Chapter [-] Great victory! (fifth more)


  In Chiyo's grief-stricken cry, the surviving Sand Ninjas began to flee frantically, but Monet had arranged for someone to cut off the opponent's back road before attacking. Even if Sand Ninja and Yunyin Village's ninja wanted to break through, they would have to pay a heavy price. price.


  Taking advantage of the victory, Monet did not choose to take care of Chiyo who was fleeing, but instead focused on those Chunin and special Jounin. This is the living force of a village, and it is easy to kill with his Flying Thunder God and Thunder God Sword. .

  War requires brains, and fighting a ninja village not only requires high-end combat power, but the lack of viable power will make a village quickly decline. How long does it take to kill an elite Shangnin or Shangnin, and "May [-]" may not be killed, there is that time. It's better to pick soft persimmons.

  Carrying the sword of Thor, every time he slashed, he took away the life of a young sand ninja, and Monet enjoyed it.

  A man is a murderer, who doesn't want to gallop on the battlefield?

  Some people may wonder why Monet did not use a large-scale ninjutsu such as Mu Dun to kill the opponent and harvest life.

  Staring at the battlefield, Konoha's ninjas are entangled with the enemy. If a spiral shuriken is used at this time, more people will die. On a large battlefield, unless one person challenges a legion and hits a few meteors like a big... ...This is not a game, there are teammates to protect or something, the lethality of ninjutsu also works for allies.

  After all, this battlefield is still the ownership of cold weapons, and Monet likes the feeling of galloping.

  A scum is a murderer. His golden fingers are very powerful. Every time he harvests life, he will increase his attribute points. Although not much, it is better than nothing.

  On the battlefield, the crushed Sand Shinobi was chased by Konoha ninjas and fell one by one, and blood became the main style of this world.

  The Yunyin Village side is also uncomfortable. Hyuga and Uchiha belong to the elite troops in the Konoha Allied Army. The three generations of Raikage Ai in Yunyin Village did not come to the supervisor in person, and basically presented a one-sided situation under the offensive of the two clans. .

  Great victory in this battle!

  The conspiracy of Yunyin Village and Sand Ninja Village could not be hidden under Monet's Kagura heart. Not only did they crack the conspiracy of the other party, but they also defeated the opponents killed by the two camps in one fell swoop.

  1V2 victory.

  When the news came back to Konoha, the villagers began to cheer and look excited, feeling the joy of victory as if they were on the battlefield.

  Monet didn't take the credit, whoever killed as many enemies as he counted reported the reward and never defaulted on the reward, so the coach will be deeply supported!

  "As expected of my grandson of Qianshou Tobirama!"

  The second master was very happy, and it was the first time his grandson took command of the expedition that he gave him such a big surprise.

  For the whole day, the second master had a smile on his face as if he had eaten honey.

  At the border of the Land of Rain, Monet did not rush in and join Hanzo, but ordered his men to clean the battlefield and harvest the spoils.

  The Yunyin Village ambush team almost wiped out the entire army, but the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village rushed out under the leadership of Chiyo.

  Konoha, who had just set out on the expedition, needed a big victory to consolidate the position of the No. [-] Ninja Village, but a victory would not let Monet hinder Monet's footsteps.

  Just because they fought beautifully in the first battle doesn't mean they won, it's just a small fight.

  Sand Ninja and Yun Yin who reacted will be more cautious, and the war is still in the stalemate and brewing stage.

  The second Ninja World War has not yet fully erupted during this time period. The major powers are only tentatively attacking each other. This tentative stage will last for a long time. Monet is very clear.

  When the Second Ninja World War officially broke out, it was when Sanjiao Yu Hanzo couldn't bear the feeling of being caught in the middle of so many great powers and angrily declared war.

  That was the beginning of the war. Monet's task now is to stabilize the situation, and the major powers also know this in their hearts. …

  The original book Zhongshan Jiaoyu Hanzo has some flaws in IQ. You said that you want to declare war simply with a country. He was completely suffocated and some psychopaths directly declared war with all the Ninja villages that entered the country of rain.

  Isn't this a brain disease?Don't you know the so-called drive to gobble?

  Monet does not comment on this, anyway, this battle is enough to deter other Ninja villages and tell others that their wood industry is not easy to mess with, and the goal has been achieved, so what to do.


  The Land of Rain, a magical place.

  The entrance of a secret cave is blocked by weeds.

  There is a cave at the end of the passage, and a closed-eyed monster that looks extremely ferocious stands there safely.

  In front of the monster was a dying old man sitting there. The years left scars on his face indiscriminately, and a face that did not belong to him was engraved on the chest of the shirtless old man.

  Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst out, one after another like a circle of reincarnation appearing in the pupil.

  Uchiha Madara!

  The man who ruled an era together with Senju Hakuma!

  Everyone thought he was dead!

2.2 "Man, have you found it?"

  Madara's voice could be heard far away in the empty cave.

  "There is no Madam Ban, we need patience."

