The other Iwanin looked a little dazed after taking a breath.

  "Hey, don't you feel it, the newly delivered ration pills are much better than before!"

  "Yeah, yeah, I don't know who did it, I'll let Lord Tuying reward you."

  "Brother, are you hot?"


  Scenes like this began to appear in the camp, heralding the beginning of a great war!

  This is a battle destined to go down in history, and all Iwanin will declare war with their comrades, Bright Bayonet!

  Fourth more.

  Oh, in a while. .

Chapter [-] Add another fire! (fifth more)

  "Steel gun, steel gun!"

  After a red-faced man rushed out of the camp and jumped into the pool next to him, countless ninjas from Iwahideen Village also rushed out and wanted to jump in to cool off.

  It's just a pity that the pool is a trap for Monet, and the super giant Buddha sticks are placed the most in the entire camp.


  The first ninja to plunge in came out naked, and then put the companion next to him on the ground without saying a word.

  Well, the system of Iwayin Village is not the same as that of Konoha. It is not the kind of two men and one woman in a team.

  Onogi's understanding of the will of the stone is in place, men are the stones, women are better off staying at the back, and the first group is the vanguard, and they are all male compatriots.

  Steel gun!

  Bright sword!

  Fight bayonet!

  With red eyes, the comrades collided with each other and screamed one after another!

  "Ya Butterfly!"

  "It can be swish..."

  "One dog 13..."



  Spicy eyes!

  Monet retracted his gaze and almost vomited.

  Tsk tsk, this scene is so fucking enjoyable, everyone is like-minded comrades, fighting bayonet is really fun.

  The sound of the ear system has never been heard.

  "Ding! The host successfully broke a man with normal sexual orientation and started a happy life with offense instead of defense."

  "Physical +1!"

  "Ding! The host has indirectly caused XX's stubbornness, which is really the work of scum."

  "Spirit +1!"

  "Ding! Onogi's tragic siege caused her lumbar disc herniation and psychological trauma! It is very likely that he will be afraid of men in the future."

  "Strength +50! Constitution +60! Chakra +100!"


  Ohnogi came in person?And in the vanguard?

  Even got bombed?

  Monet listened to the sound in horror, grabbed Jiraiya and waited for someone to retreat quickly.

  Shadow-level powerhouses are very resistant to drugs, and Onogi, who was exploded after a while, had to explode on the spot.

  slip away.

  It was a wonderful night, and the ninjas of the land of the land realized where the saying that the same sex is true love came from.

  Even faintly some people are obsessed with this feeling, and many ninjas who have experienced unspeakable things actually walk together with shy faces...

  Monet's sound didn't stop all night, until he couldn't bear it, he turned off the sound and went back to the camp to fall asleep holding the fragrant Tsunade.

  Silent all night.

  The next day, Monet was woken up by someone outside.

  "What's the matter, didn't I tell you not to disturb my sleep unless there are special circumstances?"

  Monet, who hastily got up from Tsunade, yawned and walked out of the camp.

  "Lord Hokage, good news!"

  Hatake Sakumo excitedly took out the scroll from his arms.

  "The information that the spies outside just got, the Land of Earth has declared war on the Land of Wind!"


  Hearing this, Monet immediately became refreshed, grabbed the scroll and looked at it carefully.

  In fact, this is not a secret, but the news from Konoha's side came back earlier.

  "Oyogi is crazy?"

  Monet said in a daze, something is wrong, the old guy was blasted last night, and now he still has the spirit to declare war?

  "From the newspaper, it was said that the group was poisoned by Iwa Shinobi. After Ohnogi's judgment, the person who can make such a powerful poison must be Sand Shinobu's Chiyo..."

  Holding back a smile, Hatake Sakumo hurriedly explained.

  Monet suddenly realized that the improved version of the super giant Buddha stick was prepared by Monet himself. It is colorless and tasteless and has an inexplicable impulse. Chiyo's poison is famous in the ninja world. .


  This time, the Sand Ninja Village is really innocent. They have just experienced the anti-flanking designed by Monet. Their pioneer army has been severely damaged, and they still have the energy to deal with the group of friends of Oh Yemu?

  But speaking of injuries, it is estimated that Ohnogi and the ninjas of his headquarters fought hard all night last night.

  Both sides should belong to fifty-five.

  Touching his chin, Monet's eyes lit up again, and he took a picture of a box of Big Buddha Soldier's Food Pills and pointed.

  "I will give you all the scouts and meticulous work outside, and I want to make Ohnogi sure that this is what Chiyo did!"

  "Besides, try to find a way to clarify what the role of the military ration pill is. It's best to shake off the matter of the bayonet and steel gun in the Yanyin camp. In any case, let Chiyo take the charge! Oh Yegi lost his face!"

  "What to do, find your own way, what I want is a result, but if you don't 303, let the enemy hold this thing and I will use it next time."

  Standing up, Monet patted White Fang on the shoulder.

  "Sakumo, you have a good foundation and a good talent, but you only need opportunity and experience. I, Qianshou Monet, is the third generation Hokage of Konoha. What I need is elite soldiers, and if you work hard, there will be opportunities!"

  "Thank you Hokage-sama for cultivation!"

  The excited Hatake Sakumo knelt on the ground on the spot, who doesn't want to make a name for himself in the ninja world?For himself, for the rise of the Hatake clan, he has to work harder!

  "Go, be careful, you can go to Qianshou to transfer the elite, I'll wait for your good news."

  Monet waved his hand, this matter is not difficult to control, all you need is a head.

  "I said, cousin, what did you do to be conscientious?"

  Tsunade yawned and came out of the back room. After listening for a long time, she didn't understand what her cousin and Hatake Sakumo were talking about.

  Fight bayonet?

  Steel gun?

  Tsunade has a question mark in his head.


  Fifth more.

  Ask for a ticket. .

Chapter [-] Declaration of war?Fish in troubled waters! (sixth more)

  "Cousin, don't panic, you should not ask about the bayonet for the time being. Sooner or later, my bayonet will belong to you."

  Monet put his arms around Tsunade's waist and smiled slightly, this girl is getting plump now, so he couldn't put it down.

  "Master host, if you are a cousin of this age, you may get a lot of it if you are a beast..."


  Monet rolled his eyes.

  Although it is said that according to the routine of three years of earning money without losing the death penalty, there is not even any punishment for harming ignorant girls in this world.

  But Monet really can't do it.

  Picking girls should be at the best age, at least to develop, otherwise how do you feel about the washboard?Understand the natural understanding of fat is the best.

  Heck, think too much.

  Monet swallowed and pulled up Tsunade.

  "Come on, I haven't had a massage yet. My cousin will teach you to recruit new ones."


  Life is full of ups and downs, but some people obviously don't agree.

  The steel gun incident continued to ferment, and under Monet's intentional guidance, everything about Ohnogi and his guards was revealed.

  And when Iwa Ninja's spies discovered the remaining super giant Buddha stick food pills in a stronghold of Sand Ninja...

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