Zilai also swallowed, "Although the kiln sister there is relatively old, she still has a good charm, and I think that boy Sakumo is good, let him play with him for a long time..."

  Take White Fang to a prostitute?

  Monet looked at Jiraiya in shock, boy, you've finally graduated. It's not in vain for this old man to bring you to Dao, you know that development is offline, it's a bit interesting...  

  What surprised Monet the most was that he didn't even know the location of the kiln, but Jiraiya had already figured it out. This is a talent that others can't learn.

  "Take it easy, it's the first time for Sakumo, I guess it won't be able to withstand the devastation of those aunts..."

  "No problem, leave it to me!"

  Slamming the door and leaving, Jiraiya's running posture is always so unrestrained.

  "Why did he go?"

  Tsunade, who had taken a beauty sleep in the bedroom, came out suspiciously, and the large pajamas on her body gave people unlimited imagination.

  Patting his leg, Monet motioned Tsunade to sit up.

  The little girl was shy and obeyed the order.

  "Cousin, why don't we continue to destroy the stronghold of the Land of Rain? If we continue to do so, it is estimated that Yuyin Village will not be able to hold on for a long time."

  "When the time comes, we, Konoha, in the Land of Rain will have the final say. Isn't it a good thing?"

2.0 Holding his cousin's neck, Tsunade has some doubts in his eyes, shouldn't this kind of thing strike while the iron is hot?

  "You, you only know one and not the other. What is the use of our Konoha for this small country that is so shabby and sandwiched between the three major countries? Will it attract hatred? At that time, it will be besieged by other Shinobi villages."

  "This business is only done by fools, it's better to let Hanzo carry it there."

  Touching Tsunade's little face, Monet smiled slightly.

  "Wait, I'm forcing that old dog Hanzo to give in. He will send people to negotiate with us in a few days! That's the best time to get benefits!"


  The third one!Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] This is the mark of the Flying Thunder God! (fourth more)

  The country of rain is still chaotic, but Monet has lived a very comfortable life these days.

  Watching my cousin become more and more watery, there will always be a kind of pride and pride that arises spontaneously from the heart.

  Tsunade deserves to be Tsunade. When her potential explodes, no one can stop her, and her daily growth is visible to the naked eye.

  It feels better and better.

  He walked out of the room with no end in sight, intending to breathe, but he was not willing to wash his hands today, it seems that some milky fragrance made him immersed in it.

  This stupid girl...

  Still sighing, Monet suddenly saw two figures in the distance walking towards each other, supporting each other. The heavy and staggering footsteps gave Monet a headache.

  The faces of the two silver-haired youths were extremely pale. They supported each other and borrowed each other's strength. The other hand covered their kidneys without exception. The movements were very uniform.

  From their blurred eyes, it must have been a couple of wonderful nights.


  For some reason, Monet always felt that Jiraiya suddenly became a lot more mother-in-law, and calling him a voice made people feel sick.


  After swallowing, Monet looked at the two Sao Nian in front of him and fell into contemplation. Since he is a kiln in a small mountain village, the quality of the kiln sisters who are willing to come out is estimated to be the same. In addition, the charm that Zilai also said is still there... Preliminary It is definitely the aunt level, or even the age of sitting on the ground to suck soil.

  Jirai is not bad, his fighting power is quite strong, it is not a problem to knock down a kiln sister in one minute, but Bai Ya... This is obviously a bad game, right?

  "Kidney hurts, but fortunately it's not humiliating. Ten aunts are finally satisfied and don't embarrass you!"

  Sakumo Hatake struggled to squeeze out a smile, and Hatake Sakumo didn't want to be ashamed in front of the honorable shadow in his heart. He gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up straight. This is what happened. Because Jiraiya was unsatisfactory, the kiln sisters began to treat their gold masters. Cynical, but the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, White Fang decides to stand up and defend Konoha's dignity.

  This is a classic allusion to the grinding of an iron pestle into a needle. White Fang tried his best for his dignity as a man!

  Zilai was too embarrassed to speak.


  Monet felt nauseous, patted the two of them on the shoulders and gave them an encouraging look. It was the first time he saw someone elevate prostitution to maintaining the dignity of the village.

  Awesome my white teeth!

  You are so arrogant!Very strong!

  "Kun Monet, just now our people sent back an urgent message."

  Brother Snake suddenly emerged from the yard next to him, holding a small purple snake in his hand, and was biting a scroll in the small snake's mouth.