  A black shadow suddenly emerged from the ground, and it looked extremely greasy with a jet-black luster.

  There was a hint of disappointment in Madara's eyes and he didn't speak.

  "But Madam Madara, this time I went out and gained something else..."



  Cough, emm, how could the milk dog not know the time when the second ninja war broke out, it is purposeful to bring troops to guard the border, well, it's coming out. .

Chapter [-] Why are you so good? (sixth more)

  "Not interested in."

  Madara closed her eyes without the slightest urge to listen.

  Is there anything in the ninja world worthy of his attention?

  Ninja Village War?

  Or infighting?

  What's the point of those.

  This is a false world, and his mission is to change it completely.

  The only way to save the world is Infinite Monthly Reading!

  Hasuma, I'll let you know I'm right.

  "It's about the Qianshou clan, Mr. Madara may not know, the Qianshou clan has been very lively in recent years."

  Hei Jue was not displeased by Madara's attitude. He was accustomed to this way of talking and was not discouraged. In fact, Hei Jue was also surprised. For the past few years, he has been paying attention to the appearance of people who are suitable for inheriting Madara's eyes. No results yet.

  Instead, I had nothing to do to observe Konoha to see if Uchiha had any idiots worth taking advantage of.

  Who knows this observation to understand what he has missed all these years.

  The second Hokage Senju Tobirama is back from the dead!

  He used thunder to clear all 13 obstacles for his grandson, and his grandson Qianshou Monet was even more surprising. At a young age, the city was extremely deep, and even after entering the country of rain, the growth rate had a qualitative leap!

  Most importantly, Awakened Mu Dun!

  This is worthy of Hei Jue's attention, because the successor of the previous Asura has died. Is the Qianshou Monet who awakened Mu Dun the next reincarnation of Asura?

  After thinking about it, I think it is wrong, because Asura and Indra were reincarnated together, and Madara was still strong before he died, which means that Indra was not reincarnated successfully.

  This is even more puzzling. Although Chakra, who is young and huge, does not know if he has awakened the immortal human body, it may not be ordinary to release the tree world at that age.

  what happened?

  Hei Jue had a question mark in his head and didn't go to observe the kid fighting the grass to startle the snake. He decided to let Madara go to fire, it is best to let Madara take action to get rid of this uncertainty.

  Sometimes Hei Jue's way of thinking is really intriguing, Lao Yinjiao's attributes are vulgar and nothing to say, for him, Ban is his pawn, a very obedient pawn.

  At least for the time being.

  "Thousands of hands?"

  Madara Uchiha looked down at Hei Jue arrogantly.

  "Since Hasuma died, what else is there to be concerned about with Senju? Is his brother Senju Tobirama?"

  Speaking of the second master, there was a murderous look in Madara's eyes. Perhaps his only regret now is that he did not kill the second master, the second generation who killed his own younger brother Quan Nai.

  But it doesn't matter, the world will change completely before long, what's the point of hatred or something?

  After a brief fluctuation, Madara's expression returned to calm again.

  "The grandson of Qianshouzhuma has awakened Mu Dun, and he is suspected of awakening the immortal body, and he will also use the technique of flying thunder gods of Qianshou Tobirama."

  Hei Jue didn't bother to talk to Uchiha Madara about those twists and turns. He was sure that this kid named Qianshou Monet would definitely arouse Madara's interest.

  "Lord Madara, if we design him to be your heir after death, will Chishou Hasuma find out about it?"

  "Hashima is dead! Death is in my hands!"

  Bakugou said indifferently.

  Ha ha.

  Hei Jue is quite disdainful about this. If it weren't for your eye, I'm afraid it would be you who died. Even if you weren't seriously injured, if you didn't transplant that Asura's cells, you'd go to the west, right?

  "And Qianshou is not a Uchiha, and it is not so easy to become a pawn. How easy is it to use the dark side of Qianshou? A bad thing will affect the later plans!"

  Madara directly refuted this and taught him a hard lesson about his disobedient will.

  Think about it too, thousands of hands blackened?The difficulty is not unusually high, especially if Monet's heart is already black enough, and you want to force him to blacken than to go to the sky.

  "However, the descendants of Shima also awakened Mu Dun and the immortal human body? I'm interested in seeing him."

  Madara Uchiha slowly got up, the pipe behind the outsider golem was torn apart, and he moved a little after not moving for many years.

  Is it fragrant?Madam Spot?

  Hei Jue is even more contemptuous in his heart, Madara Uchiha, who has a typical head that lacks roots and strings and uses it casually. His character has already been figured out by himself, but the eyes of the moon are ridiculous Uchiha.


  "Lord Hokage, Hanzo has sent messengers three times to let us enter the Land of Rain, do you see?"

  At the border of the Land of Rain, Monet was staring at the gloomy environment inside. The dark weather formed a strong contrast with the sunny appearance here.

  This is unscientific, and even with meteorological research it is impossible to figure it out.

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