It took him three days to think of a surefire way.

  "Yes, as soon as we arrived at the vortex village, we were ambushed by the three generations of Hokage and Qianshou Monet, and all but me were killed!"

  "If Monet hadn't asked me to bring you one, I would have died!"

  Shui Wuyue Shi Huang, who was covered in blood, said sadly and indignantly, of course, he caused the injury himself, in order to get the sympathy of the third generation of water shadows and poured dirty water on Qianshou Monet.

  "Didn't I tell you to have a better attitude? Why are you still being attacked?"

  The three generations of Mizukage squinted their eyes with murderous aura. It is extremely important for Wuyin Village to select the right person for Zhuli!In this matter, he will try his best to complete it even if he pays the price.

  "Lord Mizuying, we all followed your instructions. We first handed over our invitation to Wuyin Village and then went. It's just that they agreed to this matter openly but contacted Konoha secretly..."

  As soon as they exerted force, the wound burst open again and fresh blood flowed on the floor of the office. Shui Wuyue Shi Huang coughed very miserably. In fact, the heavy ceremony they played all the way was also stunned by themselves, and it was even more impossible to greet them with greetings. I didn't even go directly to the Vortex Village. I couldn't help it. As a Da Nin Village, I was used to being arrogant.

  Looking at his appearance, the three generations of water shadows looked gloomy and uncertain, and he still can't judge the truth of this matter.

  He thought that this trip would be difficult. After all, the Whirlpools were distant relatives of Qianshou and allies of Konoha. It would be reluctant to ask them for a candidate for Zhuli, so he specially prepared generous gifts and asked his subordinates to discuss.

  But the other party actually joined Konoha to kill everyone?

  Did that newly appointed Naruto kid have his head squeezed by the door?You Konoha are now in a stalemate with other Ninja villages on the battlefield, and even have a head-to-head fight with Yunyin Village. Now you are taking the initiative to provoke them to Wuyin Village?

  No matter how you think about it, it's weird!

  "What did he tell you to bring?"

  After slowing down, the third generation of water shadow asked with a frown.

  "Well, he said..."

  After swallowing, Shui Wuyue Shi Huang reluctantly raised his head. It's the most critical time. Can the three generations of Shui Ying lose their sanity? Let's see!

  "Let it go! What the hell did he say!"

  Mizukage angrily opened her small eyes and yelled loudly. …

  "He said! The little Wuyin Village dares to provoke the whirlpool, it is simply beyond your own power! He even asked you to publicly apologize to Konoha and say that you will never dare, and finally..."

  "He made you famous in the apology letter, he killed the people of Wuyin Village well! You are very happy! Thank him!"

  Bury it!

  Really buried!

  If Monet knew that this kid was so talkative when he came back, he couldn't help applauding Shui Wuyue Shi Huang, your old man's ability to make up stories is so fucking powerful!I guess he believes it himself?

  In the story, Qianshou Monet seems to have become a bully-like existence, treating the vortex family as his private property, and no one else can get close to it.

  Do you see it!The whirlpool clan can only treat us Konoha as dogs!

  You Wuyin Village are thinking a little bit, and this is the end!

  You paralyzed Lao Tzu not only did you kill your people, but you also had to say that the killing was good, you were very touched!

  "Too deceiving!"

  The third generation of Shuiying Lung has slapped the desk in front of him and smashed it. Unlike his stupid subordinates, he has studied the war outside and the characters of other village shadows, but he did not tell the people below. That's it.

  After Monet repelled Raikage, he deliberately learned about Monet's resume, and summed it up in one word, mad!

5.9 It is really possible for him to say such a thing!The tone is very similar!

  "Did he really say that?"

  Picking up Shui Wuyue Shi Huang's blood-stained collar, the third generation of Shui Ying struggled to open her originally small eyes and questioned again.

  "If there is a lie... willing to be punished!"

  Shui Wuyue Shi Huang also went out of his way. Damn it, he died. His desire to win is so strong that he might as well expand the matter and let Qianshou Monet bear it himself!

  "It's tolerable, but it's unbearable! Thousand-handed Monet! I will kill you!"


  Suddenly, the Shuiying Building shook, and Qianshou Monet, who seemed to hear something, fell from the sky.

  "Who the fuck is calling me?! Who wants to dance again?"


  The third one!

  Get it done! Get it done!More to death! .

Chapter [-] Open your eyes and talk to me! (fourth more)


  The third generation of water shadows, who was in a fit of anger, instantly jumped from the window and fell to the square. Suddenly someone came in from his own village and kicked the water shadow building?

  Seeing the big footprint in the corner, Suiying's face was full of anger. He was so angry that he had nowhere to let it go. This kid came to the door, but who was the person who was shaking the Suiying Building with one foot?

  "You open your eyes and talk!"

