Grandson and granddaughter are grown up!

  "Okay, I know about this. You go to sleep first, and I will let people say hello to the school."

  After thinking about it, the second master put a smile on his face, picked up Jiu Xinnai and put her on the bed to let her have a good rest. This little girl is also addicted and ill if she didn't sleep for a whole night.

  "Are you going to punish Brother Monet? Please focus on it! Otherwise, I'm sorry Sister Tsunade."

  Kushina blinked her big eyes with dark circles and finally fell asleep unwillingly.

  this kid.

  The second master was a little speechless, and it was not easy to think about Monet. Not only did he have to abduct Tsunade, but he also had to pay Kushina.

  Um?Why do I say abduction?


  This world is wonderful.

  After a whole day passed, Monet lit a cigarette for himself with a tired Tsunade in his arms. It turned out that the proficient ability of intercourse given by the system was indeed powerful.

  And the strange thing is that when he fired the first shot of his life, the ability that the system gave him was upgraded again.

  Animals, is this turning yourself into a self-propelled gun?

  Monet squinted his eyes and seemed to enjoy the afterglow, and inadvertently glanced at his attribute panel, Monet was a little shocked.

  Attribute points have been directly added by more than [-]?I'm going, is it possible that every time I push one in the future, the attribute will be added?

  Then he would rather be a self-propelled gun!

  "Cough, great host, you are thinking too much. After all, you don't have so many cousins, and you have to have a limit when you are an animal... Only some special women in the Naruto world will be harmed by you more. Attribute bonuses, such as your cousin Tsunade, such as the mother of the child of the world Kushina and Mikoto, such as Konan, and even the last Kaguya Otsutsuki..."

  "However, the Crystal Palace system will be activated when a certain number of beauties are collected, so stay tuned..."

  The system came out lazily with a slightly contemptuous voice, which made Monet suddenly realize, doesn't this mean that he will be sent to the journey of self-propelled guns?

  Talking a lot of bullshit.

  Just thinking about something comfortably, Tsunade twisted.

  "Come to fight~ I don't accept~"

  In a daze, Tsunade said such a sentence, and then... there is no more, anyway, she was trapped by herself, and the trap was miserable.


  After three full days, Monet and Tsunade sneaked out of the room. Fortunately, the second master who saw something told the ninjas below to not panic, otherwise everyone would have to have an accident for their own Hokage.

  The two who hadn't left the room for three days were so hungry that they planned to go to the kitchen for food, but when they went out, they were discovered by the second master who was hiding in the distance.

  "Temperance, don't become like Zilai, Qianshou still needs you to carry forward."

  Looking at Monet and Tsunade very seriously for a long time, the second master spit out such a sentence and turned to leave.

  Monet was okay. He just shrugged his shoulders and didn't care because his face was comparable to that of Earth 4.1. After all, he would not be a Tsunade in terms of his kidneys.

  On the contrary, Tsunade was so ashamed that he could not wait to get into the ground, after all, if the elders saw through this kind of thing, he would always feel embarrassed.

  "By the way, the expatriate ninja has almost returned. You should have planned how to arrange it. I won't say more."

  Before leaving, the second master threw out these words. After hearing this, Monet, who was originally smiling, suddenly became extremely serious.

  The war is about to start again!


  Fourth more.

  The milk dog has a fever and is dazed. It may not be much more today, sorry. .

Chapter [-] Is Konoha so scary? (fifth more)

  Combat Readiness Order!

  One of the provisions designed by Thousand Hands Monet.

  When the combat readiness assembly order is issued, all the ninjas outside must return to the team and wait for the assignment to make the necessary preparations for the war.

  As early as when Monet ordered the standing [-] ninja troops of the Land of Rain to advance to the side of the troops in Iwahide Village, he issued a notice of the battle preparation order.

  There are many ninjas sent out by Konoha Village to perform missions. After all, such a large village needs the funds given by the huge amount of tasks to operate. With the halo of the first and second generations, Konoha is still very trusted. There are many people who come to Konoha to release tasks.

  Of course, the funding problem still exists, but it won't be long before that problem will be resolved.

  War is the fastest way to get money!

  After enjoying the special service of his cousin for a few days, Monet walked out of the gentle village and began to gather his troops.

  Going to Dianjiangtai Road where Konoha was newly built at the entrance of the village, Monet enjoyed the respectful gazes of the villagers around the street, and suddenly he saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes.

  Purple shawl hair 14, delicate face and full body, what a peerless young woman.

  Monet swallowed his saliva and looked back, not knowing whether Sheji and Shedi confessed.

