the wrong bed that day, Tina has been named Qianshou. Monet also had a showdown, and when he got on, he got on. From now on, you will be my girl. As his girl, being obedient is the first point.

  However, Tina's body has been completely conquered, and the rest is just a little awkward. As time goes by, I will definitely admit this fact. Now Tina is playing mahjong with Xiaonan and the others in his space.

  Now, he has one more little fan girl.

  Well... the stuff of fried noodles...

  I will take the lead!

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