  Monet was also a little confused. He was thinking about how to make a big deal out of it, but when he came in, he suddenly heard someone calling him, and he said he would kill himself?

  When I'm found, I'm found, I'm the one you can kill?

  Can he endure his petty temper?

  Open your and talk again?

  The disturbed Wuyin suddenly looked at the young man who suddenly rushed in in horror. Does he not know the taboo of the three generations of Mizukage?

  It's not that people haven't opened their eyes, that 13 is small!

  Isn't that open?Otherwise, how did you see it?

  "Damn, let you open your eyes and see if I didn't hear?"

  Seeing that this kid looked at him with his eyes closed and his face paralyzed, Monet felt a fire in his heart. Looking at people and talking is the least respect for others, right?

  "Are you saying it again?!"

  The three generations of Shuiying were so furious that they rushed over to fight Monet desperately, but just two steps away, they were stopped by Shui Wuyue Shi Huang, who was chasing after him.

  "Mizukage-sama! He is Konoha's third generation Hokage Qianshou Monet!"

  Shui Wuyue Shi Huang was frightened and forced, but fortunately he did the job of throwing shit on Qianshou Monet so fast, otherwise he would be a fucking help.

  "It's you, what, did you bring your words?"

  Monet hugged his shoulders with disdain, and then looked up and down the three generations of water shadows.

  "There is no one in your Wuyin Village? Can anyone close their eyes and be a shadow in your village? If you can't do it, you can go to Konoha. Anyway, I'll open my eyes and talk."

  Can you fucking die without mentioning your eyes?

  Three generations of water shadows kicked Boiling Shui Wuyue Shi Huang took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

  It was completely unexpected for Qianshou Monet to visit him in person, and it was not a good thing to see that it was not a matter of provocation.

  "Since he has already brought the message, then Shuiying with his eyes closed, if you apologize, maybe I will let you go to Wuyin Village if I am in a good mood. Hurry up, I am in a hurry."

  Too lazy to talk nonsense, Monet once again put on a pretentious posture exclusive to the second master, holding his shoulders and tapping his arms with his fingers in a rhythmic manner.


  The three generations of water shadows laughed angrily, what does this idiot mean?I killed Lao Tzu, and now I have to apologize to him!Thanks to him, he had guessed whether his subordinates were reporting false information.

  Now he understands that this is actually true!

  It's not a big deal at first, you Konoha can't let the Whirlpools be dogs for others, there's no need to kill people, right?

  "I apologize to your mother!"

  The third generation of water shadows, who were originally not high in quality, felt that he had been insulted. First, he took the initiative to attack the village and destroyed his water shadow building, and then laughed at his small eyes, and now wants him to apologize?That's a congenital defect. Do you think he doesn't want to look at the world with his eyes wide open?

  No need to negotiate?

  Monet's mouth twitched for a while, I really owe it, and I was thinking that you should talk to Haohao to discuss it, and the good guy scolded people directly?

  Good boy, he is stronger than Laozi!

  "Is Shuiying that quality?"

  Monet justly jumped to the high platform behind, pointed at the man with closed eyes and shouted.

  "As a shadow, how can you set an example for the people below with such a low quality? No wonder the garbage I slaughtered before was full of feces. They all learned from you, right?"

  "You still have the face to mention them? I'm going to kill you!"

  Shuiying was even more angry, and the two hands quickly knotted up and printed a water dragon!

  "Kill me? Don't pee and see your virtue?"

  Monet disdainfully jumped away from the attack.

  "Please don't brag, give back the bullshit to the bull, because the bull also wants to live."

  "Water escape! Water rushes!"

  The furious Sui Ying wanted to express his anger with practical actions, and he found that he was not Monet's opponent than the most stinky words.

  "Hey, this is your ninjutsu? It's really not that good, let me tell you this, my second grandfather can drown you by spitting, Mizukage? You are really watery."

  Flying Thunder God launched, Monet returned his position again, and the attack of the three generations of water shadows was again useless.

  "It's not me who told you, your ninjutsu is no different from farting. People's farts still taste, but your ninjutsu doesn't even taste."

  "Don't scold people if you have the ability!"

  Shuiying was so angry that she was so excited that she made a wrong knot, and made a small stream that didn't even make you pee and smothered her face.

  "Have I cursed? I'm not as unqualified as you, I'm Hokage!"

  Monet looked surprised, and smashed an innocent building next to him with a punch.

  Looking at the water shadow rushing up, Monet took a deep breath and put away his smile.

  The entertainment time has passed, and he didn't expect to kill the three generations of water shadows in front of everyone today. That's unrealistic. Monet's thinking is very clear, and he knows how to do it.

  The art of psychic!

  The thousand-handed fan appeared in his hand, and the golden mark on Monet's forehead shone again.

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