  Things got a little complicated.

  Because Orochimaru has been obsessed with researching experiments, it is basically soaked in the laboratory, and Aunt Sheji is worried that Orochimaru will go into trouble if it goes on like this.

  Naturally, Aunt Sheji would always come to Monet to ask about Orochimaru every few days, and Monet also learned some secrets from the conversation.

  For example, Uncle Snake's life experience.

  First of all, we have to start with the snake father. Because of an accident when he was a child, the snake father directly lost the opportunity to be a man, but when he grows up, he hopes to have a child to accompany him, so... the snake brother was picked up by him. !And Snake Ji is Snake Dad's younger sister, and she has been accompanying Snake Dad to act for Snake Brother all these years.

  This... is a bit bloody, but it also proves that the current Snake Princess is a pure and beautiful young woman who has never been touched?

  However, Monet didn't tell Snake Brother these secrets, and he couldn't speak.

  But there will always be accidents. When Monet went out that day, he accidentally bumped into Snake Mother, who was full of hands and still very cheap... Cough, anyway, this kind of thing must be a disadvantage for young women.

  So from that day onwards, Aunt Sheji began to keep some distance from Monet, and there seemed to be a little more between the two.

  A little tangled.

  Monet took his eyes back from Snake Ji and coughed and continued to walk forward. At this time, Monet fell into a turning point in his life. Is it better to be an animal or a scum with a bottom line?

  Why do you feel that the word scum is not as good as livestock?

  This question has to be considered carefully, Monet shook his head to wake himself up, what's the matter, the army is about to go out, and he is thinking about whether to push the woman?

  Hokage is a goddamn qualified man in this regard.

  After correcting the gods, Monet led his Hokage Guards out of Konoha Village.

  The tall point general platform was designed by Monet himself, and standing on it will unconsciously have a heroic momentum.

  Climbing up to the point of command, Monet nodded as he looked at the ninja army that had assembled below.

  After five years of recuperation and training, the current Konoha armament power is well-deserved number one!

  On this expedition, he intends to solve all the problems on the battlefield of Yuyin Village at one time, and sweep away those rubbish who dare to challenge Konoha's status!

  With his current strength beyond the shadow level, it is enough to sway one side of the battlefield!


  The group fan fell into his hands, and Monet raised his arms and shouted. Monet did not explain much to Uchiha and Erye about the problem of the group fan. Since the word Qianshou was written on it, it was not the Uchiha group fan but the Qianshou. Hand fan!

  You have to hold back if you have an opinion!


  Not much nonsense, the troops assembled this time are more than the last time they set off on the expedition. Except for the standing guard of more than [-] ninjas who stayed on the defense, the remaining [-] ninjas all went to the front line.

  If you want to hit, hit hard!What's the point of just tentatively releasing the vanguard?

  It's really boring to fight like Hanzo's Yuyin Village and Sand Ninja Village.

  "Let's go!"

  Carrying the fan, Monet jumped off the point and followed behind Sannin and Hatake Sakumo.

  This battle will be an opportunity for Konoha to shock the world!



  "What does he want to do with Monet? Ah? Is he a fool?"

  At the Iwayin Village position, they were facing off against the Konoha Pioneer Army, which was not far from each other, that is, the troops brought by Monet five years ago.

  His current mood is very similar to that of Qianshou Mo Nai before.


  At the beginning, Monet evoked the battle between the land of earth and the land of wind. He was about to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but he was suddenly caught off guard by Yun Yin, and Monet was always worried about this.

  But now, he is doing the same thing as Sanleizi!

  Instead of waiting for Yuyin Village and Sand Ninja Village to fight almost to gain the benefits of a fisherman, come to fight the land of other countries?

  "Sick! Definitely sick!"

  Smashing the desk, Onomu poured himself a sip of tea and tried to calm down, but it was a bit of a coincidence that the tea was hot and hot.

  "Master Tuying is not good! The people from Konoha are calling!"


  Suddenly startled, Oh Yemu didn't have time to spit out the hot tea, but he swallowed it in one gulp. His blushing old face seemed to ooze blood for a moment, and the hot tea was churning wildly in his throat and its might as if he was mad. It was not tea but a soldering iron.

  "What's the matter with you, Lord Tuikage? Konoha is so scary to scare you like this? Alright, I'll go and surrender with Konoha right away!"

  "I vote for you... Uncle..."

  Fifth more.

  (beats the table) Tickets! .

Chapter [-]: The Familiar Bing Pill. (sixth more)

  No one expected Konoha to move so fast.

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