  A few years ago, the snake brother thought about life again because he saw a molting snake, and then injected himself with snake cells without hesitation.

  However, his psychic beast is really convenient for conveying information.

  "Hanzo is looking around for our location, do you want to personally attack our Konoha forces?"

  After watching the intelligence together, Orochimaru gave his own analysis.

  "Unless he's crazy."

  Gather all the strength of Yuyin Village to kill yourself?

  This is not a child who can be willful, he really does that, and other ninjas in the Ninja Village will not hesitate to directly divide the rain country into it!

  What's more, it's not like he hasn't played against Hanzo before, relying on the Flying Thunder God with one hand, he can fight and run, and no one can stop him!

  Why does he have the confidence to rely on those people in Yuyin Village to kill the three generations of Hokage?

  Think too much?

  "Tomorrow you send a brother out for a walk, um, take our Konoha's forehead guard, it's better to let it go around Yuyin Village."

  Touching his chin, Monet wanted to understand something.

  "Isn't that sending him to death?"

  The sweaty face also asked suspiciously.

  "He doesn't dare, and he will send people over to us very politely."

  Monet smiled slightly. He had said before that he would force Danzo to submit to himself, and now is the time.

  Unable to withstand the siege of all the Shinobi villages, Hanzo, who has more than his heart but lacks strength, finally wants to understand the way of uniting his family to expel other hostile forces.

  As for why Monet was so sure that Hanzo's partner was himself?

  This is very simple, because the Konoha ninja forces that he led are the greatest threat to Hanzo!

  Even if he finds others to jointly deal with Konoha, Qianshou Monet can easily make Hanzo unable to sleep and lose a lot of people every day. This is his Qianshou Monet's ability!

  So far, only Konoha has bullied Yuyin Village, and Hanzo has tried to counterattack but has never succeeded.

  Cooperate with Konoha to expel his heart disease, and then rely on Konoha's power to expel other forces.

  Anyone can beat 207 with this abacus, and the idea is also very good, but he is not a fool waiting to be used by you Hanzo.

  "It always feels unsafe to send someone else, Monet-kun, why don't I go there."

  Snake brother thought about it and volunteered.

  "How can this trivial matter bother Senior Orochimaru! Leave it to me! Please rest assured, even if I am caught by Hanzo, I will not say anything about the village!"

  Hatake Sakumo gritted his teeth and gave himself a slap in the face. He needed a chance after he didn't perform well these days.

  "Courage is commendable, but brother, your kidneys have exploded in situ. Take a good rest. There will be opportunities for performance in the future."

  "Brother Snake, take a trip, but be careful, don't rub the mark on your face, it's the mark of the God of Thunder."

  He drew a bastard on Brother Snake's face, Monet warned.

  Don't you know that Monet's Flying Thunder God doesn't need a mark?

  Brother Snake took out the mirror suspiciously and looked at the bastard on his face, and finally shook his head and turned to leave. Since it was said by Mo Nai, there was nothing wrong.


  Fourth more.


Chapter [-]: Convince People with Reason! (fifth more)

  Leng Jun Orochimaru is active again in Yuyin Village, and he adheres to the high-profile purpose that Monet said.

  The snake brother who just went out killed two curious babies, the ninja of the land of the land who just glanced at him.

  Under the guidance of Qianshou Monet, Brother Snake, who had an extremely broken mentality in the original book, became even more ruthless. With the pale face, the word Lengjun was really not in vain, but the bastard on his face spoiled the atmosphere.

  Killing all the way, Brother Snake finally came to a position close to Yuyin Village.

  Just as he stood firm, a dozen figures suddenly appeared behind him.

  "Lengjun Orochimaru, please come with us."

  One of the ninjas said in a low voice.

  "What if I say no?"

  Who are you Snake Brother?Said to leave with you?Is he shameless?

  "What if the old man personally invites you to go?"


  Another figure came, and Sanjiao Yu Hanzo's sickle was placed on Orochimaru's neck.

  Sticking out his tongue, Brother Snake didn't panic at all, the sharp fork similar to Snake Letter smelled the danger in the air.

  "You can try."

  The surroundings were quiet, the light rain was flowing on the ground, and the atmosphere seemed to be extremely tense!Relying on the keen perception of the snake, Orochimaru has clearly felt a strong murderous aura from Hanzo.

  Like a substantive sharp sword and a biting cold wind, Orochimaru faced the murderous aura indifferently.

  Just because of Mo Nai-kun's words, he concluded that Sanjiao Yu Hanzo did not dare to do anything to him.

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